choosing my name..need some ideas plz

avatar for blondie2190
blondie2190 im brand new at this.literally stepped foot in my first club to fill out my application last heres the thing,,what name do i go by?i have so many ideas but not sure where to go with it.heres my stats to maybe help blonde,blue eyes,38Cs(natural),5'3.i was brought up country,so i thought maybe a country name,but also was a cheerleader too.i dont know if i want something more exotic or maybe even a girl next door type of name.since im a newbie i just wanted to get some opinions on what you guys think.thank you:)


last comment
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Juicy....sounds good 2 me lol ! but maybee try the usual like star ? Or maybee something like grace...I realy like grace !
avatar for Sowhatt
13 years ago
avatar for steve229
13 years ago

Excuse me, did you say you used to be a cheerleader?

PM me.
avatar for blondie2190
13 years ago
yes i was.and
avatar for darooaur
13 years ago
A regular name like Nicole or Amy or Candance sounds more genuine. If you have fake boobs, a more plastic name like Barbie or Blondie would be appropriate. There are guys who like girls with fake boobs and there are others who like more natural looking women.
avatar for wallanon
13 years ago
What about Dazzler?
avatar for blondie2190
13 years ago
thanks for the help everyone.all good ideas:)
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
Stick with a regular name. A blatently stripper name may come back to bite you.

If you wanta go country: Dasiy, Carrie, Taylor all sound good to me. (BTW nice pic!)
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago
I like the name Honey for a stripper. It can be taken so many ways and it is not slutty.

Though, I must add; my first experience in a hard core club was in Honeys in Everett,Wa (definitely a slutty club).
avatar for turbopokey
13 years ago
This is just my personnal opinion here, but you might needd to consider what you are wanting to get out of dancing before picking a name. Are you just going to be in for few weeks or months for quick cash? easy names should suffice, but not a common one(lisa, sarah, and such. No first and lasts. a "lisa spitfire" or some such and the dj will just call u lisa all time). Or little longer for several months till yu get your financial house in order(that goal is a hazard in that it can turn long term in the blink of a decade). Yes I know you can change name again but some of my dancer friends said they kinda had to change clubs to do it. if you're in an area with large amount of clubs several are prob good ones, if there's only 2-3 within 50 miles you prob only have one decent one that you already prob put in your app at. crap didnt mean this to be this long.. ok maybe something like "serena- selena", or a mashup like "Sofira or Jennica"... welll thats my two cents.
avatar for wallanon
13 years ago
turbopokey's first post after two years of lurking sure was a doozy. The Silent Bob of TUSCL.
avatar for blondie2190
13 years ago
thx mjx.i think i could see myself as a daisy:) lol
avatar for how
13 years ago
Daisy would be a good choice. Another vote for that pick.
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
I like Grace too, just like juicebox. Good one juice!
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
Bernie Madoff?
avatar for bobvz
13 years ago
avatar for rrbill
13 years ago
Cheery Cheryl.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
blondie your hair looks brown in your picture
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
Blondie, please be careful of Steve. He's been known to, ah, make a nit of a mess where cheerleaders are concerned. On the other hand, you might be able to retire early, if you wear the right outfits.

With regard to the name, just make it different enough from the other names in the club that you won't be confused with somebody else, but don't get goofy. Exotic is good, outlandish isn't.
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
I agree with Stiletto
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Something classy like Pussy
avatar for yankee428
13 years ago
Daisy is a good one. I'll throw Sunny into the mix too.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Your REAL 1st Name!
avatar for Buttrub
13 years ago
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
DJ, and not the one that spins the tunes.
avatar for crazyjoe
13 years ago
Daisy i s cute and country. Don't forget u dukes!
avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
Daisy is the name I picked for the stripper in my movie! LOL
avatar for CTQWERTY
13 years ago
Adora. Short for adorable & easy to remember. Plus, drunk guys will sound stoopid saying it thus making it easy to identify and avoid them [ie "I Adora youuuuuu!!!!!" = AVOID]
avatar for JohnBuford
13 years ago
Kalyn (K-Lynn)
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
13 years ago
Every time a question about dancers stage names comes up, I post this link. There may be a thousand stage names listed here. Many are regular girls names. Some are stripperesque. Others are named after various body parts:…
avatar for minnow
13 years ago
The 1st names that popped into my head were Cherry or Suzie Q. Welcome to tuscl, thanks for picture post.
avatar for boatmonkey
13 years ago
The club I frequent has a large older clientele - I can't understand why no girl has just chosen the obvious names: Viagra or Cialis! Works for me!!
avatar for rell
13 years ago
to be honest your probly going to change your name a few times until you find the one u like the best
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
Just saw your other pics, very nice! Would you happen to have any in your cheerleader outfit you could post?
avatar for Prim0
13 years ago
Keep in mind also that some other girl might have the name you choose...have a few backups ready.

What part of the country are you in...we'll make sure you have a line up of professional customers to put you through the paces and help train you up as a good "dancer".

And stay away from a bad influence!
avatar for kuteechaser
13 years ago
Like other members here, I prefer Daisy... bright and cheery. It seems like a natural fit for your personality and looks.
avatar for kingcripple
13 years ago
for the love of God please pick a regular name. Hell use your real name. No one would ever know the difference
avatar for vivi24
13 years ago
If thats you in your pics why dont you just call youself Blondie when you dance too?
avatar for sanitago
13 years ago
blondie works, so why not use that?
avatar for 2ofus
13 years ago
lol at the guy who suggested "Pussy"

"Gentlemen, cominguponthemainstaaaaaggge, make some noise forrrr PUSSY!"


blondie, with tits that size, you need a good country name. Wear some kind of tied up top - gingham, maybe.
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