Speaking of dread diseases

avatar for vincemichaels
Replying to a thread a few minutes ago got me to thinking. Do you know of any club patron who got AIDS from a dancer. I haven't, but the thought of it makes me wonder. I know that dancers are at risk moreso than the general population, but I wondered.


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avatar for jmiddle30234
13 years ago
No while I the most I ever got is a Hj itc and some fiv the only way is from body fluid to body fluid except herpes which can come from gentile to gentile contact. Also a lot of these dancers while seem to be flakes have children and know how to mitigate the risk perhaps better than the general population
avatar for steel3643
13 years ago
Well first off , You don't get aids from anyone.You get infected with the HIV virus from someone , which then supposedly leads to AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome).But if you actually do a little research on AIDS ,you will realize that the public has been mislead.The first thing i was surprised to learn was how inaccurate HIV tests are.You can test positive one week and then negative the next and then positive again,and then test negative the rest of your life and so on.But most doctors won't tell you that the tests aren't accurate. They will do what most good bullshit doctors do ,and that is push the drugs.Also the definition of Aids is different in different parts of the world.One example of how inaccurate HIV tests are is Tommy 'THE DUKE' Morrison.He was a boxer who's career was ended because of a positive HIV test.But has had more than 20 negative tests since then and has been allowed to box in certain places since the positive test in 1996.He also talks about the fact that the only period of time he was sick was when taking the anti viral drugs.He talks about how non of his sexual partners were infected with HIV.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v…

But thats just one example that maybe should make people ask more questions about HIV and AIDS.Just think of how many peoples lives have been ruined because they thought they had this horrible virus on the basis of an inaccurate test.Then their doctors (who don't know any better and do whatever the fuck the pharmaceutical companies tell them is best) give the drugs to the person.Then this person who may or may not actually have HIV is given these toxic drugs. Then they start getting sick and are told that Aids is setting in.

A good documentary on this subject is "House of Numbers."It shows experts from both sides of the debate and then you can decide for yourself.But myself ,I'm more concerned with the other stds that have been around for hundreds and maybe even thousands of years.I'm not sold that HIV causes AIDS.In Africa and other parts of the world ,You can be HIV negative and still be diagnosed with having AIDS.Sounds like bullshit to me

People in this country and around the world need to question things ,and not just believe everything they see on tv,and everything their government tells them.
avatar for Player11
13 years ago
An x dancer I have been seeing over three yr does not know of any gals with HIV ("they would not admit it if they had it") but Herpes is a risk especially from BBBJ.

While STD is a concern for the SC Hobbyist, I think one risk ignored is stripper pregnancy. Many of them dont have funds for regular BC.
avatar for IrishLad
13 years ago
"I know that dancers are at risk moreso than the general population"

That sounds wrong, unless you mean strippers are more likely to be promiscuous. The risk of HIV transmission from lap dancing is exactly zero. The risk of HIV from a hand job is also exactly zero (you can make a long shot purely theoretical argument for how it might be possible but there has literally never been a recorded incident of this occurring).

Even the risk of HIV transmission from a BBBJ is nearly zero unless she has open wounds in her mouth and even then it is very low. Bear in mind that viruses are more fragile than bacteria and saliva is a chemically active digestive fluid (converts starches to sugar).

Even other more common diseases rarely transmit from less than sex.

Herpes for sure is riskier from BBBJ because a mouth can be the site of infection, but the kind of herpes that most commonly infects the genitals is actually a different strain that infects the mouth. It is possible to get genital herpes in the mouth and oral herpes in the genitals, but that is very very rare.

Generally speaking, the vast majority of STDs are transmitted, not surprisingly, through actual sex. Also generally speaking viruses are much harder to pass than bacterial infections (e.g. chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea can potentially be caught through BJs or other very intimate but "less than actual sex" activities where bodily fluids get into your mouth or the tip of your penis).

But you can't get anything at all from a lap dance, no matter how much she grinds her damp g-string over your hard on through your khakis. It doesn't "seep through".
avatar for HB13
13 years ago
Only know of one dancer that got HPV from her boyfriend, which then lead to a bad case of cervical cancer.
avatar for kingcripple
13 years ago
You sound alot like my sister. She too, thinks that strippers are more at risk then other girls because of thier job. It really isn't in the job description for a stripper to have sex with or blow anyone. I actually agree with HB13. Maybe its not that the stipper is promiscuous, but their boyfriends. I'd be willing to bet my life savings a stripper boyfriend is more promiscous than a stripper
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
Thanks guys for pointing any errors in my original post, but I'll stick with my main premise of the dancers (at least the ones I have met in my travels across this fine country we live in) that their promiscuity would tend to indicate their enhanced possibility of becoming HIV positive leading quite possibly to contractin AIDS. I don't claim to know everything and am subject to errors. To my knowledge and from all tests I've ever had for STD's I have never contracted HIV infection and hope I never do. I look forward to continued discussion on this thread.
avatar for Sowhatt
13 years ago
Don't be a fool, wrap your tool.
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
Rapid oral tests are known to be inaccurate.

Whole blood HIV test are extremely accurate. "Many studies have confirmed the accuracy of current methods of HIV testing in the United States, reporting false-positive rates of 0.0004 to 0.0007 and false-negative rates of 0.003" and an initial positive result must/shold be confirmed with a second test. (multiple references)

avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
I don't know any stripper ever giving a customer bacterial meningitis
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
jmiddle30234: "except herpes which can come from gentile to gentile contact."

You've got me scared. I'll only bang Jewish strippers from now on!
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
You mean there are no jewish people with herpes I find that hard to believe
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
I'm at very low risk for most of the scarier cooties, but the thought of bringing herpes home wakes me up screaming some nights. That one would be a very real risk with some of the more (*ahem*) intimate encounters I have with dancers.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

I still get that "C" infection!
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
Makes you wonder if there is any chance of catching anything from roaming hands or fingers. I guess that's why some members on here say they wash their hands after getting a lap dance. Occasionally I've had a dancer suck on my fingers which doesn't bother me. A couple of times a dancer put her tongue in my ear. I don't care for dancers getting their saliva all over me unless I'm really enjoying what they are doing.

I remember one young dancer apparently had a germ phobia. She didn't want any licking or sucking or anything involving saliva. I was thinking if she's that nervous about someone kissing or licking her, she chose the wrong job.
avatar for Shamrock211
13 years ago
"gentile to gentile"

Fucking classic. Engrish are so haRd a langwage.
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
I suck at spelling. Always have, always will with out spell-checker. Then again... I'm not aiming for PhD quality/level work here.
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