Club Rules for Dancers

avatar for stanfromchicago
Although I'm up in years, I've only recently become a PL, and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. The other day I was at Flight Club in Detroit, and the dancer I was chatting with, B, said a couple of things that really piqued my interest. It was evening, maybe 8pm, and we were watching one of the dancers come in from outside in her street clothes and head for the back. B said that each dancer has to pay the club $170 a night for the privilege of working there. And if they come in late, they have to pay a penalty, like $40 or more per hour that they're late! So not only do they have less time to make money, they have to pay more to the club.

Later the shot girl came buy. I asked B if she wanted a shot, and she said "I can't say no; if I say no I'll get fired". Just got me thinking about all the things I don't know about how this game works. Thought maybe some of you expert PL's might offer some insight. For example, when I buy a drink for a girl, does she get some credit towards her $170 fee? What about shots? What other penalties are the girls at risk for?

B also was very conscious of the number of dances we had in the private area (although I must say that she was TOTALLY accommodating). I wondered if she actually had to pay the club a certain amount for each dance spent in there. Anyone know?

Just thought the more I know about how these things work, the better I'll understand the dancers and what makes them tick. (Yeah, I know it's money, but details, man, details.) Looking forward to hearing your wisdom gleaned from many lost hours and franklins.


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avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
Every club has different rules, but I know a few things about the Flight Club. Dancers have to pay to dance at the club, and they are fined for various infractions such as being late. Besides the fee paid to the FC, dancers are expected to tip the DJ, the bouncers, the house mom, the valet, etc. All of this adds up. If they don't get enough customers, dancers can easily end up in the red at the end of the day.

Dancers have to pay for their own drinks unless a customer pays for them. (I always buy dancers drinks when they sit with me.) If a shot girl asks a dancer if she wants a shot, she has to say yes. She will be fined if she says no. The customer, I have learned, should always say no as soon as the shot girl shows up. The shots are a waste. The alcohol content of the shots given to the dancers is very low, and the girls at the Flight Club don't need to be drunk to get loose and wild.

The dancers do not pay the FC a portion of the money they make for each lap dance. They have paid the Club up front, and they keep everything they earn in VIP. I like to get plenty of lap dances to help these poor young women out.
avatar for stanfromchicago
13 years ago
Thanks for the details, gents. If you know that it costs the girl maybe $200 a day just to come to work, maybe you're a bit more tolerant of their aggressiveness...?
avatar for Sowhatt
13 years ago
Most clubs I go to I straight up ask the girl what her pay structure is like, and hint that the more I know, the more I'm more likely to take care of her in whatever manner gets her the most money. They're almost always honest about it.

Some clubs is a flat fee + tip outs, others have mixed structure with lower flat fees but they lose a portion of dances/VIP.

Most VIP areas in my experience the dancer either keeps a % of the fee (usually half to 75%), OR you pay the house all of the "rental" + bottle service fee, and the dancer works for the tip only.

As with many other things, always better if you ask, and let her know that you've got her back. Makes for better dances, I promise you.
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
I agree that every club is different, and I particularly agree with Sowhatt, in that taking the time and making the effort to get to know your dancer pays off, both short term and long term, in my experience. You know how they make their money, and, if you become a regular, they know you are a reliable source of it. I'm not a big spender by any stretch of the imagination, but I know a couple of girls who will find a way to get out of a conversation and will join me when they see me walk in. Not always, but almost. And it's because they know exactly what I want and exactly what I will give them.
avatar for JohnBuford
13 years ago
Wow.Do I feel like a rube.I had NO idea all these rules and requirements were in place for these dancers.Jeeesh.Stan,thanks for speaking up.And to all of you who have responded thus far (and all who undoubtedly will going forward)I say thank you.Please enlighten me/us.And I'm not being a smart ass.Promise.
avatar for samsung1
13 years ago
I heard at bogarts down the street from flight club they can either pay the house fee upfront or at the ending their shift. If they choose to pay at the end then it will be a higher amount
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
some clubs are contract clubs. that is where a dancer pays a high fee & can dance as long as she wants or as short as she wants. other clubs have house fee's. the go to the house & also. the dancer has to pay the bartender,bouncer, manager
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
At the Platinum Plus clubs, a dancer that does a Champagne Room gig, gets her house fee for that day waived.
avatar for staxwell
13 years ago
Lately I'm meeting girls that work at more than one club. They say they had to get a license(or something similar) for each club, then they have to pay the fee's, etc. It must be tough as hell for the girls who don't get much love from the customers. And I've met a few who don't even bother dancing on stage(I'm guessing fee's play a role).
avatar for brainiac
13 years ago
There's also the "scam" that most clubs run when a customer pays for the champagne room with a credit card.

You have to purchase an amount of the club's "currency" (Kahoots Cash, Platinum Dollars, or some such name) to pay the dancers. A common method is to include a 15% service charge and only redeem the "currency" at 90% of its face value.

Say you decide to purchase $500 of Kahoots Cash. Your card will be charged $575 ($500 plus 15% of $500). If you pay all of this amount to your dancer (what else are you going to do with it?), she'll present it to the club for payment in actual dollars but will only receive $450 ($500 less a 10% fee). The club makes $125 ($75 for your service charge and $50 for redeeming its own "currency") for issuing you a cash advance of $500. (There are merchant fees that the club has to pay on a credit card transaction but they're typically between 2% and 5%.)

There are clubs that will even delay issuing payment when a dancer tries to redeem the club "currency." They'll tell her that they need to wait until the money shows up in the club's checking account. I've heard of these types of payments being delayed for up to a week.

If you intend to make such a transaction, it's best to discuss it with your dancer beforehand.

avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
Obviously, I've heard of them, but I've never actually patronized a club that uses funny money. Given the scam like qualities of such a device described by brainiac, it seems likely that the only "incentive" the club could offer for its use would be to forbid the use of actual cash. If that's the case, I suspect I'll continue no patronizing them. :)
avatar for 10inches
13 years ago
least $ amount that I have ever heard from a dancer was 60/shift for house fee then add tip outs. must be only job that you pay to work. that's why I don't understand girls that just around in groups and ignore customers.
avatar for 2ofus
13 years ago
^^ maybe those girls have done a couple $200 VIPs and are satisfied with $340 for the day?
avatar for staxwell
13 years ago
10inches, that's why I don't feel bad for some of those girls. They sit doing nothing, while I sit with a few hundred in my pocket being ignored by them. That's why I make sure I take good care of the ones that do come over.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Club rules:
#1 dont suck the customers cock
#2 if you cant read this go ahead and suck the customers cock
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