obviously fake reviews

avatar for sanitago

I've seen a couple here that fell well into the TGTBT (Too Good To Be True) category, but this one really is the silliest one I've ever seen: http://www.tuscl.net/u-r.php?UID=266775 anyone seen one to top this?


last comment
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 yrs ago

Flag it.

avatar for sanitago
13 yrs ago

yeah, shoulda thought of that when I read it the first time, but got a little busy laughing at it. done now.

avatar for vincemichaels
13 yrs ago

What a schmuck.

avatar for shadowcat
13 yrs ago

Anybody still believe that editors are reading any reviews before publishing them?

avatar for samsung1
13 yrs ago

The good reviews still outnumber the bad ones

avatar for mjx01
13 yrs ago

I agree that the review of the Admiral Theatre referenced by OP is one of the silliest. However, it would not say it is innacurate based on my experience at the Admiral.

avatar for carolinaclubman
13 yrs ago

On the other hand, I recently had a real review rejected. I made no mention of illicit activity and thought it was well written but apparently someone else thought otherwise.

On the side of fake reviews, I once posted a comment on another strip club site and a few weeks later I saw that some loser had copied and pasted that comment as a review on this site. I should have flagged it but didn't bother.

avatar for shadowcat
13 yrs ago

carolinaclubman - Maybe your review was on the wrong club. From your last review.

Fantails Adult Show Club • Myrtle Beach, South Carolina • June 14, 2011

Was in town seeing friends, they had to work the next day and I didnt so off to Sharkys I go.

Sharkys is in Fayetteville NC.

avatar for troop
13 yrs ago

it doesn't look like a fake review, more like he couldn't think of anything else to say so he kept repeating it to meet the minimum word count to get his review accepted. aka cheap way out.

avatar for carolinaclubman
13 yrs ago

That was a mistake I didn't catch until later. The rejected review was a different instance. But thanks for doing your homework.

avatar for 3LeggedMan
13 yrs ago

Shadowcat, I had a review rejected about 3 weeks ago, allegedly for not having enough detail. Well, I had whole lot more to say in my rejected review than this drivel about Admiral, which was clearly written by a dancer or other employee. Chicagoans know Admiral as an overly expensive airdance club. Pretty girls, high cost, low contact.

avatar for sanitago
13 yrs ago

so I guess fakes aren't uncommon then. why ain't I amazed? as to troop's comment about the reviewer just wanting to say something without bothering to really write much of anything: if you're not willing to at least give some details, why even both to write in the first place?

avatar for shadowcat
13 yrs ago

4 weeks of free VIP status.

avatar for smokeshopjoe
13 yrs ago

cheap ass LEO?

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