Weirdest Thing You Ever Masurbated To

avatar for Doc_Holliday
a good topic for a Sunday Morning, right?

Paula Deen on The Food Network. (wouldn't do it again, but it felt great at the time)


last comment
avatar for fetish_dancer
13 years ago
Did you use butter for lube?
avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
Hot corn syrup. It was a long day at the laundromat.
avatar for fetish_dancer
13 years ago
Fuckin' redneck.
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
A Cher video.

LOL, I'm joking. I'm going to have to think about it.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
The women's underwear section of the Sears catalog back in the day when when they used to mail out those huge catalogs. Just admit it. Every guy in my age group did that as a teenager.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
The women's underwear section of the Sears catalog back in the day when when they used to mail out those huge catalogs. Just admit it. Every guy in my age group did that as a teenager.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
Damn smartphones. Touchscreens are made for fat fingers
avatar for AnonymousJim
13 years ago
I'll do your Sears Catalog one better: I had a huge thing for Kathy Ireland as a kid. In the mid-90's, after Kathy had finished up with her SI Swimsuit career, she reached a deal with Kmart for a signature line of women's apparel.

I still have a collection of Kmart Sunday circulars hidden someplace. As good as it was to see her in a swimsuit on some covers, it got even better when they put her in lacy white bras for the intimate apparel line since that went a little beyond what you ever saw in SI.

Paula Deen? Really? I mean, I hate to judge, but man. Rachael Ray, Giada De Laurentiis, sure. I mean, ESPN's Kiana Tom (Google her) and even Steffi Graf (Wimbledon only, love the white skirts) would do it for me in my younger days. But Paula Deen? Methinks, at the very least, you've outed yourself as a foodie.
avatar for ralphyboy
13 years ago
lathering up for nancy (totmom) grace on DWTS this monday as we speak...
avatar for newmark
13 years ago
I am with you guys on the catalogs and circulars. One other thing I bet every guy in our age group did was to whack it to the scrambled adult cable channels
avatar for Dudester
13 years ago
Ages 6-7, I lived in a railroad hotel. Ages 7-11, lived about one hundred yards from said hotel (in a house). Very young, I had access to all kinds of pornography-it was the 1970's and there was ALL kinds of pornography then. Let us just say, that as a kid, I found a magazine where the kids were my age. I only had it about a year when someone found and stole my stash )included some really old Playboys.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
Dudester, did you just cop to viewing child porn when you were a child?
avatar for looneylarry
13 years ago
Weirdest place was out in a cornfield, because I couldn't get any damn privacy. Really ralphyboy, Nancy Grace? She has gotten pretty thick now. And I suppose in some sort of dom way she could wear the black pleather and beat your ass, but I'm not into that. I suppose fantasizing about her taking it up the pooper might be worthwhile, but there are plenty others that could be easily substituted.
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
Laura Linney in "The Princess Diaries".
I know. It was soooooo wrong.
Even with Scarlett Johansson & Alicia Keys in the movie, there was something about Ms. Linney that just got to me.
And it was on a flight to Seattle, BTW.

avatar for Dudester
13 years ago
nudist magazine actually, but adults were only in one picture.
avatar for DandyDan
13 years ago
When I was a high school kid in the Chicago area, probably every single female newscaster on Chicago TV back then. Then I discovered the Spanish channel. That was different. As for the catalog thing, I always thought Montgomery Wards were better than Sears for some reason. Of course, they killed off Montgomery Wards at some point.

avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
1. I don't masterbate I jackoff 2, martha stewart after prison! Oooo ya sexy prison bitch!
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

I used to call the spanish station the LBC. Latin Babe Channel.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
Anyone remember Deborah Corday, Loryanna Catalano, Tina Rocca, Tamarah Park, Beth Farrelly and Amanda Lee of Aerobicise?
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
One of my teen years' girlfriend's panties.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
avatar for EarlTee
13 years ago
newmark: guilty as charged

Clubber: my show of choice was "20 Minute Workout." Shit, I just found it on YouTube and it still gets me going.
avatar for spudd
13 years ago
For me, it was Denis Austin Workout on PBS.

Or the the female meteorologists on The Weather Channel.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Some times I jerk my self off to the mr. Rogers show !
avatar for smokeshopjoe
13 years ago
hentai, if you dont, know dont ask.

but to be fair i have masturbated A LOT! I couldn't possibly keep track of all the weird shit.
avatar for looneylarry
13 years ago
spudd, set me up with Vivian Brown at TWC and let me have a free afternoon. LOL
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