Samhain Outfits?

avatar for fetish_dancer
Yeah, it's Halloween to you Christians and Catholics and historical slaughterers of pagans.

So, I was a nun last year. I don't mean a "sexy nun;" I mean I went out and found an outfit with the whole nine yards. Wore Mary Janes and a rosary. Two songs sets means I danced in this outfit for one song, then ripped the robe off the second song. It was pretty awesome.

I just wore the wimple, gloves, rosary, and Mary Janes for the rest of the night. I'm looking for suggestions now, creative suggestions. I love leather and latex and chains, so anything along those lines. Or not. Anything and everything is welcomed and encouraged!


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avatar for CTQWERTY
13 years ago
With all the publicity generated from the royal wedding this year, maybe that's fertile ground?

What about a Muslim outfit? You could start with a chador or burqa, and then take off pieces, ending up wearing nothing but a veil (the face is the female body part that strict Arabs believe should never be shown in public.)
avatar for Dudester
13 years ago
Thor type outfit, with silver skull cap (removeable) breast plate, flowing red cape, and little else (the female Thor is Brundhilda).
@CWERTY: Love it! I have lots of hair so I could incorporate a hat...or decorations or something.
@jackslash: I am so stupidly tempted to do this. No one really knows my ethnicity -- I *could* be of ME descent -- but I'm wondering if it's just too edgy for a club. Perhaps I'll wear it for a Samhain party :D

@Dudester: I LOVE the second one. I could probably find most of that online. Plus it kinda goes with my Xena idea..

These are great ideas, guys.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
This is really steve stealing Clubbers nick. Be a cheerleader!
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
DAMN that steve! Go as a newborn baby, but no diapers.
avatar for thesamurai
13 years ago
Be Red Sonja!!
@Clubber/Steve: The ratio of cheerleaders each year increases.
@Clubber: You're bad!
@thesamurai: I had to google Red Sonja. Too bad I'm not a redhead; she's hot!
One of the big 'fro chicks from Undercover Brother. Or as Beyonce from whichever Austin Powers flick she was in. You've probably already got the platforms, right? :))
Improve on last year's costume. Go as a pregnant nun.
omg, I *could* be Foxxy Cleopatra, haha. And yes, I do have similar platforms.
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
I have never been big on dressing up for Halloween, but I ALWAYS wanted to find someone to play Dagger from Marvel Comics and I would dress up as Cloak. Was not able to talk my ex-wife or any of my various girlfriends through the years into doing it. I bet you could make a great Dagger. Here is a picture.…
avatar for Rlionheart
13 years ago
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
"Be a cheerleader!"

"The ratio of cheerleaders each year increases."

That's why Halloween is my favorite holiday!
avatar for smokeshopjoe
13 years ago
I think you should go as A.W.E.S.O.M.E-O…
@rh48hr: Love the pics; will consider :3
@Rlionheart: I love the description and could probably do something with it.
@Steve: Lol, you and cheerleaders :D
@Smoke: That would be epic. But how to strip/give lapdances/etc out of a cardboard box?
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

You mention, "...a cardboard box?" Are you trying to tell us something about your anatomy? :)
You didn't see that South Park episode, did you? lol

I wish I could play along with this joke but I have no fitting analogy, lmao.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
I quit watching SP some time ago. I do, however, have a 3' Cartman plush autographed by Matt Stone and Trey Parker!

PS - AND a box of Cheesy Poofs!
avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
Werewolf. For the furries.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
Ahhh... we're not going to get to hear about your fabulous costume dances?!
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