
Tales of a Drunken Dancer

Last time at the club, I had three girls I knew working the shift. With that many, you wouldn't expect to spend much time alone, and I didn't. But, that didn't stop the vultures from swarming! In less than 5 min from the first girl leaving, I got hit. 

...I should also say, at this point in my patronage, I shouldn't call them all vultures. There's really about four different kinds of birds at a strip club -- the 'macaws' who never have to approach anyone and only fraternize with the other birds and their generous feeders, the 'hawks' who go after the big game, the 'vultures' who pick apart the carrion, and then there are the 'finches'  (who also swarm you for food, but they are easy on the eyes and genuinely harmless). This was a finch. A very intoxicated finch.

So, my dancer leaves. With a grin and a hard on, I watch her shake her little ass back to the dressing room. And then I get tapped on the shoulder. I turn around and here is this tall, glossy eyed, bleach blonde stripper. "You having fun, tonight?" What I said was, "Yeah, you?" what I thought was, "Goddamn, these bitches are quick on the draw!" 

She leans in and whispers,"I'm so horny, right now! *hiccup*" She stands herself back up, "I just had like seven shots of Patron in the VIP!" She throws her hands up; she's so proud of herself! 'Yeaaaaa!' I chuckle and I clap for her.

She puts her hands back on me and asks if I want a dance. I give her the typical spill of 'I'd like to see your stage show first, or at least an air dance before I'll want a lap dance.' And she gives me the bullshit line of 'up there you can see me, but down here you can touch me.' Typically, I'd pass immediately, but... she was drunk. And I had a hard on.

So, I get the dance. She sets me down and starts an air dance. It starts off good! (she dances well while she's drunk) She moves her hands over her body, she removes her top, turns around, feels herself up, and then she removes the bottom. She feels me up, gets into my lap, looks dead into my eyes, like there's something she wants that she can't control. She moves her hands over mine and places them on her thighs, and then, *hiccup*. She shakes it off, like something on her nose. It broke her concentration.

She giggles, takes a deep breath, then starts over. She places my hands on her body, up and over her big, c cup breasts. I squeeze, and *hiccup*. She giggles again. "Dammit!" *hiccup* "Ahhhhh!" She stops and breaths, again.

She gets up and turns around. Looking dead into my eyes, she shoves her tits into my face and she starts to grind. *hiccup* ...and back to the giggling. Now she can't stop. Frustrated, she grinds more, deeper, harder, and then, the fucking *hiccup* and we start over.

This goes on for about two or three minutes. 

Then around minute four, she moves further back down my legs, her ass between my knees, my hands on her breasts. I move them down to her thighs, you know, for support! She gives me this playful, little seductive grin (the giggles and hiccups seem to have gone for the moment), and she moves her own hands down below...

She begins to touch herself. I get excited! As a newbie to the nude scene, this is the first time I got to watch a girl masturbate in a club!! But there's this one little thing... It's not that sexy.

It started off that way. But once her fingers touched her lips, it was like it was the first time for her, too! All of a sudden, the seductive act went away. It was like I had disappeared, everyone in the club vanished, and she was all alone, just her and her vagina... Her head down, concentrating, feeling each curve and crevice, figuring out what speed and pressure felt best, it was like... it was like she had this new toy she was fascinated with! But still had to figure out how it worked. It was absolutely amazing!

So the song stopped and I let her continue. For another. Then, another.

By the beginning of the third song, she found her grove. She looked up and I was back! So was the room! Yea! She found the party! She leaves her left hand down there, feeling, rubbing, plunging, and with her right, grapples my neck and pulls me to her. She's moaning in my ear, biting my lobe, the essence of sweat, shampoo, and agave filling my nostrils. I lean back into the chair and she comes with me. I'm somewhat distracted by the fact I think she may tip us over. Her ass is still on my knees, her thighs are digging into mine, and I'm pressing my feet hard to the floor. My hands find her way to her ass, but it's all for support, I swear! Her head is burred into my neck, I can practically taste her shampoo. I'm suffocating. It's wonderful! She bites into my shirt, and stops. She sits up And giggles. She did it! She's so proud!

So, I laugh and ask what I owe her. "Thirty." The price of one VIP song. I give her fifty and ask her not to drive home.

I guess she wasn't lying about being horny.


  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    Oh yeah, what stories about wasted strippers do you have?
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    The one about the stripper who offered to lick my asshole because she had just snorted her pill.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    And the short version, did she fuck you?
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    I have many of stories about wasted strippers
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Christal writes better stories.
  • smokeshopjoe
    13 years ago
    NO I think christal copies and pastes better stories. I dont think she writes them.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    smokeshopjoe - wrong. I have met Christal and done VIP with her twice.
    13 years ago
    re: VIP w/ Christal

    You lucky cat!
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