
Perky Nipple Time - Weather Report From The North

Killing frost hit the camp recently. Great news! The wretched bugs are dead. Daytime temperatures remain in the 10C-20C range (50F-68F). I can finally wear shorts and t-shirts.

Those perky nipples would be mine. Camp remains resolutely male and boring. Hence, this boring topic, from a boring PL, leading a boring non-SC life.

Thing is, I am happier than that proverbial pig rolling in shit! My brain is being exercised like never before and my wits are being taxed by dealing with a couple of real sharks in the business. tuscl is my tenuous connection to the SC world.


  • smokeshopjoe
    13 years ago
    I am glad to see that I am not the only one rolling in good chi tonight. I am in the hateful desert of arizona and would LOVE those temps! I still get days of ball melting heat. Which as a note for SCing in the desert southwest. When you are dressed for the 100+ temps out side and you go into the club where it is 70 you will freeze you nipples off!
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    art, I have been waiting with bated breath for a report from you about the geophysicist hottie and some bang fest in Edmonton. Is it moving in that direction? Was it just a passing fancy caused by too much time in the bush (the outdoors bush, not the. . .other). Maybe it's time for the hot tub play? Or the mink coat as a friendly gift play? Or the drop-in at HER place of work and then drinks later play?
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    No offence intended farmerart, but the only "Perky Nipples" that interest me belong to Dancers. LOL
  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    art-Houston has dipped below 100 degrees for the first time since early June. Everything is uncharacteristically brown as we are 27 inches below our annual average rain fall. All it takes is one discarded cigarette, or a minor traffic incident to start a raging wildfire-which we have seen a lot of this summer.

    Food for thought-to keep law required distance, St. James has nothing around it for 1/3 mile-surrounded by woods and dry brush.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago

    That hot geophysicist will be making her third visit to camp at the end of next week. I respect her professionally. Her first suggestion for well siting worked out in spades so I eagerly await her next report. I admit to having horny thoughts about her but thoughts they shall remain; I am not about to let my horndog self mess up a profitable business relationship.

    I did have a business meal and drinks with her in Calgary. She left me in the lounge flirting with an adjacent table of secretaries.
    13 years ago
    "... my wits are being taxed by dealing with a couple of real sharks in the business."

    Sorry to hear it, but that sentence could fit a few strip club visits I've had. At least the pesky insects are no more!

    By the way, what's the speed limit on a road like the one that joins Calgary and Edmonton? From Windsor to London it's a rather slow 100 km/hr. Many folks were pushing 120 km/hr though. And the billboard threatening a $10,000 fine if going 50+ km/hr over the limit, well I never saw anyone doing it.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago

    Speed limit on Hwy 2 between Calgary and Edmonton is 110kph which means everyone does at least 120kph. The Horsemen seem to forgive the first 10kph over the posted speed limit.

    Here is a story for you that I posted earlier. During the 'big boys toys' phase of my retirement I owned a Ferrari. I powered up the beast one evening on that highway and got clocked by a Horseman at 280kph on his radar gun. In abject terror over the speed,I was already slowing down when I got caught. The Horseman gave me a break by writing the citation at a speed leaving me three demerits on my licence, letting me keep my driver's licence. I paid a monstrous fine, sold the sexy red machine, bought an F-150, and started driving like a timourous old lady. My personal vehicle insurance package now costs me a fortune and will continue to do so for at least five years.

    But, I will say, I loved the speed thrill that machine gave me. Even the terror was a 'rush'.
    13 years ago
    WoW! Art, that's some travelin'! My car would fly apart at 160...
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