
Comments by gsv (page 13)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    How to Improve Strip Clubs
    It sounds like what you have there is probably a more extreme case. But you keep assuming that they're not making money by sitting with their regulars. You don't know that for sure at all. They could be slipping $ over, or they could also just be tipping really heavily when they do get dances/VIP, justifying the extra time spent by the girl. Are these girls never called to stage? You can't tip them on stage and ask them to come over?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Topless or Nude club
    I don't think a lot of clubs really care about the actual numbers here. You either look hot or you don't in most management eyes. You could be slightly overweight but still overall look really sexy. Some clubs are more strict about this than others, but even in the strictest places I doubt they actually care about the real numbers - just the overall look, especially the waist line, etc. If a girl's got a thin stomach but some fat built up in the ass - well that might work well for her in selling dances anyways. ;)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    How to Improve Strip Clubs
    Also, as far as spreading the wealth. Not all guys go to strip clubs just because they want a dance from some hot stripper. Obviously that's a large part of it, but there's more to it. Some are seeking conversation and companionship, it's not the best place for that, but there's a lot of money to be had for dancers that can cater to this type of client. This type of client is also likely to stick with one girl who he feels he has established a better connection with. Yes, they're strippers, and frankly it's stupid to get too attached, but guys do it anyway and it's part of how the system works.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    How to Improve Strip Clubs
    Dancers can choose whatever style of working they want. If they want to just give as many dances as possible, that's great for them. But not all of them prefer that. Maybe this is a shocker to you, but perhaps some of the dancers actually enjoy the company of some of their regulars. Or better phrased, they prefer it to spending time with some other guys that may be in the club. It's not as if the regular keeps telling the girl, please stay with me and don't walk around the club looking for other customers. I'd venture to say that in most cases the girl is staying there herself. That's her choice, why get so upset about it? How do you know these guys aren't tipping her really well in VIP to warrant the extra time spent outside? You have to trust that the girl knows enough to make a good decision to stick with a guy or not; and if she makes a poor decision, that's her fault - and she'll learn for the future. The whole thing regulates itself. I'm sure there will be cases where an infrequent customer is unable to get a girl's attention, but that's just the way it works sometimes. As others said, it's best you go during a less busy time.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    How to Improve Strip Clubs
    By the way, learn a thing or two about business. Just to throw some simple figures out there: If a dancer can make $800 in a night by spending time with 5 regulars, I think some would prefer that to serving like 10-20 infrequent customers for $1000. If they didn't prefer just sticking with the regulars, you wouldn't see them doing it. in nearly ANY business, a regular customer is going to get treated better - it's just natural. It's customer retention at the end of the day.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    How to Improve Strip Clubs
    Funny that you call me a regular. I'm not. At some clubs I've been there really frequently, but lately not so much. And I've had hour-long conversations with dancers at clubs that I've no regularity at (i.e. they never met me before). At the end of the day, it is up to the dancer who she'd like to spend her time with. They are, in most cases, independent contractors. If they do not want to dance for a guy, they might not be able to outright say no, but they can find ways to avoid it. Sorry that clubs don't work the way you want to. But if they really did change to work the way describe, I don't think the dancers would like it and it's possible they would make less money by pissing off their regulars. Having to bounce from guy to guy is a nuisance and in some cases a risk for the girls. It's the same way that escorts like to make a small list of regular clients rather than a large list of infrequent clients. And your idea about the bouncers kicking out people who spend more than 30 minutes with a girl? You clearly don't know anything about the economics of a strip club then. Guys who spend a lot of time sitting with girls, are usually making the club rich by buying drinks. The club likes these guys, generally speaking.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    How to Improve Strip Clubs
    1. Lots of dancers use their phones to communicate with regulars. I could see it being bad if they're just sitting there texting the whole time, but I don't see that happening much where I frequent anyway. Confiscating the phones isn't going to go over too well IMO. 2. Why? What if they're able to find a guy to get a dance with from their immediate surrounding when they get off stage? 3. The best way to counter this is announcing dancers to go on stage and having a penalty for being late to stage (unless you're with a customer). 4. In some Manhattan clubs I think some girls hate being on stage and hardly even need it to do their business. If it was optional, some girls probably wouldn't even go on stage at all. I like the current convention of just periodically calling girls. 5. Improved lighting in the lap dance area also makes it easier for bouncers to see extras happening, or at least mileage above what is allowed. I'm fine with the way it is at most clubs. 6. Agree 7. Do you really think older strippers are going to give away the secrets that give them their business? If the younger ones who are in many cases better looking start giving just as good dances, the older strippers won't have much of a selling point anymore. 8. Perks of being a regular. Some dudes will also tip girls just to sit with them and that could be worth their while. This is just the way it is.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "Extras" at strip clubs?
    Research the club that you're going to. If you are looking for extras inside the place, find out how 'private' the VIP areas actually are and whether it's even really feasible for the girls to do that. You can figure out what kind of environment you are in before you even bother asking the girls for anything. Generally it's not hard to predict whether or not girls would do extras in a given club.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Russian Dancers / Clubs with Russian Dancers
    Go to Flashdancers in Manhattan. My buddies and I joke that it's basically the "Russian Ballet" Good club though, overall.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How can I make my money last the longest time possible in a strip club?
    Meant to say - (it would normally cost $20 each)*
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How can I make my money last the longest time possible in a strip club?
    If you are the kind of person that enjoys strip clubs when a bit tipsy, then you should drink a decent amount before going as a pre-game. Or go to a BYOB club and bring your favorite bottle of liquor with you. Drinks can be really expensive at clubs, especially here in Manhattan. Always check the club website to see if you can get a free or reduced admission pass. Many clubs do this. I've been able to save as much as $30 on the entry right away just for printing out a pass. Basically, if you like lap dances, try save as much money as you can for that. If you plan to get a lot of dances from one girl, tell the girl upfront that you want something like 4-5 dances and maybe she'll give a discount (unless its a club that doesn't allow this). It's not much, but I've gotten girls to do 6 dances for $100 even here in Manhattan (it would normally cost $20). One even let me take a break after the first three and get the next set later. Nice girl.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    monthly budget?
    Way more then I'd like to admit..its in the low thousand's per month probably. A figure i have been slowly trying to reduce.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    North Carolina
    Just wondering
    I like something in between where not every single guy is getting BJs and left and right. When it extras are done for only a select few (or it's portrayed so well that it seems that way), I tend to feel better about it. At the same time, I do appreciate the extremes. Tijuana, for example, is awesome. Although I don't even know if you'd call it extras at that point, the standard service is well...full service. :)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    So why do dancers REALLY want my number?
    What you described is really common. Lots of girls try to use text messages as a way of marketing themselves. I know a girl who got a blackberry just for that and had many of her clients on BBM. She'd mass BBM her regulars every couple of days but she'd personalize the messages in ways to make it seem like it's not sent to everybody. Really smart girl and did extremely well for himself for the time she was stripping. I can't blame it as a business practice, but it does suck to be a guy that's caught up in this. Just don't take it seriously when you exchange numbers with a stripper, it very frequently has nothing to do with OTC (but you can get lucky at times).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Need advise
    Depending on how good the girl maybe she wants to find a 'reputable' agency (I know that sounds crazy, but they exist) to start with. Going independent has its perks, but when you're just starting out, I'd imagine it helps to work with an agency who will handle a lot of the security/screening process for you.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Where can I find my kind of strip club away from Texas
    Why not just go to Dallas? I've heard good things about clubs there
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What type of alcohol do dancers prefer?
    Whiskey is usually a more manly drink in my opinion, I don't think too many dancers are going to like Crown Royal (although I do personally like it). It's a classy drink though, so go for it.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    It depends on the area. Here in Manhattan 'medium' two-way contact is about as good as it gets most of the time. For me, as long as there's decent grinding and *some* contact, and I'm an area where I can't get anything better, I'll generally be okay with it.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    The A In AMP
    You could ask the same question about something unrelated, like laundromats. Here in NYC it seems like most of them are operated by Asians too. Honestly it really comes down to when you see one person from your country successful doing something in the US, you're inclined to replicate it yourself. And since you come from the same place, you have many of the same resources they had to start with. Over here we also have the term RMP (Russian Massage Parlor). They command a premium over the AMPs, often twice as much $ per hour. It's hard for AMPs to compete as they're literally all over the place here, so I do suppose there is a market for non-Asian MPs to spring up and command a higher price. I don't mind Asian girls, in fact some of them I like very much. But it's nice to have more options.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Risk Assessment?? Requesting extras from a dancer
    If you feel the need, you can try to subtle about it. If you're just hinting at potential $$$ but not explicitly stating it, I'm pretty sure it's not even completely illegal. Bring it up that way and be more direct as the conversation goes on, depending on how comfortable the girl is with it. And since you're in a strip club anyways, it's not like they're going to report you to the cops. Strip clubs prefer to have as little attention from the cops as possible, and they're certainly not going to want to admit that guys even try to proposition girls for sex in their venue.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How much do you normally spend at a strip club?
    As a rule I try to stay under $400 per trip, including dances and drinks. Preferably within the $200-300 range. I've broken this rule if I haven't been clubbing for a while, but generally works out around there.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Extras with the bathroom troll ?
    On a decent night I am pretty sure the restroom attendant at some of the Manhattan clubs I have seen can probably take home about $200, which actually isn't all that bad.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Las Vegas- I need your help!
    Vegas clubs will probably be amazing compared to what you're used to in VA, but your money will also go faster so be prepared for that. Best strip clubs I think are probably in Dallas, Miami, and Detroit in terms of value for money and hot dancers. Both NYC (speaking to Manhattan primarily) and Vegas are really very tourist heavy. With all of the money that's floating around between business people and tourists, it's hard for the average guy to get good service from the girls without spending a shitload as well. You could say Miami is tourist heavy too, but people don't typically go for the strip clubs - they go for the beach. The strip clubs there just happen to be very good.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Stats about strippers
    In some of the Manhattan clubs I frequent, probably only like 10-20% of girls have kids - if that. So I could see some validity.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Paying for "Time"
    Rick, you're probably right. I need to venture more out of Manhattan. I like G2K, but never tried Rouge or Goldfingers. Would be happy to hear any advice you have about these joints. G2K is fun, but for some reason I just never find it to be *as* fun as some of the Manhattan clubs.