Las Vegas- I need your help!

Ok, so I have a 5 day vacation in Vegas coming up in less than 2 weeks and I'm going to go to at least one club. I've been told that the clubs in the bigger cities (NYC, Las Vegas,etc.) are amazing compared to most places, so it'll be cool to escape Virginia and finally get to one.
I was just curious about a few things. Is the Spearmint Rhino really a $50 cover charge? I'm assuming that's either a typo on TUSCL or the maximum cover charge. I realize it's Vegas, where everything is extremely expensive, but that's insane. And yes, I do know about the free limo which picks you up from your hotel and gets you in without having to pay a cover charge. Secondly, how are the dances at the Rhino? Are they one-way? Two-way? Does it all depend on the girl? And last but not least, what is unique in Vegas that me and my buddy just HAVE to see? We're staying at the Mirage, which from what I've been told, is a good spot to be. We aren't renting a car, so were going to be walking most places. But of course we will have to take a cab sometimes, though I'm hoping to keep that to a minimum.
last commentI would call to find out about cover charge but I have read reviews mentioning $30-50 cover charges. I think the rhino is 24/7 so call anytime. The $20 dances are usually one way contact but the 3/100 VIP deals are usually two way
Cover in Rhino is about $22-25 approx. If you get the limo there and a taxi back the taxi driver will hound you about escort services and show you fake pics. Dances are hit and miss like everywhere I suppose. Rhino def has the hottest girl. For a better chance of two way action try OG mid to late afternoon, not as many girls or as hot but if you find a good one you could be in for a treat. You won't get laid in Rhino and you'd be lucky to get a HJ
Mirage is well located on central strip, easy to walk to Ceasers Palace and Bellagio, Planet Hollywood, Wynn though it's not an easy walk especially during the day. Try and get to the Hoover Dam and/or the Canyon, both awesome.
Make sure you spend a few hours in Freemont Street during late afternoon, great Queen tribute on ceiling about 10pm I think.
BTW, shame i'll miss you, I am there 7/23 for seven nights. Good luck, let me know how you get on.
I'm sure if you show up on a Friday or Saturday night in a taxi you would very likely be paying a $50 cover. It's probably less likely, but still possible, any other day after 8PM (happy hour ends at 8). Earlier than that, I'm not sure but I suspect its less. Irrelevant as you know about the pick up which is very smooth, at least at the Rhino. IMO dances varied a ton from girl to girl. From hands up the shorts on the main floor, to a extremely boring air dance. The bottom line is that at Spearmint you're paying for the quality, which is usually very high.
"Must See's" - It really depends a lot on what you're into. My two I always suggest are Bellagio fountain show, absolutely awesome to watch. The second would be a trip downtown in the evening, the Fremont Street Experience is kinda cool to see and the nightlife is great down there. Also, swing by the Golden Gate blackjack pit and check out the view ;)
You can skip the cab downtown and get a 24hr bus pass for $7, much cheaper than the $40 for the cab. Take the WAX (normal bus) not the Deuce (double decker) to save some time.
I'm also gonna plug the Mob Museum which opened in the last 6 months or so. It's also downtown a few blocks away from Fremont Street. Relatively cheap and a great way to kill an hour (or in my case 3) with lots of information about both the Mob and Las Vegas.
Any other questions just post them and I'll do my best to help.
Spearmint Rhino is a real good club isn't very expensive $20/dance real hot girls, contact works for me suggest avoiding peak times like Fri/Sat as it's really crowded. You can call the Limo to get a break on cover. Just be aware they are going to try and empty your pockets asap. I'd bring $300 or so and leave the atm cards at home and have a great time.
If you want to see what fine European architecture is like and have a 'taste' of continental Europe then head into the Venetian. Assuming you don't spend all your time in clubs.
I knew nothing about Vegas before my first trip. I booked a room at the Mirage just because of it's name. I was extremely happy with everthing.
I agree with londonguy. Hopefully this won't be your last trip but at some point in your life, the Grand Canyon is a must see. It's kills a whole day from LV, but worth it.
The strip clubs were ok, but being used to Detroit, I wasn't overly impressed.
Lot's of us going it seems, I'm there for the third time this year from the 31st through Aug 4th. Shame you have to cab it. I always rent a car to be in control of my own transportation. Cabs have an extortion deal with the clubs and sometimes the cover you pay is going to the cabbie. Decide where you want to go and don't take their advice. They'll also push the brothels that are way out of town. Rhino, Sapphire are your typical Vegas clubs - try some others, hit and miss and divey but the hustle is lower. Check out the Atomic Testing Museum on Flamingo. At the Mirage, I heard the Revolution Bar is interesting, haven't been there myself. And in Casinos, remember the odds are against you and hug the walls when you want to leave, they are designed so you can't easily find your way out.
Yes the mirage is a pretty good location as others have said. The Rhino to me is usually crowed as hell. Hot girls but sometimes you can't get to them. I was there once and didn't even get to sit down. I prefer treasures and OC. Sapphire is better than Rhino to me but sometimes crowed too. You already know about the limo ride so thats the best way to avoid the rediculous $30 cover charge. The onlt problem with vegas sc's are that they get too complicated. You can sit here for the price of admission. Or you can here foe a different price in a booth. Or you can sit here but you have to purschase a bottle. It gets a little crazy. And don't go to the restroom and piss too long or when you come back your seat might have a reserved sign on it! I will be there the first week of the NFL season. Have fun!
Definitely get downtown once. I recommend the El Cortez for people watching.
Shoot – I’ve never been to Vegas (PL) – but with all the great comments I’ve read I feel like heading there myself – too bad I can’t afford it right now.
I can't say I recommend it for the strip clubs. Yes, the clubs there have the most attractive girls in the world, but they're expensive, low mileage, and often ripoffs. At least that's been my impression. I'm not really an expert.
"I've been told that the clubs in the bigger cities (NYC, Las Vegas,etc.) are amazing compared to most places, so it'll be cool to escape Virginia and finally get to one."
Go, re-read everything that Ermita said and watch your ass. The Vegas clubs are uber high hustle with low ROI. These girls are accustomed to fleecing tourists. If you are coming from VA, then these clubs might seem like nirvana compared to the horrible experiences you are accustomed to, but that just makes it more dangerous.
While you are out there, I would suggest that you check out Palomino. It is listed on tuscl as N. Las Vegas. It is the only full nude with alcohol club in the city, which has to do with being grandfathered when the laws were passed banning nudity and full alcohol. It is really the only club I go to in Vegas.
Good luck!
Papi, come to Detroit. We have casinos too, far more history than Vegas, a foreign country next door, and the best clubs in the country.
Sapphire's is the best overall. If you wanted guaranteed ITC/OTC then check out Cheetah's.
Palomino is probably the only full alcohol/full nude, because without the alcohol, doubtful you would find the girls that attractive.
Thanks everyone, seems like I got some great advice. Clubbing won't be a big part of my trip. I'm on a budget and any place that's too far to walk from the Mirage, we'll have to take a cab to. I just plan on checking out a couple of clubs, mainly the Rhino and whatever else is in the area.
londonguy- Yeah, we'll just miss each other, because I'll be there from 7/15 to 7/20
And guys, yes I know the clubs are going to be super expensive, it's Vegas lol. Maybe the clubs in Vegas aren't as good as I've heard. But, if the girls are as hot as I've been told, and the dances aren't air dances, I'll be happy, trust me lol.
Wouldn't bother with Palomino myself, been there once and din't find the experience that good. Perhaps I was unlucky but I didn't see a girl higer than a 5. Additionally it's quite a way out and if you don't like it you may feel as if you've wasted a large piece of time.
If you want full nude then Little Darlings is the best place, get a free entry coupon off their website. No alcohol but that doesn't bother me.
I'd def give Treasure a try as well.
The bus to Fremont St is fast, easy, and cheap, so don't skip it just because of your budget. Just don't make the mistake of trying any of the clubs on Fremont!
I've always rented a small car. It's cheap. Easy to get around. I like the freedom to go to several clubs. Plus I just liked "exploring" in the mornings instead of hanging out in the casinos.
I’m not a gambler what so ever and thus casinos do not interest me much except just for the visual experience perhaps – I much rather spend my disposable income on the SCs.
I’m not into extras at the SC but of course I love beautiful women and two-way LDs are usually sufficient for me. My interest for going to Vegas would mainly be to say I’ve done that and to see if I saw some real nice eye candy.
I do love going on SC trips/mini-vacs and from what I’ve read on this board, Detroit is definitely on my to do list! I just need to cut down on my local SCing so I can have the $$$ to SC out of state.
Vegas clubs will probably be amazing compared to what you're used to in VA, but your money will also go faster so be prepared for that.
Best strip clubs I think are probably in Dallas, Miami, and Detroit in terms of value for money and hot dancers.
Both NYC (speaking to Manhattan primarily) and Vegas are really very tourist heavy. With all of the money that's floating around between business people and tourists, it's hard for the average guy to get good service from the girls without spending a shitload as well. You could say Miami is tourist heavy too, but people don't typically go for the strip clubs - they go for the beach. The strip clubs there just happen to be very good.
Were also going to the Cirque Du Soleil show. It's some type of arts/street entertainment show. That's about all I know about it, but from what I've heard, it's really good. We'll see.
Thanks again for the help guys, I'll let you guys know what I my thoughts on the clubs when I get back.
Ermita_Nights nailed it with his comment that Vegas clubs are "expensive, low mileage, and often ripoffs". On the other hand I understand the desire to check out some of the clubs in LV.
I was in LV in April for a bachelor party. Rhino cover was $33 per person on a Saturday night; we arrived late, around 2:30AM on Sunday morning. I would take the SR shuttle if at all possible to save the cash. I turned down several dancers until I clicked with one. Did a couple songs in the VIP area with lots of two way touching. Had as much fun as one can legally have in a LV strip club for about $200 (including drinks, dances, etc.).
Went to Club Paradise and Lil Darlings on Thursday night. Both were terrible. Not recommended unless you like skanky hustlers. I was intrigued by Club Palomino since it's all nude+alcohol but the women on the club's website aren't even hot. Didn't have time to get to OG, Saphhire's, or anyplace else.
If looking to hook up - and assuming you're in reasonable shape - your best bet is to meet women at the pool. Hotel bar could work too but there's more men milling around and female defense mechanisms are higher. At any rate, secure their phone number (confirm it works so that "she has your number too") and make plans to meet up later.
While gambling at Hooters (cheap tables and hilarious people watching!) our dealer informed us of the latest scams by working girls. E.g., girl tells the guy to take a shower to make sure he's clean while she robs him blind or the girl will lure the guy into the room and then beat him up. Interesting traps because the guy can't call the cops without getting in trouble since he has to explain that we was paying a hooker. Anyway, tread carefully in this realm.
What Cirque Du Soleil show are you seeing? They're all good but 'O' is completely off the chain. Amazing!!
Thanks Crunklumber. I don't know the exact name of it, but it's the "water" Cirque Du Soleil show. So, whichever one that is. It was my friends idea to go, so that's why I don't know much about it.