So why do dancers REALLY want my number?

avatar for Joseph5160
Well, to answer my own question, it's definitely not because they're interested in spending time with me outside the club. No, they want to send me texts like "What are you doing today?", "Come see me", "When are you coming in", to try to entice me to come see them more (and spend more cash on them).

Is this normal? I am always very nice to the girls and try to terat them as ladies and not just sex objects. Is their something that I could do to get one of them to really want to see me OTC? Or do I just have to be lucky and meet up with the right one? Or maybe I'm just totally barking up the wrong tree here and should just enjoy them in the club- the ones I've gotten to know always seem to have plenty of extra baggage- yet I still find myself drawn to them! Any thoughts?


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avatar for deogol
13 years ago
Sorry, but most want an avenue of direct marketing. This isn't bad or anything, you just have to admit how it is.

It's easy to understand why one is drawn to them - they are naked! And easily naked! And they give you attention for money.

You already know how it is by answering your own question. Keep off the PL ledge.
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
"Is their something that I could do to get one of them to really want to see me OTC?"

Sure. Ask them. That works for me.

Of course, if you're not as handsome as me, you might have to give them some money.
avatar for SuperDude
13 years ago
Pretending to be interested in contacting you is part of a dancer's marketing plan. Her only interest in you number is to have it to call you in to buy dances, especially on a slow day.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
They need your number to bug you for money
avatar for Rod84
13 years ago
Yeah - I just got a girl's number last night. She's fucking gorgeous, sweet as can be, no tats and totally natural, seems to confide in me, and suggests she'd enjoy getting together with me for boating sometime. I'm like WTF - may as well follow through with an invitation. Even though I have little expectation she'll actually join me anytime soon, it doesn't cost anything to put it out there and ya neva know unless you try.
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
The phone number is to get you back to the club to spend money on them. Nothing more.
avatar for stenton1
13 years ago
It's so easy to be seduced by a dancer asking for your number. It's is usually just a ruse to get your money.
There have been 3 times where the dancer wanted to see me OTC in more of what I thought was a relationship on some level. I was never charged for sex, and we had great times initially.......
However, then come the requests for a new transmission, late rent fees, doctors fees, etc. I always knew then it was time to bail. No matter how you cut it, there's money involved sooner or later. There's a reason they do this for a living. The drama you will see is beyond anything I've ever dealt with civilian women.
Take my advice, don't be a PL. just say no. Many of us have been there before.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
I give them my number all the time


avatar for Joseph5160
13 years ago
Is your name JENNY
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
Ask yourself this- If this girl saw you on the street, a restaurant, a club, etc in the real world and you two had never met before and there was no money involved for her, would she want your number? Are you the guy who she sees across the room at a crowded restaurant and thinks " oh he's cute, I wouldn't mind getting to know him "? Remember no money involved, just two people interested in eachother in the real world.

If the answer is " No, she wouldn't want me", whether the reason is that youre not close in age, she wouldn't find you attractive, shes involved with someone else, etc.., chances are that she wants your number for MONEY ONLY! Thats it.
avatar for gsv
13 years ago
What you described is really common. Lots of girls try to use text messages as a way of marketing themselves. I know a girl who got a blackberry just for that and had many of her clients on BBM. She'd mass BBM her regulars every couple of days but she'd personalize the messages in ways to make it seem like it's not sent to everybody. Really smart girl and did extremely well for himself for the time she was stripping. I can't blame it as a business practice, but it does suck to be a guy that's caught up in this. Just don't take it seriously when you exchange numbers with a stripper, it very frequently has nothing to do with OTC (but you can get lucky at times).
avatar for ragelikeapanda
13 years ago
I have wondered about this myself. I have met a lot of traveling dancers in Vegas. They know I'm from out of town and will probably never see me again but still exchanged numbers with me anyways. It doesn't really make any sense.
avatar for bluemonday
13 years ago
i would say of the numbers, i have gotten, about 25% of the time something has come of it, as in a genuine meet up OTC, dates and/or friends etc.

i have never (yet) had the full works without any money being involved tho, so it looks like will always come back to that, it's their job after all.

if you like the girl, take the number and enjoy if you can, but keep your head screwed on.

best one i've had was 'you like phone sex ?'... er, ok ... 3 years later, i'm still into that girl !!

avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
I am sure she just likes you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and if you believe that, I've got several bridges for sale that you'll like. :)
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