Stats about strippers

avatar for Omega22

Everything in the article is based on four studies so it is probably fairly accurate. My favorite is number 11 that most are close to their parents. So I guess the stereotype that most have daddy issues is suspect. Also 33 percent are in college and 1 in every 3 isn't bad.

Intelligent discussion only. No personal attacks at me I am sick of the drama seriously.


last comment
I've been going to strip clubs, regularly, since 2004. Less so before then. I've met a great many strippers. I don't agree with most of the percentages mentioned in that article based on the dancers I've met and others I've heard about. The one statistic I disagree the most is "...13.5 percent have kids." My personal guess is 70 to 80 percent.
Jesus H. Christ. Let it go, will ya? You're as bad as him with your need to be right. It ain't worth it. The only stats that matter are how hot she is and how far she'll go. Anything else is mental masturbation. And not very satisfying wanking at that.
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
Georgemicrodong sorry about coming off as trying to start something negative but I was really just curious about what people think about the stats. Not trying to prove who's right or wrong. However I do agree that when I am at the club having fun how attractive the girl is and how much she does is what really matters the most.
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
Club_Goer: The study stating that only 13.5 percent have kids was done by a college in England (Look at source one). So perhaps the cultural difference plays a role as a lower percentage of British strippers have kids.
"I don't agree with most of the percentages mentioned in that article based on the dancers I've met"

I totally agree with Club_Goer.

13.5% have kids. Way, way too low. Where did this guy gather the stats? Perhaps in cities such as Tampa, Las Vegas, or LA where young, attached women flock to for fun in the sun this *could* be an accurate figure, but in the Rust Belt states of Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio, many dancers are essentially career strippers and easily 75% or more have kids.

And I doubt the 1 in 3 that are in college. Maybe that many to school before or after dancing, but 33% of *active* dancers seems high from my experiences.

I posted thus before I saw England
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
Source three is from Old Dominion and source four is Eastern Michigan University which are American colleges. So the stats seem too diverse and spread out. A much better way of approaching stats would be to split up regions and demographical areas. So depending on where the research is done the stats could vary greatly.
Without looking into the studies, which I don't care enough to do, something tells me this was done A. less than scientifically and B. relied way to much on honest answers.
avatar for gsv
13 years ago
In some of the Manhattan clubs I frequent, probably only like 10-20% of girls have kids - if that. So I could see some validity.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
What's the going on here? These studies have sample size around a hundred or so, but omega himself said to be reliable it's got to be 10% of the entire stripper population. (And he is a sociology graduate after, so he must be right, right?)
Just as LD mileage varies from area to area, the validity of such statistics will vary from area to area.

It's not unreasonable for the % with kids in England (and probably canada, Netherlands, and others) to be low in countries that aren't are puritian about sex as America. Shit, the USA has the highest teen and unwed birth rate of any industralized country regardless of occupation.

Also, dude, reference four studies doesn't mean squat because there doesn't have to be any overlap between the studies. All the auther of this peice did was cherry pick about 3 tib bits from each of the 4 papers to come up with 11 points. You need multiple studies on the same line item for it to be scientifically valid.
I love studies, especially studies about strippers. You can pretend to be a scientist and at the same time deal with a sexy subject instead of boring stuff.

Each of the 4 studies, I would bet, has flaws and you don't get a better answer by adding them together.

The major problem with all statistics about strippers is that it's hard to get accurate data. Interviewing strippers is the fun way to go, but it is possible--just possible--that strippers would lie. A better way would be to examine a large number of strippers' employment records, but such records don't exist.

From my experience with strippers, mostly in the Detroit area, I would say that a smaller percent are in college and a larger percent are mothers. The one thing I would agree with completely is "There are wild swings in earning potential."

Strippers lie ??? OMG !!!
"Not trying to prove who's right or wrong."

gsv and mjx01

You're both right. I can see that Manhattan clubs would vary in the percentage of single mothers vs say a place like Flint, Michigan.

The only valid study would involve a large sample size across all states and types of clubs.
Yeah, I'm guessing a lot of those numbers vary more with geography than with profession. And they suffer from self selection and reporting bias. The studies need better controls.

GMD, I try to avoid mental masturbation, because I've heard it's bad for me, but it just feels so good I can't stop.
Due to my experience with strippers over the years I have to disagree with number 1. I think maybe 1 thired started out paying there way through schools. But most get caught up in the game and keep dancing longer than they intended. But yes I have met some that go to school durung the day. And they will probably still be at the club in 5 years:)

And i'm sure what the percentage you guys were saying had kids. But i would say most!
There are either one or two strippers working at one of the clubs in Pittsburgh who are Pitt students out of over 50 strippers who work there. Statistic number one is very questionable. I'd say that that study was probably wrong.
What goes into the statistic....…
avatar for steve3003
13 years ago
@Omega22: Somehow missed this thread. For a 20-something, you sure got a lot of time on your hands posting useless shit. For us 50+ old geezers, time's all we got. Looks like all them useless advice you've been getting have been wasted on a useless fucked-up loser.
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
The only "studies" that I believe in are the ones that I experience myself personally...especially those along the gender or sexuality lines. AFAIC all else is subjective BS.
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