… Everything in the article is based on four studies so it is probably fairly accurate. My favorite is number 11 that most are close to their parents. So I guess the stereotype that most have daddy issues is suspect. Also 33 percent are in college and 1 in every 3 isn't bad.
Intelligent discussion only. No personal attacks at me I am sick of the drama seriously.
last commentI totally agree with Club_Goer.
13.5% have kids. Way, way too low. Where did this guy gather the stats? Perhaps in cities such as Tampa, Las Vegas, or LA where young, attached women flock to for fun in the sun this *could* be an accurate figure, but in the Rust Belt states of Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio, many dancers are essentially career strippers and easily 75% or more have kids.
And I doubt the 1 in 3 that are in college. Maybe that many to school before or after dancing, but 33% of *active* dancers seems high from my experiences.
It's not unreasonable for the % with kids in England (and probably canada, Netherlands, and others) to be low in countries that aren't are puritian about sex as America. Shit, the USA has the highest teen and unwed birth rate of any industralized country regardless of occupation.
Also, dude, reference four studies doesn't mean squat because there doesn't have to be any overlap between the studies. All the auther of this peice did was cherry pick about 3 tib bits from each of the 4 papers to come up with 11 points. You need multiple studies on the same line item for it to be scientifically valid.
Each of the 4 studies, I would bet, has flaws and you don't get a better answer by adding them together.
The major problem with all statistics about strippers is that it's hard to get accurate data. Interviewing strippers is the fun way to go, but it is possible--just possible--that strippers would lie. A better way would be to examine a large number of strippers' employment records, but such records don't exist.
From my experience with strippers, mostly in the Detroit area, I would say that a smaller percent are in college and a larger percent are mothers. The one thing I would agree with completely is "There are wild swings in earning potential."
You're both right. I can see that Manhattan clubs would vary in the percentage of single mothers vs say a place like Flint, Michigan.
The only valid study would involve a large sample size across all states and types of clubs.
GMD, I try to avoid mental masturbation, because I've heard it's bad for me, but it just feels so good I can't stop.
And i'm sure what the percentage you guys were saying had kids. But i would say most!…