
Comments by gsv (page 12)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Getting paid to marry a stripper
    Yeah of course it's illegal, but it looks like quite a few people have made this work. You can of course take it slow and get to know the girl first. Again not really something I'd do, but pretty interesting concept
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    TER is not perfect, but it's still one of the better tools out there to see if a girl is legitimate.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The clubs that file patrons' personal information (in the DMV)
    Now as far as scanning the actual *photo* of the ID, I could understand doing that if you're spending a large amount of money on a CC, but not if you're paying in cash.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The clubs that file patrons' personal information (in the DMV)
    Estafador, it's nothing personally. If you're a) not a regular or b) don't look like you're 35-40+, there's a good chance they're going to check your ID. One way to check an ID is to just look at it and see if it looks real, but it's much easier to explain to the cops that you scanned the ID and it passed. The machine takes the burden of the decision away from the bouncer, making their life easier. (and yes, the machine could say that some fake IDs are real if they're scannable, but that's a risk some clubs accept)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Guys' Weekend: What's a good strip club city besides Vegas?
    You will find really beautiful women here in NYC without a doubt (if you look in the right clubs), but mileage probably won't be close to say Detroit, Atlanta, etc. Still, with the right dancer and the right club you can have an enjoyable time here, provided you have the money to spend. I would not go to NYC just for the strip clubs though, because there's so many better places to go for that IMO. It's just that if you happen to be in NYC, I wouldn't pass up checking out the scene here.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    ATF ?
    I'd suggest against doing that. Let's be honest you probably won't feel the same way about her a few years from now.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    My Latest ROB
    I've experienced strippers overcounting a bit here in NYC. It's annoying, but awkward to point it out at the same time. I've gotten fed up with it though to the point that I'll count each song myself and pretend I don't know (ask them how many we had). If they say something that's drastically higher (like 2x, or even 1-2 more), I'll correct them and they'll quickly back down usually. And after such an occurrence, they don't see a single dollar from me again.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Percentage of Legit Reviews
    To be honest, I like to think that most of the reviews are real, and they certainly seem that way. I am sure there is a small percentage of fakes as Dougster said (somewhere in that 5-10% range), but on the whole it seems to be solid info we have on this site.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Why do dancers spend so much time talking to deadbeats?
    "OF COURSE !! Same reason they spend an hour in the dressing room instead of circulating. Same reason they spend an hour with their noses buried in their cellphones. Same reason they sit on their asses off in a corner doing nothing but socializing with another stripper. I see it all the time. " But then they're still getting something. Doesn't have to be money. It could be a good conversation. It could be relaxing. Stripping isn't an easy job. The idea that a girl needs to be making money for her entire stay, every moment, is stupid.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Why do dancers spend so much time talking to deadbeats?
    berge1 - good for you, that's especially amazing that she refused the money. It's true that sometimes dancers need a break, and an intelligent conversation can work well for that.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Why do dancers spend so much time talking to deadbeats?
    rick, yup I am sure they are spending money. I only said I really can't prove it as I don't always see it happening, but it logically makes sense that they are paying the girls something for the time, else the girls would move on to another guy.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Liquid lapdance review.
    Estafador, a strip clubber that never jerks off? That is interesting...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    payroll ?
    That's a low price. Hell if I could find a hot chick here in the NYC area who would do that for that price range, I'd jump on it. Fuck, I'd take two. If you live in an area where that's a feasible rate, you're lucky
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Courtney Stodden
    She's not bad, but definitely on the fake side for me. I agree I would prefer without plastic surgery. I also wouldn't want to date this chick, but I'd be happy to have sex with her.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Why do dancers spend so much time talking to deadbeats?
    What it really comes down to is... jerikson40, you can't prove that the guys aren't spending money on the girl at some point that makes it worth it for her to spend time with them. I do concede It's also not easy to prove the other side, that they ARE spending money - we can't say that for 100% certain either. But it makes complete logical sense that they ARE spending money. If the girls were NOT getting money and really just messing around this much, that would be a really dumb decision on their part. Most of the girls I know are really money hungry when in the club and will go after the big spenders. Do you really think a girl is going to waste time sitting with someone if they're getting nothing for it at all? The only exception I can see are really rare cases where the girl is attracted to the guy and actually want to spend time with him, or the club is just not busy at all and she's already asked the other guys in the club if they want a dance. Other than that, you are trying to prove that the guys aren't spending money. Until you can prove that, you really don't have any argument.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Morning Wood
    French news reporter, Mélissa Theuriau http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xg89TfgbERk She has a beautiful face.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    How to Improve Strip Clubs
    Your thread is called How to improve strip clubs. You are trying to improve strip clubs, and I am telling you that customers can improve the quality of their visits themselves. Nothing to do with changing the world, buddy. Not sure where you got that.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    How to Improve Strip Clubs
    What data do you have to support your statements, jerikson40? You have no idea how much money the guys in your example are spending on the girl. rickdugan has A LOT of experience with strip clubs, successfully sees girls OTC and always has really good contributions to this site. It's safe to say the man knows what he's talking about. And I agree with everything he said. I've been going to strip clubs for a while. I've gone out with strippers, I know many of them personally/socially. I can assure you that I have a pretty good perspective on how strip clubs work, and can tell you for sure the girls I know wouldn't want it to work the way you propose. A lot of regulars make the strip club what it is. Let's face it, with your policies of penalizing regulars the club will lose so much of their consistent/reliable income. I was at one of my favorite clubs last night and it was really slow. One dancer I know was there and sat with one for a good 30 minutes prior to asking if I wanted to get a dance with her. I did buy her a drink, but no money exchanged prior. Got a few dances from her and tipped her a bit (like 20-30% tip, since she's really nice), and at the end she literally said "don't leave, I want your company." She basically sat next to me with her head on my shoulder just relaxing for the rest of the night. It was so slow that her walking around and asking for dances might have netted her like one or two guys getting a dance, but she'd rather just chill with me as I know for such a long time and it makes her night way easier. I'm not even a regular at this club. If the girls know who you are and enjoy your company (even if it's not enjoy, but 'prefer' your company to other guys), you're going to get benefits out of it - and they might even sacrifice a little bit of business to hang out with you. But in the long run, she'll get plenty of consistent business from me or other guys she treats this well.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Darn those wasteful broke spenders
    Some people go to strip clubs for the atmosphere and have a drink or so then leave. Not everybody wants to get lap dances.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Liquid lapdance review.
    ugh meant to say: reach into your pants* lol
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Liquid lapdance review.
    My main question is, unless the girl actually reaches into your parents, can she tell you're wearing this?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    How to Improve Strip Clubs
    jerkison40, I don't know why you are taking so much offense here. This is just how shit works. I've been there too. I've wanted to spend time with the hottest girl in the club only to see her busy with some other fucker for a long ass time. Let's face it, hotter girls can earn more and therefore their time is more valuable to them. If you want to improve things for people who want to spend less at strip clubs, then my suggestion is to optimize things from the customer point of view. Figure out a time when there's less regulars, go then and spend time with the hotter chicks. But otherwise, if the girl things one dude is more worth her time than others, she's gonna stick with him. Arguing that is a losing a battle, it's not going to change, and personally I doubt the club in question is actually hurting from the way things are right now. Regulars always get better treatment from girls they spend a lot of money on. In strip clubs, money is power. No surprise that those who have this power are going to hog up the hotter chicks.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The Direct Approach
    I guess that's another way to look at it - but on the chance that the girl is disgusted by what you said, word may spread and other dancers may start to avoid you, even the dancers that do offer a bit more mileage. If you're a regular, your overall image in the club is important. Even though I'm perfectly fine with OTC and extra mileage, I'd prefer to keep those relationships as discrete as possible.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    How to Improve Strip Clubs
    It really just comes down to the nature of the business. These strippers aren't machines, they are human beings (okay, yeah, lying dirty whores whatever people here like to call them - but they ARE still human). You can't expect everything to be perfectly optimized economically all the time, and for them to be working 100% of their potential all the time. If they can make decent money and spend most of their time relaxing with regulars, well they'll probably do that. And if having the girls do that at the club makes the club run well enough, that's fine too. You say that the club might lose a lot of money from people getting pissed off, that's fine, but it could be even worse if the regulars get pissed off about getting [much] less time with their girl and end up spending less on drinks or outright cutting their visits. Strip clubs and strippers in general make good money from the random infrequent visitors too, but it's the regulars that add any degree of stability to the business.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The Direct Approach
    Very interesting. It seems like it would be awkward to ask such a thing, and they're probably going to label you a bit differently. But you know what, who really cares. At the end of the day, you get what you want. If I was a regular at a club, I probably wouldn't want to be known as the guy who seeks this out so directly all the time - but, if I was relatively new I don't see the harm in trying this out.