
Comments by gsv (page 14)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Paying for "Time"
    Dances are only $20 at the club I'm referring to. Leaving tips aside, the girl would have to dance an entire hour straight (literally ZERO breaks) to make $400. Even with tips, she'd be dancing for 80%+ of that entire hour and that's sort of a tough thing to suggest. Not to mention there's *6* different girls in total on a variety of stages at once in this place. Within an hour, a girl has a high chance of being called to stage where she won't see more than maybe $20, max $40 in tips for her entire set of 3 songs. She also generally has to get to stage slightly early, and wait for the next girl to arrive to replace her. So it's about 4 songs that get lost just to dancing on stage. I can understand a VIP or champagne room allowing the girl to make $400 in an hour. IMO, time in a VIP room SHOULD be priced more than time in a regular lap dance area.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    What was this?
    Actually, I am surprised there is so much uproar about this one. 99% of high end clubs in Manhattan have an ID scanner. It does not connect to a database or anything, all it does is report if the ID is legitimate or not.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    high school friend works at a SC!!!
    Thing is she's just a bartender which clearly means she's not actually doing anything too out of the norm. As in to say, if it wasn't at a strip club, then it would be absolutely nothing to write home about. Sometimes bartenders have a negative way of patrons at the strip club, and you wouldn't want to fall into that. Obviously you can go there, be a gentleman, tip her well, etc. but there's the risk that she will view you differently and you have to decide whether that matters to you or not.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    One Way VS Two Way
    One way with good enough grinding can be okay. At least it's not an air dance, and if the girls are hot I can deal with it. But I'd much much prefer two-way and probably spend way more money with that increased level of intimacy.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Best Days/Worst Days to Go to the Club?
    Absolutely depends on the club and what you want. Sapphire NYC before 8pm will land you $5 drinks and free cover. Best deal in Manhattan for drinks at a strip club. In fact, it's honestly cheaper than queens as you could order top shelf liquor and get it for $5. Not sure about something really fancy like blue label, but definitely most drinks no problem. You won't see too many girls here, but other than that it's pretty good. Probably gets more packed later, I didn't stay long enough to know. Then there's other clubs that have the SAME line-up for the entire 8 hour nightshift. For example, Flashdancers in NYC has the same girls there from 8pm to 4am pretty much. You might as well come and whatever time window within that frame suits you, as it's almost always going to be the same shit. Although preferable to be earlier rather than later.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What is your best response you have said to a rude dancer?
    Funny thing about air dances is I witness guys in air dance clubs that seem to be enjoying them. Either they don't know what they could get elsewhere, or they're just downright stupid. I swear, if customers were smarter, there'd be way less of these scams going on and so much more legit contact/grinding going on with dances. Air dances really shouldn't be allowed. How is it a lap dance when they're four feet away from your lap? I can go to a regular night club and STAND behind a hot girl for free and get the same shit.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Paying for "Time"
    Stiletto25, I know the club well enough to be fully aware that it's close to impossible for a girl to clear $400 in an hour. Could it happen? Of course it can, in fact it just did with me. I respect that you work hard to make your money and everything, but that in my opinion is what fucks it up for everybody else, no offense. I have the money to spend, that's really not the problem here. But when strippers are asking me $400 an hour for their time and this starts becoming a consistent thing, then I am going to vote with my wallet and go through an escort agency and get laid for the same price. Or for fuck's sake if you think it's bad to fuck an escort I'd even rather pay an escort to give me lap dances in a private room that would be cheaper than going to the club anyway. I like going to strip clubs because of the atmosphere and the drinking. But when it costs this much the value is gone and there becomes a fine line between taking advantage of a guy and just offering a service. Obviously if I was on your side I'd understand this better, but the opposite is also true. I'm not a cheapskate. I tip the bartenders better than 90% of the people, at least on a consistent basis, and the same thing goes with dancers. This is the first time I've ever been told by a dancer that I didn't tip enough, and it came at an extreme. That's why I'm shocked. Had I actually purchased 10-15 dances from her, then the $400 figure wouldn't have been a problem, but I am not paying $20 per 3 minutes for her to just sit there. I know other girls in the same exact club who charge $0 for just sitting down with me and would be shocked if I explicitly gave them more just for that. They don't work that way, and in my opinion should not unless it's a special case where a guy does NOT want to get a dance and *just* wants them to give the "company" which is fine. I bet you get tons of money from drunk fools (or even just really lonely guys with lots of $) who don't you even render much service to. I don't doubt it at all, but I personally do not want to see this become a regular practice at strip clubs. It fucks it up for everybody else who just wants to actually get dances and have a good time. It sets the standard way too high for giving $ for zero service rendered.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Paying for "Time"
    Joe, I like your attitude because ultimately that is how you have to deal with it not to get ripped off in a strip club. My problem is I am often way too generous after drinking. I do wish I took back the amount I gave her, left her with exactly $80 and left. It would have been easy as it was so late that the bouncers were leaving for the night too.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Paying for "Time"
    IMO, the main reason I think a lot of strippers have poor business sense is they do not think long-term. But what really bothers me is this whole idea of just paying for a girl to sit there. I remember when I first started going to strip clubs some girls would actually sit down on their own, take time to meet you and talk to you and then ask if you wanted a dance. Did I have to pay them for the time they sat with me? Hell no. I realize this time I asked her to sit with me, but I guarantee she'd have to do with some other guys too in order to generate business. I won't believe for a second that this is girl is just grinding dick for 8 hours every night. ranukam, I've told myself so many times that I'll quit going to strip clubs or go less often, but it never happens permanently. heh. I'll post a review up for Sapphire soon, never got a chance to try a lap dance there so I'd like to see how it is. PM me if you need any advice on the NYC scene. There's a lot of tourist traps here but a few gems too for sure. Papi_Chulo, Yeah, you're right. I made some mistakes here. But I also think she went a bit overboard with trying to get more $ out of me (asking for $400 for an hour claiming this some sort of standard rate when I never heard of this). And that's what pisses me off, nothing else. I know many girls who a) give me songs for free; b) never ask for additional tip and greatly appreciate even an extra $20 after a string of dances. Some of them are not as beautiful as this girl is, but their service is simply better and now they will get my business instead. This girl will need to apologize at the very least to have a chance at more business from me, and I honestly think she'll be wanting to do that soon given a slow night will inevitably come.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Paying for "Time"
    The difference is that I've ALSO seen this girl on nights she isn't very busy at all (i.e. slower nights for every girl in the club) and taken care of her pretty nicely then too. I've consistently done this several times prior over the course of the year. We know each other decently considering she's a stripper, and I guess I was under the guise that I'm not just some other random dude. Obviously I was wrong. But lets see, I ended up giving her exactly $390 (just checked based on my wallet/ATM statement). Say every song is 3 minutes, and that may even be closer to 4. She'd have to give 20 dances to make $400, if we don't factor in tips. I don't know how she feasibly had the time to do that within one hour. $200-300 as a max for an hour makes the most sense to me, given the length of a song and the fact that even if you dance the whole time, chances are you might have to search for a new customer or two somewhere in between. And finally, it's absolutely poor business sense. This was really awkward and now I honestly don't even want to get a dance from her in the future at all. She took an extra $200 now but is missing out on $xxxx in the future on combined nights that I also visit when it's not busy.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Is possible to dance in US without work permit?
    For some reason it seems very easy to start dancing in New York. Take a look at Flashdancers in Manhattan, you'll fit right in given the demographic of girls there. You're cute and will probably do well here.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Paying for "Time"
    You're right, it's almost the 1st. That must be a huge factor here. Oh well, she may have gained a bit more $ this time, but she'll be losing out on future business. Too bad so many strippers don't have good business sense. I usually just drink a decent amount but don't get too drunk. Problem is I went to a happy hour before hand and downed about 7 shots of Jack over a 90 minute span. Sapphire NYC - all drinks only $5 and free cover before 8pm (I think weekdays only). I stupidly hopped to another strip club (my usual place), and that's where this all went down. I'm ashamed of myself for even doing this, but it's just a reminder to not get too close to a stripper. Sometimes it can be legit, but you're rarely ever dealing with a real "friend." And when you get the wake up call that it's all just a business transaction, it really makes the whole idea of strip clubs less fun. That's why I'm taking a break for a little while.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Dating Dancers for suger moma's !
    Unfortunately it really does just sound like a fantasy to me. Obviously it's a great situation if you get yourself into something like that, but I find that you can't really "try" to put yourself into a situation like that, it sort of just happens naturally. It will also probably work out better if you *don't* meet the girl at a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    GF issues with my SC fetish
    Whether you have a relationship or not, the strip clubs will always be there anyway. Why sacrifice something that's way harder to get for something that's so easy to get?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Lap Dance Marketing
    Well I can say what not to do. Unless it's extremely crowded/busy and there is no time, take a moment to actually sit and talk to the customer and ask how their night is going, etc. Try to at least have a short conversation before asking if they want a dance. The "wanna dance?" hit and run is something I hate and unfortunately see quite a bit in Manhattan clubs.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    I've heard the terms BG and SG used a lot when talking about Tijuana. BG = Bar Girl SG = Street Girl (not to be confused with SW, Street *Walker*) BCG could perhaps be Bar and/or Club Girl.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    BBBJ vs CFS
    as much as I do love to fuck I am with you on this too, a nice BBBJ can be all I really need and if it's significantly cheaper I'd certainly go for that over CFS, especially if it's ITC. Much easier for the girl to administer a BJ ITC than it is to actually fuck properly.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Why are some strip clubs packed late at night?
    At one of my favorite clubs here in NYC what you said is definitely true. People often use a strip club as their final stop for the night, and it does work well for that purpose. Good way to wind things down. As others said, at least where I go the night shift is way better looking than the day shift too and there's way more dancers too. So it's generally not even really worth bothering with going earlier here.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    North Carolina
    grirls at the gym hotter then some strippers
    Depends on the gym and club you're comparing. I can take you to a club out here in NYC that'll probably make you change your mind right away - these girls are so hot that they probably also go to some gyms a lot too though...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Backpage question?
    Don't bother seeing anyone that is not TER reviewed and you'll be just fine generally speaking.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    bar tropical
    I also wanted to add that you might want to check out Hong Kong and Adelitas on some of the more off nights. Of course there are more/better looking girls on weekends, but I've had success on random weekdays as well and you'll have less of a sausage fest and less pressure overall.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    bar tropical
    TJAmigos is indeed a very useful resource. If you don't like knocks on the door then do what I do: 1) Rent a room for the night at Hong Kong (Hotel Cascadas), which is usually only around $35. 2) Find young pretty latinas in the club and bring them to your room. There won't be any knocks and you'll often find girls willing to stay with you for even longer than 30 minutes. If you know an Adelita girl pretty well she might go to Hotel Cascadas. It rarely happens but I've done it before. Some of the street girls also go to Cascadas, you can pick them outside of the alley exit/entrance to Hong Kong.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How to Tip A Stripper?
    If you're not going to at least give a dollar, it is best not to tip at all. I'm sure most of the dancers are used to it - but you really don't want to outright call them a "stripper."
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Appreciate the ATF
    Ive been given free drinks by managers or bartenders before. Of course i spend enough for it to make sense. :)