avatar for Realist123

Comments by Realist123

discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for georgmicrodong
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Dancers with no pictures
If you pretend to be a woman on a message board full of men you better be willing to back it up with some proof, less you want your opinions not taken seriously
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for m00tpoint
Guidelines for Tipping
I don't tip at all, I spend enough to where a tip doesn't matter, they get paid enough, they don't need extra money. I receive the same, if not better treatment from the strippers compared to the big tippers
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for johnbrwon001
I would never go bare on anything but Blowjobs.
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Do you really give a shit about the club layout?
plastic chairs = nono I prefer to have sex on comfortable things!
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
4 Injured In Early-Morning Shooting At Club
I've always made sure I leave the club before 1:00am, things have actually gone down after I left, around 2-3am. Dudester is not wrong, most if not all shootings seem to happen after 2 or 3am
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for Clackport
What does a stripper kissing you mean?
lonely strippers want fake-love and money
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
U.S. judge dismisses claims in strip club-taxi driver lawsuit
Don't see why all the hate against the man, he speaks nothing but the truth...
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for georgmicrodong
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Maybe I *have* been doing this too long
you lucky bastard, I have yet to get buttsex
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for Columbo
ultra thin, always
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for georgmicrodong
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Something tells me he didn't like this club
LOL maybe the bartender did say that just for a reaction or to get him the fuck out of there
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for bang69
North Carolina
But... they are hookers
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for Madison07940
Any mileage in Illinois?
I smell bacon...
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Prostitution sweep results in arrest of 27 in Waterbury
59's Profile Member Since: February 2003 • Last Seen: May 2011 Where have you been the last 8 years?
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for Realist123
Bare BJs support group
@bang69, Studies have not shown the exact risk of HIV being transmittable through oral sex. It is very much less than vagina sex.
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for 10inches
sound advice from rickdugan. there is no reason to blab your mouth
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for tusclman
San Diego or Adelitas
Adelitas and HK are for sex, not for lapdances
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for SuperDude
Detroit, Michigan
Who are these guys?
Because I get what I want from ladies I enjoy at my favorite club, no need to go around and become the new guy at a club again. Why mess with a good thing? When I'm done having my fun I'll move onto something better
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for SuperDude
Detroit, Michigan
Who are these guys?
I only go to one club right now.. I really don't know what to put because the same thing happens on every visit when you go and see the same girl, I would just be posting the same review every week... lol
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for 10inches
Yes this happens to me too. In some clubs where it is very rare for extras, it's pretty much common sense to keep it a secret, if you want it to continue
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for farmerart
Current Gas Prices
southern california lowest $3.81 highest $4.91
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for steve229
Dancer: "I don't want to give that sweaty guy a dance”
How can a dancer tell if someone is going commando? even if she is dancing for him.. whos to say there isnt a 1/4 inch layer of underwear there? that's impossible for her to know unless she for a handjob
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for looneylarry
Adjust your junk?
and I normally keep mine pointed to the left or the right, anything else can get painful with the wrong dancer trying to bounce up and down and crack it in half
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for looneylarry
Adjust your junk?
Since day one for visiting clubs since I was a young man, all I do is fix it when it needs to be fixed, whether she is dancing, (ill just let her know non-verbally it is uncomfortable and fix myself.. not one of thousands of dancers has said anything..) or fix it when they change positions during the dance. It's no big deal, so go ahead and touch your junk
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for sinclair
Strip Club Nation
Police: Man found outside far East El Paso strip club with machetes
also.. attacking someone with a 27inch machete should not be considered.. aggravated assault.. that's attempted murder