

dancer recently told me that she offered extras in VIP, but I had to promise not to tell any of the other girls what she did. can anyone really expect to kept secret, what they do in VIP? figure the dancers easily figure it out , when one is making a lot of money in VIP


  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    Females use six to seven times the words men use in a day. If you've got a good thing going, why fuck it up by running your mouth ? Geez.
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    I've gottn extras in the VIP room many times. And have been asked by other dancers what happened. I just tell them what hapens between me & the dancer stays between the dancer. Its common knolage that there are dancers that do extras. The other dancers know that but don't tell who they are.
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
    Good job bang...showing the other girls that you can keep a secret might get them to open up their menu to you too!
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Dancer competition is getting stiff. (As we get stiffer.) I can see how some dancers would want to find out from customers what they have to offer and give to get steady regular money. They may have suspicions, but having the real knowledge is important. Some dancers could use the information to get a dancer fired, depending on the manager's attitude and relationship with LE. Getting rid of "extras" girls makes it easier for others to make money.
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    Generally agree to keep whatever happens just between you and your girl. And regarding whether other girls would do with that information, there may be some who'd cause trouble, but I've found that most offer what they're comfortable with - finding the right balance between services and payment. I've actually seen girls who provide less mileage but still clean up because they're hot, and they offer good communications, pleasant personalities, and other erotic qualities that more than make up for it.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    I can think of no upside to blabbing about what a specific girl has done for me to *anyone*, much less another girl in the same club. I've gotten to the point that when asked what somebody else has done for me I just respond with "nothing", even if I've never even seen the asked about dancer before.
  • Realist123
    13 years ago
    Yes this happens to me too. In some clubs where it is very rare for extras, it's pretty much common sense to keep it a secret, if you want it to continue
  • how
    13 years ago
    Definitely the right call to not boink-and-tell. The next gal should know she can trust your discretion. Also, if she's interested because she wants to rat out the other dancer, she should have no information anyway--and should be avoided.
  • overnights
    13 years ago
    I keep it to myself...the gals in the club can figure it out own their own based on who I spend time and $$$ with in the VIP. If they want my $$$, they're going to have to make it worth my while.

  • Book Guy
    13 years ago
    Though I also advocate NOT telling, I can see an up-side to telling: you're letting word out, that you know what goes on at this club and at what price; thus, a new girl can't pull the wool over your eyes about what the going rate-per-service should be, because you're an experienced customer; thereby, competition increases among sellers, which is generally to advantage of buyers (us!).
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    BG, But that doesn't require that one say anything about specific dancers, only that "I know what goes on, and how much it should be."
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    I have heard of some situations where one dancer backstabbed another by telling the manager that she heard about extra activity from a specific known regular customer. The extras girl was confronted and fired. If the customer had not told the backstabber, maybe this wouldn't have happened. In the end it is not our problem, unless you want to protect a friend from getting fired.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago

    There is a major difference between assumption and knowledge.
  • bhunter5252
    13 years ago
    So, Should the not talking about extras and which girl privied them extend to this forum?
  • joker44
    13 years ago
    SuperDude makes a good point -- one patron telling several dancers OR several guys telling one dancer about an extras girl is often enough 'evidence' to get that girl in trouble with management; would be at clubs in MO already nervous about SC Law appeal.

    One club I visit has private rooms where any action would take place; the second club only has a common VIP room. Dancers at the first may suspect but since all VIP sessions last 30 minutes it would take a patron blabbing to alert management.

    At the second club only a really naive dancer would miss another girl doing extras. Most dancers know who's doing extras but their word alone isn't sufficient for management to act. Moreover, all these "extras" dancers know and use the two spots in VIP that are relatively secure from detection. Using either spot is like a bright, flashing neon sign saying "extras in progress" But it's not enough evidence without the guy bragging or the couple being caught red-handed.

    BG: In response to an outrageeous offer it's enough to say "I'm a frequent visitor here and know what your asking is out of line [or too high]"
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    My rule of thumb is to always keep my mouth shut. I've had situations where I was fucking two girls in the same club and one girl did not know what I was doing with the other. As we all know, lots of bad things can happen when management and bitchier dancers receive confirmation from a customer that a particular girl is fucking that customner.

    As many around here know, I fuck strippers OTC in many areas around the country. In most places, with a few notable exceptions, discretion is paramount if you want a shot at a repeat engagement with a girl, and many are careful to try to size you up before they even do it the first time. No girl wants to come back to the club with snarky bitches ratting on them because the guy couldn't keep his trap shut.

    Besides, guys with wagging tongue syndrome are just weak, insecure pussies anyway. If one really feels the need to try to impress a stripper with what he did p4p with another stripper, he is a moron. A girl who doesn't do OTC will not be swayed by hearing that another does, and a girl that might have considered it will change her mind if she thinks that she will be tomorrow night's topic with another stripper.

    I've heard, "Don't tell", or some version of it, dozens of times and I never, ever do. My game would just not be the same if it were otherwise.
  • Realist123
    13 years ago
    sound advice from rickdugan. there is no reason to blab your mouth

  • Player11
    13 years ago
    I dont talk abt other girls with a girl. I understand they will ask each other "what did u get off hime" (money from vip member). If for instance a girl tells another girl in dressing room "he was like fuck machine" the other girl will want to try him out. They will keep track of who gal goes in VIP room with like to get him when she not there. For them its abt getting guys who pay good money.
  • curiousgeorgefun
    13 years ago
    You are telling the other girls.... You're telling us :)
    That said.... to many details can tip LEO (who is never on this board) or club managers who frown on extras (which never made sense to me, the girls are taking the risk... you are getting customers)
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    OV, what "C" did to Clubber at ". . . . . . " was wonderful. LOL
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    as if the other strippers don't already know
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    OV and vm,

    You guys, as well as most all other TUSCLers are welcome in South Florida at any time!

    vm, No "C" this afternoon.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    I don't kiss and tell but the dancers do know the score.
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    Well, the other dancers often SUSPECT that a girl is doing OTC, but they don't KNOW, at least unless the girl or customer told someone else in the club. There is a big difference between suspecting and confirmation.

    A lot of the girls I do OTC with tend to be discreet and work in clubs where it would be a problem if it was confirmed. Now in my local club a few girls, including the bartender, sspect that my fav is fucking me, but they don't know. A couple of dancers, one of which is definitely no friend of my fav, have gone so far as to try to draw more information out of me, but no go.

    Hell, in one club I even experienced a personally verified OTC girl accuse another girl, with all due moral outrage, of offering sex to a customer. ;) LMAO.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    If strippers are lying thieving whores, why should anyone believe anything they say see or do?
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    We talk among ourselves in mostly general terms plenty here on tuscl.We can certainly keep our mouths shut about specifics in clubs.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    Loose lips sink ships.
    I remember hearing one dancer at various times say how she got another dancer fired. For instance one dancer is doing something extra and the other dancer doesn't want to compete with her. Guess who's going to try to help catch someone in the act by alerting bouncers? The extras girls get watched and/or fired. The other dancer feels happy she no longer has to compete. After word spreads like one week, what she doesn't seem to notice is that the crowd in the club drops in half and she has a harder time just getting dances because the only thing anyone in the club can get is just a regular lame lap dance. Many dancers would rather get the competition fired than work on increasing the overall number of customers coming into a club.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    Some guys are going to talk anyway. Some guys will make up crap to boost their ego. Some will lie about what dancers do to either make themselves look better or they have it in for the dancer(s).
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    Then there are a few guys who almost never go to strip clubs and think dancers are whores who are only waiting for the right amount of cash to do whatever they want. That may be true if you are a millionaire and have tons of money to burn and aren't too picky or got good looks. However that approach would probably work a whole lot better in a regular pick up bar instead of a strip club.
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