
Comments by Club_Goer_Seattle (page 24)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Wet wipes
    Many dancers I've known keep baby wipes in their dance bag, or locker. But that's just for a touch up between customers for when they go back to the dressing room. I don't ever recall seeing one pull one out of her purse after a lap dance. I usually carry two handkerchiefs with me when I go clubbing. It helps to have anything wet to clean up, from a spilled drink to (you know what). And, in the case of the latter, I have one for the dancer and one for myself.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    When do you you prefer to hook up with a stripper for OTC fun?
    My preference is on a day off. I want them relaxed, and not rushed for time. I usually arrange my OTCs at least a couple of days in advance. If I can't get them on a day off, my next preference is after work. But that would have to be a day shift dancer. Like Subraman, I'll take them out to dinner, then back to my place for our "session." Also, as a second choice, I think of an after-work time as "dessert," like RickDugan mentioned.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Relationships with a dancer.
    @ Cara: Very good points. You write extremely well. I hope we'll see more of you!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Dancers often asking if you're from the area, just chit chat?
    I had an unusual experience once related to the topic of whether or not I was from the local area. A dancer openly asked me if I was staying in a hotel--not where I'm from, but specifically if I was staying in a hotel. I sensed either ROB or OTC opportunities were brewing in her mind if I answered "yes." But I WAS staying in a hotel so I answered "yes." She said, "I thought so. You smell like hotel soap." I had just showered and shaved before I arrived at the club. Her sense of smell (and knowledge of common bar soaps) was keen enough that she could discern I was staying in a hotel! But nothing further ensued because of that.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I just noticed all our pics are gone
    I always save my profile pics in "My Pictures" in my home computer. So, no problem for me if they're lost on TUSCL. I can re-post them if I want to.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Tony Gwynn gone
    I just heard the news on the radio a few minutes ago. I didn't know that he had been battling cancer for a while. Such a shame for someone with his zest for life to die so young.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I guess flagging reviews is a waste of time!
    I mentioned a while ago when flagging came up, that to see the flag you have to be in the screen where the review is seen alone. If you have the screen where all the reviews for that club are shown, the flag isn't visible. Founder said he'd fix that, but it hasn't happened yet.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Dancers often asking if you're from the area, just chit chat?
    Shark, For me I think it's just chit-chat. I usually respond with, "I'm from the same planet you are." As to your last paragraph I remember a game show on TV from when I was a kid. The special guest was a linguist who could identify within maybe 100 miles where in the U.S. you learned your English. He had a list of about a dozen phrases that he would ask people. At the end of the list, or even earlier for some, he could tell where you grew up and learned to speak!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    chicks that would bring out the pl in you
    I detected implants as well and confirmed it with the resource that I use to keep abreast of such matters: http://www.boobpedia.com/boobs/Sophia_Lares There are links to her work there if your interested in more of her. Also enter her name in www.bing.com/videos It appears that she only does solo-tease videos. No hard core.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Whenever I'm wearing any kind of after shave lotion, or the occasional cologne, I'm often asked by dancers, "What are you wearing?" My standard answer is: "It's an exotic blend . . . . of the fragrances . . . of the last five dancers that sat next to me! And now your's is in the mix. I have a name for it. I call it 'stripper blend,' and it's never the same twice." Gets 'em laughing every time!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Club Manager Alerting Customers Higher Mileage Now
    @ Sclvr: I concur. Been there. Done that.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Club Manager Alerting Customers Higher Mileage Now
    @ Art: I'd be pleased to have you come to Seattle, but the strip clubs here shouldn't be your motivation for doing so. The camera removal was done maybe a year ago, but this manager is just telling now the world about it. (She's a fairly new manager and is trying some new things to improve business.) This club hires fairly tame dancers to begin with. Many sought their jobs there because it wasn't a known extras club. So, I doubt that any actual mileage will change with the manager's announcement. @ Sclvr: I remember when the DV-COI went in, in 2004. The company had a fairly tame reputation back then, but it had to know it would have to offer high mileage to compete with the numerous other clubs in the area.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New look for TUSCL
    Well, it doesn't seem to be any easier for mobile devices, but Founder has taken note. BTW, it's much too large a font on a PC.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New look for TUSCL
    I sense that it's another in a series of recent changes in TUSCL to better accommodate increased usage on mobile devices. I usually just use my PC at home for TUSCL viewing. I rarely use it on my cell phone. Anyone out there who uses it extensively on mobile devices have anything to say?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Hockey finals vs basketball finals
    Slick, surely you meant "Dodgerball."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    favorite ethnicity for dancers
    With regard to No. 5, they're all pink!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Best pics on TUSCL
    Thanks Slick, I like your Dodger babes a lot. Batter up !!! (Not THAT kind of bat.)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Can You Really Do All 'That' With The Dancers Here?
    That was a better review than a lot of intended reviews are!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    A Strip Club's Second Life
    Slick, That would be the former Babydolls Theatre on W. Holt Ave. (Pomona, CA) near the SR-71 Fwy. I had some great times there! (BTW, if ANYONE in TUSCL-land can help me on this I'd appreciate it: I've been trying to find the reviews for that club. It closed around 2006, and never reopened as a strip club. I thought I knew how to search for reviews of closed clubs, but I can't find it in all of TUSCL.)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    A Strip Club's Second Life
    @ Dougster: I've only been to Sugar's since 2004. It was always a mediocre club since I knew it, but I have heard it was quite a place at one time. It was a "private" club, and had membership requirement. I know one dancer that worked there in its heyday and thought highly of it back then. What's your recollection?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Female DJs ?
    I've been to at least two clubs (maybe three) that had a female d.j., and I appreciated them much more than any male d.j. I ever observed. One of these was at a club where I was a regular, so I saw a lot of her. She had a sweet sexy voice, and only used it to announce the dancers' names. She was also a former dancer herself at that club, and knew how to take care of the dancers much more so than her male predecessors. Also, her choice of music (when she had the choice) was much more appreciated. I've seen great results from women deejays!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    There might be hope for me
    In these cases I always wonder if dude wasn't wealthy, but just had an ordinary income, if the girl would still be interested in him. And, these marriages don't seem to last very long.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    If you decide to not get any more dances from one of your favorites, do you tell
    I had a fave (among several) recently that I just stopped seeing. We don't even text each other anymore, either. My situation is much like lopaw's. I just didn't find her very interesting anymore. Coupled with the fact that she's now gained too much weight for my liking, made decide to stop seeing her. It was four months since I last talked to her. I've been to her club a few times since then, but not when she's working. Because of her weight, she's self-conscious of her appearance and avoids going on stage. I like to see my faves go on stage. So, no more for her.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    former stripper is now an internet slut
    Dives: The Good and The Bad
    I've had some good times in divey clubs. Both in L.A. and Las Vegas. But not here in Seattle. The dives here are to be avoided!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Older Women
    I have a fondness for older dancers. I just find them much more to my liking. I appreciate their termperaments very much. They're more civilized and well-skilled in the ways of the world. I recall that when I was 28, I had the chance to ask a 40ish woman for a date. We met at a singles conference, so I knew she was available and willing. And she lived in my area too. But, I chickened out, and never did ask her out.