
Dancers often asking if you're from the area, just chit chat?

I get asked this question a lot. For you guys who say you live in town, do you more often have a dancer suggesting hooking up for OTC or is it just chit chat for you too?
Do dancers often tell you where they are from after asking you? I often hear the general area where they are from. I'd say it's roughly 50/50 for those saying they live about an hour away to visiting the area much farther away. Do you get this question all the time? Maybe I still have an accent.

I remember one guy in college said he could tell where you were from by your accent. He was pretty good except I have a slur between my parents original accent and living in 4 different states.


  • sinclair
    10 years ago
    I think she is gauging whether you are local or not. If you live close by, she might try to aim to please more so as to get you to return to see her on a repeating basis. If you are from out of town and only around for a short time, she might try to get as much money out of you as she can that night by any means possible (even ROB tactics) because she will never see you again. Because of this, I lie alot and tell dancers I am from the area.

    With that aside, it is also one of the easiest questions to ask a stranger along with:
    What is your name?
    Is this your first time here?
    How is your night going?
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    Shark, For me I think it's just chit-chat. I usually respond with, "I'm from the same planet you are."

    As to your last paragraph I remember a game show on TV from when I was a kid. The special guest was a linguist who could identify within maybe 100 miles where in the U.S. you learned your English. He had a list of about a dozen phrases that he would ask people. At the end of the list, or even earlier for some, he could tell where you grew up and learned to speak!
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    I think for most girls, it's just a standard question to ask a customer. Some times at some clubs, though, I do think they ask that one with the eventual possibility of OTC in mind, with the idea that someone not local is looking for OTC.
  • AnonymousJim
    10 years ago
    I've had better luck through the years with OTC when I've been out of town rather than in town.

    Think about it: If you're business-like (i.e. not a trucker or some occupation from that ilk) and from out of town, good chance you're in on business and have a hotel room -- also, good chance it's a nice one. If you're traveling for business, you're probably in a fairly important, well-paying job, and you're away from home, where you're more likely to be without spouse/kids and perhaps open to some company.

    If you're from around the area, good chance you live with your SO (or, for the young'ens, their parents), making OTC more difficult. You could have any sort of job and have just come home, cleaned yourself up and went out. At that point, the "where do you live" question gives a good indicator of your demographics, but I think OTC could be seen as less of a possibility.

    The one time I had my most straightforward OTC experience, it was when I had gotten a great Hotwire deal on a very nice downtown hotel in a city that has a lot of conventions (but wasn't having any that weekend). Dressed sharp and let the girl know I was from out of town and where I was staying straight out. She straight-out proposed the idea of providing company almost immediately after. She wasn't worth it in the end, but it was a rather thrilling accomplishment, especially considering it took all of, like, 15 minutes at the club for me to pull it off, as she had just taken the stage when I got there and found me right after her rotation ended.

    Nonetheless, I still answer this pretty honestly. I prefer my women high-end, so I've come to accept the odds at home are fairly slim. On the road, maybe a little better.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    It's mostly just chit chat.
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    I think it's mostly chit chat breaking the ice so to speak. But they do expect you to come in more often to see them if you're local. I go to local clubs and out of town clubs and they always ask that question after they ask your name. It hasn't helped me with otc either way. If you're from town or out of town it doesn't matter. If they fuck for money they fuck for money.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago

    I've heard of people that can do that. Of course all of us can pick out certain areas to a limited extent.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    My current ATF asked me that right away. I never asked her why she did but it might be a good question. I agree that for many dancers being from a different city might encourage her to use less desirable tactics to get your money. My ATF was interested in a longer term thing with me from the start as she refused my tips!
  • Subraman
    10 years ago
    Most of you guys are WAY underestimating the girls if you think it's just chit chat, at least the ones with any experience. I agree with sinclair -- it's sales profiling, disguised as light banter. If you're from out of town, she wants to separate as much money from you as possible, and chances are you don't know all the rules and prices so she can manipulate those too (same reason for the "do you come here often" question). She jack up prices, ask for tips, upsell more aggressively. If you're local, and especially if you go there more often, you're a candidate for return trips, so she'll feel you out for the right approach.
  • Dolfan
    10 years ago
    I'm on the "its chit chat" bandwagon. It less common overall for them to tell me without asking but with some groups, especially with foreign girls, its an excuse for them to tell me where they are from and maybe find out if I speak Spanish. For the other girls, I think its a good start to a larger conversation that is not as one-sided as "what do you do." We can both talk about where we're from or are currently living, very few strippers can speak intelligently about many other occupations.

    I've seen little correlation to suggest me not being from the area leading to less scrupulous tactics or more OTC offers. On the other hand, I have seen a pretty strong correlation between the dancer not being from the area and being a ROB and/or willing to go OTC. In other words, I can tell the girls at Tootsies I'm a few blocks away and they're every bit as likely to be a ROB as if I told them I was from Timbuktu. However, its almost a certainty that if a girl is from out of the area that she's a ROB. Its to the point where I almost always ask now. I don't do that much out of town clubbing though, most of my work travel is to places with shittier clubs than home so I just hit the airport clubs here.

    As far as popularity, it is a pretty common question just about every dancer who's pitch includes more than "wanna dance" asks me.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    It's hard to say, because unless you were a regular in the area it would be hard to know how common OTC is.

    That said, I remember when I visited the BSC in Phoenix I go an OTC offer on my second visit there. txtittyfan, OTOH, claims he has been going there for 10y to 20ys or something and said the girls there just do not do that. So it could be that out of towners have an advantage, or just that I have an advantage over txtittyfan, which is hardly difficult to believe given that I am younger, wealthier, smarter, funnier, more charming, and, likely, better looking that him. :-) He really freaked out about that one. Was one of the funniest things in the history of TUSCL.

    But thinking of it completely in terms of theoreticals, I can see arguments either way. With an out of towner a girl can just fuck you once and then be done. No needy regular complications or any other drama to deal with. And you won't tell her co-workers because you'll be out of town.

    But there are advantage to in two regulars. Like you know the guy isn't a cop. And if he asked you, probably he has done it with plenty of others and hasn't raped or killed them (otherwise word would have got around). So it is slightly safer.

    Overall I think out-of-towners have a slight advantage.

    (And if it wasn't P4P it's pretty well know that guys from out of the area, especially out of the country, have an advantage when it comes to getting girls due probably to the novelty/adventure factors. (Evolutionary psychologists aruge that this is fundamentally due to the benefits of mix up the gene pool).)

  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    There are some excellent points made here and most hold true especially the profiling.

    I feel it can have a negative affect as well for out of towners. It doesn't help that my southern accent is a dead giveaway that I'm from out of town but when some dancers find out, I think some tend to "move along" because they know they're not likely to see me again and they don't feel like wasting their time on my since they can't build a repeat client out of me.

    Now the smart dancers know I'm there for one night and one night only so help make it a memorable one and make my wallet lighter in the process.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    Its just chit chat.
    I love the conspiracy theory types. Funny stuff.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    I had an unusual experience once related to the topic of whether or not I was from the local area. A dancer openly asked me if I was staying in a hotel--not where I'm from, but specifically if I was staying in a hotel. I sensed either ROB or OTC opportunities were brewing in her mind if I answered "yes." But I WAS staying in a hotel so I answered "yes." She said, "I thought so. You smell like hotel soap."

    I had just showered and shaved before I arrived at the club. Her sense of smell (and knowledge of common bar soaps) was keen enough that she could discern I was staying in a hotel! But nothing further ensued because of that.
  • joker44
    10 years ago
    In my area:

    For really new dancers it's just chit-chat.

    Otherwise, Sinclair nailed it. Live in the area?; visit club often?; are dancer's way of screening for possible 'regular'.

    Here, OTC screening involves VIP experience with you; will you spend $$$ on her, validate you aren't LE, and are you 'likeable' as a VIP partner?
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    Just chit chat
  • Subraman
    10 years ago
    "Its just chit chat.
    I love the conspiracy theory types. Funny stuff."

    LOL There's no conspiracy needed, it's just sales 101. The girls would have to be borderline retarded not to learn how to do basic customer profiling, and adjust their tactics based on the things they learn. All you need to do is get close enough to nearly any stripper or retired stripper and asked what she does with that information.

    Which is not to say it isn't chit chat also. She wants you talking, she wants to find something in common with you to talk about, etc. But at its heart, that's still sales too.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    subraman: "The girls would have to be borderline retarded not to learn how to do basic customer profiling"

    So that is supposed to rule out many strippers? :-)
  • Dolfan
    10 years ago
    I'll buy that chit-chat is sales, but I think most girls trying to establish a regular client are going after regular patrons. Meaning they see said customer in several times and is already a club regular, then she just makes him her regular.

    Strip clubs are not bastions of honesty. Strippers or customers expecting words to align with actions without an established pattern thereof are destined for disappointment.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    Part sizing up the prey, but mostly chit chat.
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