Wet wipes

avatar for shailynn
I do not understand why dancers aren't carrying these around with them.

Saturday a non swallower chose to wipe her hands on the fucking curtains while she was holding about 5-6oz of shailynn juice. When exiting I said "oh you can pull the curtains back, thank you"


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
That’s life in the SCs – it’s often not pretty LOL.

I’ve read in the reviews of Ebony Inn in Maryland that each table has a bottle of hand sanitizer.
avatar for shailynn
11 years ago
I know it's not pretty but a little preparation wouldn't hurt, oh I forgot we're talking about SS!
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
Wet wipes are not going to clean up a bunch of cum. She had to wipe them off before using wet wipes or touching anything. Her mistake was not bringing a bunch of napkins.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
11 years ago
At HS8 in Southgate MI they keep rolls of paper towels and wet wipes on a shelf in the lap dance area LOL!
avatar for JohnSmith69
11 years ago
Lap dance rooms with tissues, towels, wipes, or sanitizer are a very considerate touch. However, most clubs fail to do this, and the dancers are almost never prepared. Half the time, the girl seems surprised to end up with my cum in or on her even though that is what we specifically negotiated before things began. . I usually carry a small pack of tissues in my pocket for just such occasions.
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
Dancers "carrying them around with them". I can see that...

"Hey big boy, want a dance?"

"I see you have wet wipes in your hand; you do extras??"

"No, I just like carrying wet wipes."

avatar for Otto22
11 years ago
At Henry 8 North last night several of the LD booths had pools of cum on the floor. Guess some of the girls don't swallow.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
11 years ago
Many dancers I've known keep baby wipes in their dance bag, or locker. But that's just for a touch up between customers for when they go back to the dressing room. I don't ever recall seeing one pull one out of her purse after a lap dance.

I usually carry two handkerchiefs with me when I go clubbing. It helps to have anything wet to clean up, from a spilled drink to (you know what). And, in the case of the latter, I have one for the dancer and one for myself.
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
I have one favorite that always wipes down the leather sofa in the VIP with an antiseptic wipe before she will even let me sit down.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
I use the dancer’s hair :)
avatar for joker44
11 years ago
Many drug stores & WalMart sell travel size packets of baby wipes that a dancer could easily fit in her purse.
avatar for sailmd
11 years ago
Shailynn. Really?! 5-6 oz of mouthwash? Really not. If you abstain for five days it's 6cc , not oz. And who does that?
avatar for shailynn
11 years ago
"Shailynn. Really?! 5-6 oz of mouthwash? Really not. If you abstain for five days it's 6cc , not oz. And who does that?"

Well I didn't measure it out and I did abstain for 5 days before that night so I had some built up. I like that, just as long as my "gun" doesn't go off when I'm driving over the speed bumps in the parking lot!
avatar for shailynn
11 years ago
Think I'm crazy? Even cam'ron has the same concerns as me, even made a rap song about it, I'd like to play it for you, here ya go.

avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
^^^ lol...need some wet wipes in the waffle house
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
If I'm expecting to nut, I always bring paper towels with me. From home, if I know their bathroom only has the air dry blowers. Even if she *does* swallow, there's often a mess of saliva I'd prefer to clean up.
avatar for shailynn
11 years ago
"If I'm expecting to nut, I always bring paper towels with me. From home, if I know their bathroom only has the air dry blowers. Even if she *does* swallow, there's often a mess of saliva I'd prefer to clean up."

And where do you out such items, are you carrying a fanny pack or a satchel (aka) man purse? Aside from my money and my ID and 1 credit card I don't carry anything else inside the club. Leave my phone in the car, no wallet, and it seems I usually take a cab (no keys) or most places I go to I have to valet. I guess I could stuff a paper towel or two in my pocket...
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
@shailynn: Cargo pants or shorts.
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