Before she goes to work? After she gets off work? Or on her day off?
For me my preference would be on her day off or before she starts to work. I want her fresh. Not tired, hungry and smelly. Most of the club fill up late at night. Are these customers hoping to score for after hours? Then there is the baby sitter issue too. When is it the easiest to find one. Does being on the road make a difference?
My bed time is very early, so after shift would be too much strain on my endurance. Early evening or weekends on their days off is my preference. Many who do OTC seem to prefer it as opposed to working a full shift, so sometimes will skip out on work if you line up enough time with them.
My preference is after her shift is over. I like to go to the club, drink and be merry, then take that fine piece of ass from the club right to my hotel room, or meet her at the hotel when I'm in a club where dancers cannot leave with customers.
In my experience, end of shift is also the time at which dancers are least likely to flake out, since it is just an extension of the night for them. Dancers are notoriously bad at keeping commitments and I find trying to plan things in advance with them to be too much of a pain in the ass if I can avoid it.
The problem is that some girls just work too late to make that practical, especially since I normally have to be up in the morning. In some cases, I can get girls to bail out early, but in other places club management is pretty rigid in not allowing the girls to leave too early. When this is the case, I will often meet them on a day off.
I never want to meet up with a girl before her shift because I do not want to feel rushed. I also prefer the dessert to be a night finisher rather than the first course. ;)
"Many who do OTC seem to prefer it as opposed to working a full shift, so sometimes will skip out on work if you line up enough time with them."
My experience also. Always curious to me, since if she went to work instead, she could make the same in a few VIPs as she does OTC with me, but I guess that if she finds you tolerable as a person, making less money with you is preferable to a stressful night at the club. I've had one stripper go so far as to tell me outright: "even if I'm scheduled to work a certain day, if you let me know two days in advance, I can cancel at work without getting fined and go OTC with you instead", and she followed through on that.
I definitely prefer seeing her fresh and clean on her day off, although as Rick points out, in that case there's always the risk that she'll flake (and roughly 100% chance she'll be late). I occasionally will do the after-her-shift thing, but only with dayshift girls, so typically I'll buy her dinner, get more drinks into her, and hit the bed from there.
There is no explainable logic behind this but for some reason Sunday mornings work well for me. Typically I am checking out of a hotel on Sunday and I have set up dates for that morning. I'll tell a dancer "I have to check out by noon so I'd prefer you to be there between 8 and 10am to give us ample time." I've just been lucky I guess and I have never had a dancer flake on a Sunday morning. I take it as they may not make what they expected to on their Saturday night, and they may not be working until the next weekend so it's their last chance to make some extra cash. The secret is making sure you're setting this up with a girl that doesn't work a lot of nights in the club, and if they have a civilian job as well they're more likely to not work in the club a bunch if nights a week, so to them spending an hour or two on a Sunday morning when they wouldn't be doing anything except lying in bed is well worth it.
I can't tell you how many times I've been turned down for OTC because a girl wanted to party instead, and there's not much partying going on Sunday morning.
On their day off. I haven't had one show up on time yet but they've always showed up at some point so far.
I concur that they would rather do OTC then go to work even if it may be less money.
Makes me wonder though, they must get asked to do OTC all the time every night they work but most work on their usual days. I would think they could just do OTC all week.
Lone_Sheep: "Makes me wonder though, they must get asked to do OTC all the time every night they work but most work on their usual days"
Similar flaw in reasoning to what RickyBoy made. There is actually not infinite demand for them to do (paid) OTC even if they are 9s or 10s. Most guys, especially PLs like you and generic idiots like RickyBoy, really overestimate the demand.
My preference is on a day off. I want them relaxed, and not rushed for time. I usually arrange my OTCs at least a couple of days in advance.
If I can't get them on a day off, my next preference is after work. But that would have to be a day shift dancer. Like Subraman, I'll take them out to dinner, then back to my place for our "session." Also, as a second choice, I think of an after-work time as "dessert," like RickDugan mentioned.
"Similar flaw in reasoning to what RickyBoy made. There is actually not infinite demand for them to do (paid) OTC even if they are 9s or 10s. Most guys, especially PLs like you and generic idiots like RickyBoy, really overestimate the demand."
So so true, when I was at the coliseum in Detroit this past Saturday night, probably the busiest club in all of Detroit, you couldn't find a seat, but nobody was going to the VIP rooms. If these guys won't spend $25 on lap dances they're not going to spent $200+ on OTC. Granted a lot of people in there don't even know that could be an option, others probably don't have the ability to prepare for something like that (getting a room, getting away from their s.o., being able tigger out of their weekly game time meeting to play call of duty while living in their moms basement, etc.)
My preference is day off or before, which seems to work. Most girls seem happy to see me instead of work that day. I'm sure money and relatively short hours. They can stop by my place around a little later than they'd normally go to work and be done in half the time. I probably cover half an average shift's net or better with no risk of a total dud. I won't say I've never done the after work or leave early thing though.
I don't prearrange more than a few hours in advance because I'm as likely to have plans change as they are. Occasionally there's some casual "yeah, looks hook up on Tuesday" or something, but its nothing either of us consider a plan; its more similar to saying "see ya later."
I have done all three, before or after the workday and her day off. There were a couple that would take the day off when I came to town. We are talking OTC hookups. $300 and a meal at an upscale restaurant would get me 4-5 hours of company and sometimes the entire night. The $150-$200 quickie types just were not my cup of tea as they were slam-bamb-thank-you-mam sessions.
BTW - Most were in the 6-7 range on the rating scale.
My SB and I used to meet before she went to work, because that was most convenient for both of us. After a while, she didn't even mind being late.
Nowadays, I go when it's available. I don't stay up late, so for night shift girls, that's usually before work. For day shift, it tends to be after. I haven't had much luck meeting on days off, mostly because of family issues.
If I'm traveling, I usually give myself an extra day just for myself to do whatever. I have been known to knock off work earlier in the afternoon if I can arrange a "meeting" OTC with a dancer. Good stress release.
last commentIn my experience, end of shift is also the time at which dancers are least likely to flake out, since it is just an extension of the night for them. Dancers are notoriously bad at keeping commitments and I find trying to plan things in advance with them to be too much of a pain in the ass if I can avoid it.
The problem is that some girls just work too late to make that practical, especially since I normally have to be up in the morning. In some cases, I can get girls to bail out early, but in other places club management is pretty rigid in not allowing the girls to leave too early. When this is the case, I will often meet them on a day off.
I never want to meet up with a girl before her shift because I do not want to feel rushed. I also prefer the dessert to be a night finisher rather than the first course. ;)
My experience also. Always curious to me, since if she went to work instead, she could make the same in a few VIPs as she does OTC with me, but I guess that if she finds you tolerable as a person, making less money with you is preferable to a stressful night at the club. I've had one stripper go so far as to tell me outright: "even if I'm scheduled to work a certain day, if you let me know two days in advance, I can cancel at work without getting fined and go OTC with you instead", and she followed through on that.
I definitely prefer seeing her fresh and clean on her day off, although as Rick points out, in that case there's always the risk that she'll flake (and roughly 100% chance she'll be late). I occasionally will do the after-her-shift thing, but only with dayshift girls, so typically I'll buy her dinner, get more drinks into her, and hit the bed from there.
I can't tell you how many times I've been turned down for OTC because a girl wanted to party instead, and there's not much partying going on Sunday morning.
Probably right, like they're coming in from a night out at the same time I'm getting up, and we're the same age! Lol. Smh
I concur that they would rather do OTC then go to work even if it may be less money.
Makes me wonder though, they must get asked to do OTC all the time every night they work but most work on their usual days. I would think they could just do OTC all week.
Similar flaw in reasoning to what RickyBoy made. There is actually not infinite demand for them to do (paid) OTC even if they are 9s or 10s. Most guys, especially PLs like you and generic idiots like RickyBoy, really overestimate the demand.
If I can't get them on a day off, my next preference is after work. But that would have to be a day shift dancer. Like Subraman, I'll take them out to dinner, then back to my place for our "session." Also, as a second choice, I think of an after-work time as "dessert," like RickDugan mentioned.
So so true, when I was at the coliseum in Detroit this past Saturday night, probably the busiest club in all of Detroit, you couldn't find a seat, but nobody was going to the VIP rooms. If these guys won't spend $25 on lap dances they're not going to spent $200+ on OTC. Granted a lot of people in there don't even know that could be an option, others probably don't have the ability to prepare for something like that (getting a room, getting away from their s.o., being able tigger out of their weekly game time meeting to play call of duty while living in their moms basement, etc.)
I don't prearrange more than a few hours in advance because I'm as likely to have plans change as they are. Occasionally there's some casual "yeah, looks hook up on Tuesday" or something, but its nothing either of us consider a plan; its more similar to saying "see ya later."
BTW - Most were in the 6-7 range on the rating scale.
Nowadays, I go when it's available. I don't stay up late, so for night shift girls, that's usually before work. For day shift, it tends to be after. I haven't had much luck meeting on days off, mostly because of family issues.