
Comments by xedin5436 (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Hottie v. Hottie #3
    Agreed on Paige and Alisa, but i would have liked to have seen Jessica without her top on - looks like she had a mammoth chest.
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    13 years ago
    Hottie v. Hottie #2
    Oh, and I ended up with Vanessa as overall favorite.
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    13 years ago
    Hottie v. Hottie #2
    I'm gonna back Clubber on saying none of those girls were really anything special. Anyway, it was a near toss-up for me between Vanessa and Kelley. Alley's weird pencil eyebrows threw me, and they really need to re-take Dallas' photos when she's not plastered and can make a normal face (although that somehow added to her appeal and made her seem dirtier). Selena and Brooke were just alright, but Selena was clearly the class of the division in the booty contest.
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    13 years ago
    Hottie v. Hottie (rebooted) -- Now New and Improved
    Jenna, but it was close on some of them.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bad things happen when you touch the strippers.
    Uh, Flesh is owned by the same guys that own Tropical Lei and the defunct Hawaii Theater, so I can only assume this was the exact opposite of a "NO touch' club. Dude probably went too far and refused to pay for it or something.
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    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie #10
    I think it's a personal taste thing, but just not doing anything for me. 5
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    13 years ago
    Best SC website?
    I seriously doubt that those are real dancers anyway; they look like joke profiles. And there are actually 3.
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    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie # 8
    A little skinny on the body for me, but not bad. Face is OK but not wonderful. There's certainly much worse out there, and I wouldn't run from her at all. 6.5
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    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie #9
    I think she's doing alright, but I would generally like to see a larger chest to go with the backside, even if it's fake. I realize this puts me in the vast majority. 8
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    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie # 7
    I'm a bit suspicious of how all the photos show her turned to an angle and she's got her hand or her hair sort of blocking your view of her waist, but generally, yeah, she's pretty good. She's cute, but I wouldn't quite give her a ten for the face alone, so I guess I'd put her at about an 8.5 or maybe a 9. Certainly the best so far.
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    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie #6
    She's not repulsive, but not really attractive either. The multiple facial piercings weird me out. 4
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    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie #5
    "I'm not sure why you chose the word bigoted. I don't look down upon those who choose to get tattoos." Not to speak for gmd or anything, and not that you were one of the people saying this, motorhead, but there were some comments in earlier RTH threads that cast aspersions upon the stripper's "life choices" that would lead her to have tats, and that struck me as a little odd, too, like a girl is automatically extra-skanky for having tattoos or white trash or something. Maybe that's an unfair projection on my part, but it seems like there's an attitude that tats are some moral failing, instead of just a trendy thing. Assuming that people get tattoos because of a personal moral failing instead of just a personal taste thing is making judgements about a person that can't really be ascertained accurately from a photo.
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    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie #5
    Yeah, pretty middle of the road. 5
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    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie #4
    I think 4Play has pics of two dancers on their site (Assuming they are in fact dancers there), and I would prefer the other one (skyler?) over Hunter, who looks just a bit too plastic/fakey - the blondeness is somewhat disturbingly unreal. Also a little too skinny for me, but not horrible. But, that's all being really nitpicky. I'd go 7-8 with this one too, and it'd probably be a toss-up between her and Lexi if was at a club and they were both working.
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    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie # 3
    I'm actually thinking I should have given #2 something like a 6. I was a bit too hard on her. Because this girl is definitely in the 3-4 range, and I would not go for a lap dance with her.
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    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie #2
    Well, this is obviously a completely different type of girl than #1, but I don't think that should necessarily mean that the ratings will be totally different from everybody. Different girls could push different buttons for me and still end up with the same rating, even though they look nothing alike. I think if this girl lost the goofy hairdo I'd be quite likely to put her as high as I did #1. Sometimes the zaftig girls work, sometimes the athletic alterna-girls do. I don't have one perfectly platonic ideal stripper checklist, so different girls can get higher ratings with me in different ways.
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    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie #2
    I don't mind tats, piercings, and fake boobs (although these aren't all that appealing), but I just don't find her especially attractive to begin with. The hair is a definite negative, and while she's got nice thighs, she's got kind of skinny chicken legs otherwise. The last picture makes it look like she could be cute, but the first one doesn't work for me. I probably wouldn't get a dance with her. 4
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    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie No.1
    Yeah, somewhere between an 7 and an 8. I wouldn't hang around the club turning other girls down while waiting for her to stop by, but I wouldn't turn her down unless I saw something better.
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    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    "Top Earners" in the Club
    It's actually even easier than that: For quite a few years now, Vu clubs (at least that I've seen) have a bill accepter at every lap dance station, so you don't actually give any money to the dancer (aside from tip). The dancer has a little keycard thing that activates the machine and recognizes that it's her, then you put in however much money you want, which then gets assigned to that dancer. The light turns green on the mahcine, and the girl then dances for you until the light turns red. I guess that at the end of the night, the club gives out money based on how many dances the girls have recorded at the machines. So, it's more like the dancers get their cut from the club, rather than the club getting its cut from the dancers.
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    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Zoning Keeps a Strip Club Closed
    Yeah, I work in architecture, and used to work for a firm that got a lot of business with permitting stuff that owners had built without a permit or added/messed up during construction without revising the original permit, so this is familiar territory.
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    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Zoning Keeps a Strip Club Closed
    I finally got to read the article, and vincemichaels pretty much has it. They had a permit approval, and then took it a bit further than the permit allowed. I would guess that the court case hinged on whether the demolition they did actually was enough for the city to decide that they had essentially demolished the building. So, the zoning inspector probably came out on a routine inspection, realized that what they were building wasn't quite matching what the permit was for, and shut them down.
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    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Zoning Keeps a Strip Club Closed
    "Just from reading the newspaper article, early on it states that it was a legal, nonconforming business. That means that it was likely legal and conformed to all zoning requirements when it was first built. But, the zoning requirements changed after that. It's now nonconforming. The business may remain at that location, mostly likely only for a limited period of time." Well, that depends on if the nonconforming status was because of the building itself (i.e., the setbacks, height limit, or allowable floor area ratio/lot coverage, etc. changed), or because of the building's use. Where I live, if a conflicting use moves into the restricted radius around an adult establishment, they've basically got 5 years to shut down. But if you build a building and then the zoning envelope gets more restrictive, your building is allowed to stay the way it is forever, and you can probably even rebuild it the same way it was if there's some sort of disaster. I can't look at the article to see which kind of issue this club had (browser gives heavy malware warnings), but either one is possible. The thing I don't understand is, didn't they have to go in and apply for a building permit and get zoning approval prior to building anything?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Anyone been to Fantasy Shots in San Diego?
    Fantasy shots has a website where they've got a bunch of pics of their staff, and a calendar of when they're working. It's odd because they'll only have two girls working at a time, so if you want to go there, you'll need to check out beforehand who you want to see and when they're working. I went years ago, and like the reviews say, it's basically a peep show without the glass, no touching, although they encourage you to get yourself off. I found it really weird and not any fun at all. *Supposedly* if you become a regular with a girl and have invested a lot of money into it, things change a bit, but they'll never get up to the level of something in TJ. If you just want a lap dance and not the whole brothel experince, Cheetahs and Goldfingers are OK, but still not up to most other places outside of San Diego as far as contact, but it'll really depend on the girl and when you go. Cheetahs can vary from an air dance to two-way contact with her hand down your pants, but they'll never actually take anything off fully.
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    13 years ago
    OBAMA ON NEW DOLLAR BILL, The obstructionist Republicans vow to block it
    I had a friend whose sister would pick up the Weekly World News at the checkstand and just read it for a laugh...until she found herself quoting the articles to people in conversations, like "I just read the other day that...etc." . After that she realized it was polluting her brain.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    new changes to tuscl again
    Yeah, I was satisfied with the last fix, which basically made the site look like it used to, but the new hotness is awesome. Thanks for your efforts, Founder.