I fuckin love it this time ! Cheack out the reviews man ! Detailed as shit ! Plus now you can see you has done what know on reviews again......a fuck in good job founder from D'a "Juiceman"
sorry to rain on the parade but from the perspective of not viewing on a phone this site is now irritating to navigate, irritating to look at and to be blunt, a piece of shit. Total fail. I hope this format is temporary.
samurai, what OS and Browser are you using? I think you may not be seeing the site as intended. Or maybe you are. Can you tell me specifically what is irritating to navigate? Because there has not been much change through all versions to the navigation (basically, menu on top, click and drill down)
I like it, the past update kind of seemed dull but this is better. @ founder you should add on the members profile the month and year of a TUSCL member joined like other review site and probably a ranking system for every year or comments they put on ( for example go to sherdog.con and check out the forums)
Agreed. I always use Chrome and was wondering if everyone was looking at the same screen I was. Don't know why it looks like crap on chrome. I open it in Firefox and it does look good.
mjx... not sure why you need a radius search... if you click anwhere on any map it will bring up clubs within a 50 mile radius. So if you are say in Vegas, it will bring up all clubs, just scroll the map to Phoenix, click there, and voila, all Phoenix clubs.
Fouder, thanks for continuing to try and make this great site better. I also appreciate the ability to read entire review without clicking. Keep up the good work.
Yeah, I was satisfied with the last fix, which basically made the site look like it used to, but the new hotness is awesome. Thanks for your efforts, Founder.
I believe the map comments refer to if you want to look at a geographic area on the maps to see all strip clubs in an area, as if I zoom out on SC and part of Georgia and want to know what clubs are within a 100 mile radius for example, I have to go back and select a city and can only see clubs in that one city. The map won't display clubs in all nearby cities. At least not using Firefox.
Clubber, I think it was $150k, but that was back when the website was primitive. I bet this site generates around $50k/year in advertising. Has TUSCL been owned by the same guy since its launch or have there been multiple founders?
Would you place a "Click Here for the quick view" link at the top of the review page as well as at the bottom? Would save a lot of wasted scrolling time. Just a thought
I am going to agree with many others who say that this looks great now. The version that we had for a short while there was very clunky, but this is much nicer.
Can't help with a screenshot...i tried, but i can't figure out how to do it, or if the ipad even gives you that level of control. Maybe someone else can record the look using their cameraphone? I'd do it, but i'm too old school, and don't have that kind of phone.
I have been on tuscl for a bit less than two years and I am now resigned to the seemingly never-ending changes with the site. I welcome and adopt new innovations in my business with alacrity; in my personal life- less so.
I think that the hand held browsers are just silly - tiny screens always smudged with finger grease that are difficult to read with the failing eyesight of this elderly tuscler. I see no reason to own one. The Blackberry is unsurpassed for the mobility and security I require for my business and even its mini key board is a trial for my aged, gnarled old fingers.
I shall continue my tuscl fun on my laptop. In the machine shop on my farm I have a reliable 70 year old rotary dial phone on the wall.
I had less scrolling to do without the big gray boxes before. I keep clicking on the list for reviews but I understand you have reasons for wanting people to do more clicking first instead of easily finding the reviews for clubs they want to look at.
I prefer either 10 stars, or a scale of 1 to 10 for the individual club ratings just to make it easier to notice at a quick glance. I like the bar ratings for the overall and percentages. That is clear. I find it a lot harder to tell at a quick glance whether dancers for instance were rated average or good looking at 3 or 3.5 stars or whatever you have to determine that now. The difference between rating dancers a 5 versus a 7 or 8 is more obvious to me.
I know I am one of those that doesn't care for change, and I've let that be known in posts here and to you. That said, I think you just knocked this out of the park. Just need to get my brain to learn the location of certain items on the page. Nice work!
last commentEach comment in a shaded gray box. Sharp
It still is, you just have to come up whatever founder wants. : )
Would you place a "Click Here for the quick view" link at the top of the review page as well as at the bottom? Would save a lot of wasted scrolling time. Just a thought
As far as I know, just one.
I dont have an iPad, can you send me a screen shot of what it looks like on the iPad? [email protected]
I think that the hand held browsers are just silly - tiny screens always smudged with finger grease that are difficult to read with the failing eyesight of this elderly tuscler. I see no reason to own one. The Blackberry is unsurpassed for the mobility and security I require for my business and even its mini key board is a trial for my aged, gnarled old fingers.
I shall continue my tuscl fun on my laptop. In the machine shop on my farm I have a reliable 70 year old rotary dial phone on the wall.
I prefer either 10 stars, or a scale of 1 to 10 for the individual club ratings just to make it easier to notice at a quick glance. I like the bar ratings for the overall and percentages. That is clear. I find it a lot harder to tell at a quick glance whether dancers for instance were rated average or good looking at 3 or 3.5 stars or whatever you have to determine that now. The difference between rating dancers a 5 versus a 7 or 8 is more obvious to me.
I know I am one of those that doesn't care for change, and I've let that be known in posts here and to you. That said, I think you just knocked this out of the park. Just need to get my brain to learn the location of certain items on the page. Nice work!
I would also like at top 1,000 list, I am not sure most users care.