
Hottie v. Hottie (rebooted) -- Now New and Improved

Friday, March 23, 2012 8:25 PM
OK . . . I am a big enough man to admit that the first attempt at Hottie v. Hottie ([view link]) was a big stinky turd. However, I think I have found a way to accomplish the object of the exercise (that is, see how TUSCLers would chose from among several dancers at one club) in a new and better way. I have created a survey that 1) allows for direct posting of the pictures (no more having to click the links) and 2) uses branching logic so that you will get to choose your favorite from among several dancers instead of just two. In this survey I've selected five dancers from Underground Exotic Dance Club in Bunker Hill, West Virginia ([view link]) ([view link]) starting with Lilly (the favorite over Selena from the first go round of HvH). In this first pair, you get to choose between Lilly and Mercedes. Once you make your choice, you then have to decide to stick with your first choice or switch to Jenna, and then make the same choice with Dreama, and finally with Italy. Remember your last choice and come back to this thread and post the name here along with any comments if you like. If there is a good response (and I hope there is, 'cause setting up the branching logic was a bitch), I will post results in this thread as they accrue. <span id="take-survey" style="display:none;"></span>Take our <a href="[view link]" target="_blank">Hottie v. Hottie #1</a> If the html I've entered does not work, the URL for the survey is [view link]


  • JacksonEsskay
    12 years ago
    I wound up choosing Italy. No visible tats, a brunette with natural (if small) tits and a nice smile were enough to win me over.
  • thesamurai
    12 years ago
    I picked Dreama. For me her pics had a sexy vibe. She looks to be one of those girls that put a dude in a trance and he doesn't wake up til exiting the club holding an empty wallet lol
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I have an issue with your choice of dancers. 4 Blondes out of 5 Dancers! NOT Good IMO. You need IMHO to offer a variety of hair colors. (Sorry I'm one of the few who don't find Blondes Attractive)
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
  • looneylarry
    12 years ago
    I stuck with Mercedes throughout. Wasn't big on the huge tats, but she looked like more fun.
  • Ermita_Nights
    12 years ago
    I got as far as Jenna, then the survey crapped out on me.
  • JacksonEsskay
    12 years ago
    Drac . . . sorry, WV seems to be loaded down with Blondes. I'll try to do better. Ermita . . . I'll check the branch logic on Jenna to make sure its ok.
  • JacksonEsskay
    12 years ago
    Results for 15 surveys: Round 1: Mercedes (11) over Lilly (4) Round 2: Mercedes (9) over Jenna (2) and Lilly (3) over Jenna (1) Round 3: Mercedes (5) over Dreama (4), Jenna (3) over Dreama (0), and Dreama (2) over Lilly (1) (Dreama wins round with 6 total) Round 4: Dreama (5) over Italy (1), Mercedes (3) over Italy (0), Jenna (2) over Italy (0), and Italy (1) over Lilly (0) (3 votes not cast) So far, more customers prefer Dreama.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    None really floated my boat, but of those you offered, Jenna.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    Mercedes all the way. Body looks solid, cowboy hat was cute as hell and I think she was smiling in every picture. While she's not my "ideal girl" she was still smokin and I would pick her out in most clubs, I would even ignore that tats. That said... I find myself tipping my hat to Jackson for hard work and keeping things interesting while also severely questioning how much free time he has.
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    12 years ago
    My choice was Mercedes....Even though I pefer Brunettes, that one preference doesn't always rule....Though we're basing this on pics, Mercedes just seemed like she was the most engaing and potentaially the most fun to hang out with....
  • Ghosty
    12 years ago
    I ended up with Dreama, but any of them seemed pretty good to me except Lilly with that unfortunate face (she actually looks *worse* when she smiles).
  • 59
    12 years ago
    Italy was my choice.
  • Ermita_Nights
    12 years ago
    I ended up with Italy. I think my previous failure was a timeout, not a logic fault, but thanks for being our survey technician.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Wake me up
  • JacksonEsskay
    12 years ago
    Results for 70 surveys: Round 1: Mercedes (51) over Lilly (19) Round 2: Mercedes (36) over Jenna (11) and Jenna (11) over Lilly (7) (4 not voting)(Total Round: Mercedes (36) over Jenna (22)) Round 3: Mercedes (24) over Dreama (12), Jenna (15) over Dreama (7), and Dreama (4) over Lilly (3) (Total Round: Mercedes (24) over Drema (23)) Round 4: Dreama (15) over Italy (5), Mercedes (16) over Italy (6), Italy (7) over Jenna (6), and Italy (3) over Lilly (0) (7 note voting) Final Round: Italy (21), Mercedes (16), Dreama (15), Jenna (6), Lilly (0)
  • JacksonEsskay
    12 years ago
    "That said... I find myself tipping my hat to Jackson for hard work and keeping things interesting while also severely questioning how much free time he has." Jester -- when you live in a town with only one SC and that one is a dive, and your travel schedule is not as busy as it once was . . . well, yeah you do have a lot of time on your hands . . .
  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
  • xedin5436
    12 years ago
    Jenna, but it was close on some of them.
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    Jackson: Is it my imagination or do I see a general decline in the beauty of dancers over say, the last 5 years. I can remember a time when most dancers were bikini model quality. Now I see many strung-out, tattooed, metal-pierced, no curves, no breasts, boney girls who would look better if they kept their clothes on. It is harder and harder it seems to find quality. Just look at our rate-the-hottie series. Is this the best we have?
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    I'm with you Jackson. Italy is the only one I would consider privite time with. Also, can't you post 4-5 girls at once and just pick the one you like best with out all the brack logic? @pablo: I have noticed a decline as well.
  • JacksonEsskay
    12 years ago
    @Pablo: I too think that the quality of dancers has declined from when I first started making regular visits (about 16 years ago). @mjx: based on the results thus far, I wonder if a single set of pictures would not be better, as there results do suggest there was a little bit of a "grass is greener" result (although Mercedes faired well through the last round). If you had to choose from all the five at once, perhaps the results would be different? For the next effort, maybe I will post a group together, but have them rated for various features?
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    @jackson: I doubt my personal answer would be different... I just though it would aviod the effort involved in the branching logic
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    Jackson: I like the bracket method because this mirrors the way it works at the club.
  • JacksonEsskay
    12 years ago
    Results after 93 Surveys Round 1: Mercedes (69) over Lilly (24) Round 2: Mercedes (46) over Jenna (19) and Jenna (12) over Lilly (9) (7 not voting)(Total Round: Mercedes (46) over Jenna (31)) Round 3: Mercedes (30) over Dreama (16), Jenna (20) over Dreama (11), and Dreama (5) over Lilly (4) (Total Round: Dreama (32) over Mercedes (30)) Round 4: Dreama (19) over Italy (9), Mercedes (21) over Italy (7), Jenna (10) over Italy (8), and Italy (4) over Lilly (0) (7 not voting) Final Round: Italy (28), Mercedes (21), Dreama (19), Jenna (10), Lilly (0) Once again Italy comes out on top, perhaps verifying my "grass is always greener" thesis. Not that with the exception of Lilly, Italy was not the choice over any other single dancer, yet still garnered more votes over all.
  • newmark
    12 years ago
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