Hottie v. Hottie #2

avatar for JacksonEsskay
You can still express you opinion in the Hottie v. Hottie #1 (…), however based on some comments and the observed results, I've designed a new approach (which also does not require branching logic). In this survey you are presented with photos of six dancers from Oz Gentlemen's Club in Clearwater (Tampa Bay area) Florida and asked to rank them on various attributes then select your favorite. Since you don't have to make a final selection until the last page (before a special bonus page) and you can go back and modify your answers if you wish, this should give us a better overall view of which dancer is the favorite (of these 6) and why.

<span id="take-survey" style="display:none;"></span>Take the <a href="…" target="_blank">Hottie v. Hottie #2 Survey</a>


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avatar for jester214
13 years ago
Went back and forth between Kelly and Alley most of the way, but decided on Alley as my favorite in the end. I liked the big smile, albeit a bit too big, and she seemed to be in the middle-top of all the categories.

Again kudos!

avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
'Back' button made it crash, so I started over.

If this is represenative of Tamapa, Fl... geeze.

I don't know about the rest of ya'll but my initial though of favorite based on page one changed by the time I got to the last page (before the bonus bage).
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
yes, thanks Jackson. This is a plesant distraction.
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
yes, thanks Jackson. This is a plesant distraction.
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
@che: I would have expected better from a FL location.. however, I also assume not all employees would be willing to pose online. I'd be reluctant to give any a 7+.
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
I was like Jester in I went back and forth between Kelly and Ally most of the way. I ended up choosing Kelly. She just has a cute look, that could mesmerize me in person.
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
My selection from the available photos of dancers at OZ was more or less random, except that I had to choose dancer's whose portfolios has good photographs for the various categories (for example, one dancer did not included because all her pictures were rear view -- others did not make the cut because they had no shots showing their backside).
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
I found that were they all in the same club, I'd likely finish my beer and leave. Nothing there for me!
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago

You are a hard man to please . . . in VA these girls would mostly be at the top of the roster . . .
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
Early results from HVH#2 (19 surveys)

Dancer’s in order of Ranking for

Face: Kelly, Alley, Vanessa, Selena, Brooke, Dallas

Tits: Alley, Kelly, Selena, Dallas, Brooke, Vanessa

Ass: Kelly, Alley, Selena, Dallas, Vanessa, Brooke

Body: Alley, Kelly, Brooke, Vanessa, Dallas, Selena

Overall Favorite

1. Kelly
2. Brooke
3. Vanessa
4. Selena
4. Alley
4. Dallas
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

You are correct, my friend. I have very high standards and having an Exotic face is #1. Asian preferably. vm has seen my current fave (not dancing at present, school), so he can vouch for my standards. I was at Follies with sc and he can also state all I didn't care for.

Don't get me wrong, though. In my rankings I judge against my ATF, so none will get a 10, nor approach her! :)
avatar for brainiac
13 years ago
That was painful. At least I know which club to avoid the next time I'm in the Tampa area.
avatar for xedin5436
13 years ago
I'm gonna back Clubber on saying none of those girls were really anything special.

Anyway, it was a near toss-up for me between Vanessa and Kelley. Alley's weird pencil eyebrows threw me, and they really need to re-take Dallas' photos when she's not plastered and can make a normal face (although that somehow added to her appeal and made her seem dirtier). Selena and Brooke were just alright, but Selena was clearly the class of the division in the booty contest.
avatar for xedin5436
13 years ago
Oh, and I ended up with Vanessa as overall favorite.
avatar for jester214
13 years ago
Interesting... Alley is in either 1 or 2 in each category, but ties for 4th in overall...
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
Jackson, your surveys are getting better and better. Thanks for the work of putting them together.

It would be even better if we had more views of each girl's assets--face, tits, ass--and also more nudity. Sometimes it is hard to tell if I would like them or not. I'm not criticizing you, by the way. I know you are limited to the photos available, and you have done a tremendous job with what you could find.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
brainiac and xedin5436,

Thanks for the backup. I look at it this way, we each know what we like and when we are visually rating a dancer, we rate on what we consider a 10. Now if buying time with a dancer, then things change, or for myself, I might as well not go to clubs.
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
13 years ago
Jackson, thank you for conducting these surveys....I went with Kelly, because....

1.) Somebody had to win
2.) She does have the hott bod
3.) Potential threesome w/her friend
avatar for newmark
13 years ago
Sorry. I can't vote using my phone.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
13 years ago

I am on the road without the laptop. Can't do the survey on my smartphone. Keep us smartphone users on mind when building the survey. Thanks.

PS: Kelly is my choice.

avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
I am guessing the the drop and drag is what is messing up smart phone users. I'll try to avoid it in future.

I agree that more and more revealing pictures would be better . . . now if only the club webmaster would comply ;-)

I think one thing we've learned is that some of have fairly specific standards for what we want in a dancer/VIP companion and are willing to search until we find a match, while others (and I fall into this category) are not as selective for one reason or another. In my case, it is a lack of access to a large number of SCs.
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
Results from HVH#2 (42 surveys)

Dancer’s in order of Ranking for

Face: Kelly, Vanessa, Selena, Alley, Brooke, Dallas

Tits: Alley, Kelly, Selena, Dallas, Vanessa, Brooke

Ass: Salena, Kelly, Alley, Dallas, Vanessa, Brooke

Body: Kelly, Alley, Vanessa, Brooke, Dallas, Selena

Overall Favorite

1. Kelly (14)
2. Alley (7)
3. Vanessa (6)
3. Dallas (6)
3. Brooke (6)
6. Salena (3)

Interesting . . . Salena, who gets the best marks for her bootie, is still at the bottom (no pun intended) favorites list. Kelly, OTOH, tops two of the four categories and is second in the other two, so no surprise that she is number one with a bullet. Brooke did not better than 4th in any category and was dead last in two, but is still tied for third overall.
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
I liked Kelly and Alley best. But if it weren't impossible, what I really would like is Alley with Kelly's tits. Wait, it's not impossible. Alley, get that boob job!
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

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