
how many clubs have you hit in your life...

Saturday, February 12, 2011 11:29 PM
I saw a comment on a different discussion from someone that said last time he counted he was at 75... it made me wonder how many I've been too in my life... I'm not 100% certain... but I'm thinking I've probably been to about 60-65 different clubs in approximately 12-15 different cities around the country...


  • robbing1
    13 years ago
    I've been to 4 clubs, but I have been to one of them 30+ times.
  • kingcripple
    13 years ago
    4. i have about three or four others on my radar
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Too many to count.
  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    Let's see: San Diego-frequented three often, visited two others El Paso-visited two Albuquerque-visited one Santa Fe-visited one San Francisco-visited five Los Angeles-visited two Lubbock-visited one Houston-ten clubs So, that's a grand total of 27
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    Only 3. But 1 of them I've been to 6 or 7 times.
  • scpatron
    13 years ago
    I'm currently at about 30. Out of those 30, I've done repeat business at maybe 3 or 4.
  • bhunter5252
    13 years ago
    Lost count of the clubs but I have been to clubs in 44 states.
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    6 in IA, 8 in NE, 9 in KS, 4 in MO, 6 in CO, 3 in LA, and 1 in DC. And several of those were multiples.
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    Oh, and scpatron, I blew a nut over your Audrey Jaymes picture. I would watch her clean her oven if she'd let me.
  • mmdv26
    13 years ago
    Different clubs: ~80 Total visits: >1500 States: 18 I think Years: ~25 $$ spent: Less than I made.
  • DandyDan
    13 years ago
    After writing them all down on a paper, I believe I've been to 70 clubs, though I might have missed one or two when trying to determine that.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    I have never hit a club because cement hurts.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    I have no fucking idea. You might as well ask the names of all the women I have fucked.
  • BaddJack
    13 years ago
    I am not as experienced as shadowcat or bhunter, but I am guessing well over 50 different clubs in over 30 different states. They all have one thing in common: I left money behind.
  • Lewis1975
    13 years ago
    14, all here in Dallas. Don't travel much, but would like to. On the other hand, I want to reduce the frequency of club visits due to wallet issues. Clubs I have not yet visited in Dallas: Pandora's, La Zona Rosa, The Men's Club. I want to hit Pandora's.
  • scpatron
    13 years ago
    That's cool, looneylarry, she was always my fave. Too bad she retired many years ago.
  • Otto22
    13 years ago
    Counted 'em up last night and got to 70 but I've probably forgotten some. About 60 of these clubs have seen me in the past 3 years but some are vague memories of 20+ years ago.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    Only about 26. But I am still the ultimate strip club master!
  • BaddJack
    13 years ago
    shit, Dougster, I just wrote down a list of the clubs I went to that are no longer in operation, and I got to 26...
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    People have different metrics for success. For me the metrics are the % (as opposed to absolute number) of the very hottest babes I can fuck OTC. My other metric is how well my understanding of the culture stacks up against others, one reason I'm always checking in on this board. (And, I'm noticing that understanding evolving, but that is the subject of a different thread.) # of clubs visited doesn't factor into my equation very much, although I can understand it appealing to other with different bents.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    master? Sounds like the top dog on a bait boat.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    That's an interesting analogy, shadow, but perhaps you're right. Perhaps it is time to venture a little further away from home. I'm sure there are more strippers out there who are willing to show that they deserve a little of my money.
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    I have lost count as well, but if I had to guess I'd say easily 250, and probably more. Just last year I was in about 60 different clubs (some I did not review for one reason or another) and I have been doing this for 15 years.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Does my visit to El Ranchito in La Paz Mexico back in 1970 count? or the ones to Tijuana and Ensenada and San Luis back in the 60's?
  • bumrubber
    13 years ago
    Mayve 15 clubs. Maybe 50-60 visits total.
  • silkypants
    13 years ago
    I would say 20 clubs but I am on a bit of a quest right now to find the best club. Just got back from my Florida research and added three more. I may have a new #1.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    I was the one that said 75, and then that I hit a new one to make it 76. Most all are east of the Mississippi, but not all. I would venture that I have been to all in S. Florida and most in Tampa, likely all in Orlando, and many more across the state. Many no longer exist and it has taken about 40 years to get to those 75. As for total visits, I wouldn't even venture a guess.
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    Lewis, if you are in Dallas then there should be some cost-effective ways for you to go to clubs. I actually find the nude byob clubs in Dallas to be very budget friendly. And speaking of budget friendly, you would enjoy Pandoras. Not only can you sit there all night and drink from your bottle or beers for the cost of admission (around $20), but if you do want a lapdance they are $10 a piece.
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
    Miami Fla - 1 Tampa Fla - 1 Off Fla Turnpike - 1 Myrtle Beach - 1 Cleveland Ohio - 1 Columbus Ohio - Just about all of them over the last 20 years. Windsor Ont - 1 Portland Or - 1 When I had the time and freedom to go more, I didn't have the money. Now I have the money but not the time or freedom. *sigh*
  • BaddJack
    13 years ago
    shit...I forgot about my one wild night in Windsor in 1984. I was on my buddy's tab...I think we hit at least 10 different clubs that night. I gotta readjust my totals....
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Wait, drunk clubbing on somebody else's dime counts? Well then, my total is...still more than I can count. Or care about, as others have noted. It's not how many I've been to, but the one I'm in *now* that counts.
  • GSWx4
    13 years ago
    “It’s not the years, it’s the mileage” – Indiana Jones<p>Continents – 6<p>Clubs – hundreds<p>Visits – thousands<p>Hearts broken – too many
  • BaddJack
    13 years ago
    six continents? *clap* *clap* *clap* I tip my hat to you, sir.
  • uscue13
    13 years ago
    Nine clubs (including one that went under new management and completely different vibe, so I counted it twice)
  • troop
    13 years ago
    i came up with 29. probably more but i don't recall them right now. many are closed now, some long closed.
  • train
    13 years ago
    About 40 clubs in 5 different states.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Damn, if you count club name changes, well then I would have no idea!
  • metaldude
    13 years ago
    For me its 96 I can remember CT-17, FL-16, PA-15, NY-11, SC-9, NJ-8, MA -4, RI-4, DC-2, IL-2, CA-2, IN-2, GA-1, NC-1
  • 10footmidget
    13 years ago
    The ones I can remember Chicago - 1 Indy - 1 Kokomo - 2 Gary - 1 Milwaukee - 1 Minneapolis - 2 Oshkosh - 1 Detroit - 3 Los Angeles - 2 Austin - 3 Las Vegas - 2 Phoenix - 2 Tampa - 2 Atlanta - 1 Nashville - 2 Columbus - 3 Detroit - 3 Toledo - 1 St Louis / Alton area - 5 Peoria - 1 Wichita - 1 Grand Rapids - 1 Windsor - 2 Greensboro - 2 Tulsa -1 Baltimore - 3 Maybe about a dozen more that I can't remember.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    How do you know there's more if you can't remember them? :))
  • MisterGuy
    13 years ago
    I'd say maybe 65-70 strip clubs in mostly the Northeast & Quebec over the last 20+ years. Like others have said, it's hard to count when clubs have changed hands or been closed down for, in some cases, decades.
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