Annoying Strip Club Practices ... Part 1: "Wanna Buy the Lady a Drink?”

avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
As much as I enjoy going to strip clubs, there are some things about how they operate that are truly annoying to customers and dancers. I could probably write a book on this subject. Some are management/ownership-imposed practices. Others are simply how the dancers conduct themselves. In a comment to another discussion item, I reminded myself of how much I hate one particular practice: Ladies' drinks.

Mostly in juice bars, waitresses will descend on a customer as soon as they see one sitting with a dancer and then approach the customer with the question, “ Would you like to buy the lady a drink?” (If the waitress knows the dancer's name, then they will substitute the girl's name for “the lady.”) This practice is done for at least two different reasons that I have observed. If readers know of more, please chime in.

(1) Dancers are often given a quota of drinks that they must get customers to buy for them over the course of their shift. If they don't reach their quota, then the dancers must pay for the unpurchased drinks themselves. It's a way of increasing the dancers house fee.

(2) Another form of the ladies' drink requirement is a little less intimidating on the dancer. No quota is set, but the dancer can offset her house fee by the amount of money paid by the ladies' drinks she's received during her shift. (Perhaps there is a dollar or drink limit to this.)

Either way, customers are besieged throughout their time at the club to spend money on ladies' drinks. One waitress will come by one minute, and three minutes later another waitress may arrive, and if the second waitress doesn't see a ladies' drink on the table she will ask the customer “Wanna buy the lady a drink?” Some clubs offer different sizes of drinks. Here in Seattle, the Déjà Vu clubs offer either a $10. or $20. ladies drink. That can get expensive fast. For crying out loud, $20. is the price of a dance (which I would normally rather spend my money on)! I sometimes think, just charge the customers $5. more admission at the door, then have the waitresses leave the customers alone at their tables.

Furthermore, the part of this practice that really fries my ass, is once a customer has already committed to spending money on a dancer by buying dances, waitresses will still go into whatever dance area you're in, then interrupt your dance with the dancer and ask “Wanna buy the lady a drink?” Once I've agreed to pay $20. or $30. for less than three minutes of fun, I really don't want to be interrupted by a waitress. I really feel that the club management should at least have a practice of not soliciting ladies' drinks in the dance areas.

Depending on the dancer, and my budget, which varies from trip to trip, I do buy some ladies' drinks. In the past two years, when my overall strip club budget has been much less than it used to be, I have actually found a lady's drink to be a good middle ground situation. I'm always conscious of one bit of customer etiquette: Don't take up too much of a dancer's time if you don't intend to spend money on her. I feel that I'm pretty good about observing this. If I want to spend some time chatting with a dancer, but I'm unsure if I want to buy dances (or underfunded), I have begun to use the ladies' drink alternative to buying dances as a means to spending some money on a dancer in exchange for some conversation time with her.

I intend to write subsequent discussion items on other annoying strip club practices. Hence, this one is labeled, "Part 1."

How do you readers feel about “ladies' drinks,” and how do you cope with, tolerate, or even embrace them ???


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avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
There are some clubs with $500 fish bowl drinks.

Here in Columbus there are several clubs that try to run this bullshit. Surprisingly there are regulars who come in and spend money on buying lady drinks every week but don't buy dances.

At Columbus Gold a table dance is $12 or a lady drink $20. The dancer keeps $10 either way so I would rather buy a table dance because it is cheaper and I get to sample her dancing. Some dancers however claim "they don't do table dances" so that makes it easy to filter out the ROBs.

Columbus Gold/Rachel's/Escape : Focus is on lap dances but also lady drinks are pushed by the waitresses within a few minutes of a dancer sitting down with you.

House of Babes/Sinbad's/Diamond Jim's: Focus is solely on lady drinks. The lap dance area at Sinbad's is just a fold out chair in the corner that no one uses.

Doll House: Focus is on lap dances and when you buy drinks you have the option to pick if you want it normal price or not. Of course the dancer wants you to usually do the higher price but if she is not an ROB then she won't mind.

avatar for GoVikings
14 years ago
I've never had a waitress ask me if I want to buy a dancer a drink in the lap dance area. In fact, I'm a bit surprised to hear that because in the club's I've been to the waitresses aren't even aloud in the lap dance area. Usually, the only people back there are the customers, dancers and sometimes bouncers. But that's just from my (limited) experience.

However, I've had a waitress ask me do I want to buy a dancer a drink when she see's me sitting with one. It's happened multiple times. So I know exactly what you mean.

Honestly, I've only bought a dancer a drink one time. I'll probably never do it again. But she was a dancer that I received multiple lap dances from in the past and I was just feeling generous that night.

I'll probably be in the minority when I say this, but I feel like buying a dancer a drink just makes one even more of a PL. Does anyone else feel this way? Besides that, the money that you're spending on a dancers drink, could be going towards more LD's. :)
avatar for troop
14 years ago

i watch alot of other customers fall into that trap but i mostly avoid it by just telling them no. my idea of a good time isn't wasting my cash on an overpriced watered down drink on some chick that's only sitting with me so that she can meet her quota.
avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
I've been asked this numerous times, but only 5 or 6 were strippers that expected a drink. I only scored with one of them.

I'm not a fan of this practice.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
Then there is the infamous Blue Diamond that ran the drink hustle but the dancers knew how to show some appreciation for you buying them overpriced drinks. Ahh the good old days!
avatar for tttclub
14 years ago
The drink hustle is bullshit, but like mandatory valet, the shot hustle, and the prices for a bottle of water, I've learned to not let it bother me. What really bothers me is when you but a dancer a drink, and they don't drink it. Of all the bullshit that can go on in a club, for some reason that is what really bothers me.
avatar for gillydon
14 years ago
Buying the girl a drink is for when you want to chat with her buy don't necessarily want to buy dances from her. That way at least she's getting something for her time. If you're planning to buy any dances from her then just decline buying her a drink. If you're not planning to buy dances and also decline buying her a drink, then she gets a better signal that she should move on to another customer if she wants to make any money.
avatar for Ironcat
14 years ago
If I'm not interested in the dancer I just say a flat out "no thanks". If I am interested in getting dances I'll usually say no thanks but I'll say to the dancer "I would rather spend the money on dances from you...". In the clubs I frequent this usually is a better deal for the dancer because she gets the cash. If I like talking with a particular dancer I'll buy her a drink - but at my favorite club, the drinks are real drinks not just "lady drinks" with no alcohol like in some places.
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
Maybe I am fortunate. None of the clubs that I frequent have special lady drinks. Dancer drinks are the same as the customers and the same price. The only hustle is the waitress's trying to earn tips. Now I do get upset when a dancer just plops down and askes me to buy her a drink before I have even learned her name. Then I have a choice. If I am interested in her, I don't mind buying a drink but I need a few minutes to deceide if I am interested or not.

Like me, gridget does not drink alcohol. When she wants a coke, she just goes to the bar, tips the bar tender a buck and gets the coke free. This saves me the cost of $3.50 plus tip to a waitress. No big deal but considerate of her.

My original ATF kept a bottle of booze in her locker. When she wanted a drink, she just went to the dressing room. Her philosophy was "I won't pay these prices for a drink and I wouln't expect you to buy me one either". Who am I to argue with a lady?
avatar for GSWx4
14 years ago
I’ve only played this rip off game once with a very special girl. Her stage fee was $75 a night and had to sell $80 worth of ladies’ drinks (effectively $155 house fee plus tip outs). If she came up short she had to buy the rest at the end of the night. She got no kickback from the club and no saved credit for future nights even if she sold over and above the requirement. They always tried to make the girls sell more and they could not refuse if a customer offered. So my sweetheart and I had a system worked out so that she would signal me if she wanted one to help meet but not go over her quota. Buying her the occasional drink kept her and myself in good standing with the club and she always gave me a kickback ala no charge LDs. <br>These days unless the drink is regularly priced I NEVER buy the lady a drink.
avatar for yndy
14 years ago
I had a bad xperience at a club a month ago:

Sat at the bar. An unattractive, overweight WAITRESS immediately sat down next to me. The female bartender asked if I wanted to buy this uninvited waitress a drink. "No thanx, I just want to chill on my own."

I hadn't planned on spending much that nite. Mostly tipped at stage. I was mostly on my way home when a very attractive dancer appeared. We chatted at the bar for a minute (she had me thinking about a dance). Bartender asked the same question. This time I said yes. The drink arrived when a bouncer type guy tapped her on the shoulder and said she had a dance. She gulped down the $10 and never came back :-(
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
Those lying thieving lushes
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
14 years ago
It's so interesting to come back to a discussion item I've posted, three hours later and see so many responses. I really struck a common chord here. No one really LIKES ladies drinks. My thoughts on some of the individual comments -

GoVikings: It's happened to me in many clubs: being solicited for ladies' drinks in the lap dance area. Glad to know you have clubs available to you that at least respect the fact that a customer is already spending money on the dancer. Why get greedy and ask the customer to spend more? A waitress should only be in the lap dance area to clear empty glasses.

gillydon: That's the appropriate logic!

ironcat: That's a good approach with the dancer. That's my thinking, too. I just don't usually come right out and say it to the dancer.

shadowcat: I agree. The ladies' drink requirement also spawns poor practices among the dancers that have to tolerate it.

Also, someone else (can't find it now, above) commented about having to buy ladies' drinks, and then the dancer doesn't drink it. I can certainly understand that often dancers don't really want to drink the drink they've just been served, but they have to accept it, or else! Sometime they legitimately get interrupted, have to walk away from the table where it was served, and forget they had a $20. ladies drink bought for them. The common dancer etiquette in this situation, is that the dancer should take the drink with her, out of sight of the customer, and dispose of it (pretending that she actually drank it, or kept it safe until she wanted it).

GSWx4: That's an abuse of dancers--management threatening them with termination if they refuse a ladies' drink.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
Let them drink jizz and be happy I say
avatar for jackslash
14 years ago
When dancers sit and chat with me and I'm interested in them, I always buy them drinks. I think it's only polite. What I hate is the shot girls coming around and trying to get you to buy shots--not only shots for the dancers but also shots for the shot girl. And a dancer once told me at a club that if the shot girl asked her if she wanted a shot, she had to say yes. If she said no and the shot girl reported it, she would get in trouble.
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
Amen, gatorfan
avatar for bang69
14 years ago
there is bs in every club
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
On my entrance into this hobby the drink hustle really irritated me. Now, I just ignore it in high mileage clubs. In low mileage clubs if a dancer I am interested in wants to drink I will step up and buy whatever she wants as many times as she wants it.

It is amazing what can then happen in even strict no-contact clubs!!
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
If I buy the dancer a drink, I want to talk to her for at least a minute or two minimum, learn her name or at least have her say it even if I can't hear it. Some dancers only want dances and will quickly go into the wanna dance routine and we can discuss prices if they are negotiable. Having a waitress come over as soon as a dancer sits down at your table and ask me if I want to buy the dancer a drink I believe is rude behavior from the waitress. I don't tip for rude behavior. If this situation arises, I usually just say no, not right now. One time when a waitress did this it made the dancer feel awkward because she didn't have any chance to talk to me before the waitress interrupted. I'll say NO in a heartbeat.

A couple of times a waitress interrupted as soon as a dancer sat down asking if I want to buy the dancer a drink and I said not right now in one club. After the waitress left, the dancer actually thanked me for getting rid of that particular waitress. I wouldn't be surprised if such waitresses tick off customers before a dancer has any chance to talk or ask about dances.
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
It used to be bad enough to pay cover, mandatory valet, mandatory coat check and tip for a booth. Now the clubs in Detroit add the lady drink as almost a mandatory event. As soon as you sit in your booth ($20) a dancer (or two) will sit next to you, uninvited, and ask for a drink. Lady drinks average $4.00 more than customer drinks. As soon as you finish the drink, the shot girl shows up selling one for her, one for you and one for the dancer. Before you have decided that you want to buy a dance, you've already spent between $75.00 and $100.00. With a $20.00 fee for each trip to VIP, no wonder some clubs in distressed areas like Detroit are having trouble. If it weren't for the big nights after home professional sporting events, Detroit clubs couldn't make it.
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
PLs like me just pay up and bitch on this board.
avatar for gsv
14 years ago
@SuperDude - trust me, I've done this before too, but you should probably stop buying drinks with them. It's just not worth it for you, and don't think they'll feel bad if you don't - I am sure most guys say no. You just get LDs from them, which is a much better investment.

I do still buy drinks from time to time, but it's not something I'll do often anymore. You have to realize that the girl in many cases may not even want a drink.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Some of the local girls will let one play almost as much with a drink as with a dance, and a drink generally lasts longer.
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
I just don't buy any drinks for them. Let them buy their own drinks. Theyr'e making money. I spend my money as I please. If the waitress doesn't like it, tough !!
avatar for gsv
14 years ago
@GMD - I've experienced that too, but only if it's not so busy in the club at the time, or if I buy her a drink after I've already gotten a few LDs and we're "taking a break." heh.

But in most cases, the drink hasn't been worth it - so I'm cutting that out of my routine for sure.
avatar for bumrubber
14 years ago
It irritates me, but I'll put up with it if they're polite and go away when told. When they start to get pushy, or come into the lap dance area, I leave.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
gsv: Yeah, it's definitely not something that works when they're busy, though, for my own part, this type of thing generally leads *to* lap dances, rather than following them.
avatar for dudeanonymous
14 years ago
I'll buy a dancer a drink if I'm interested in her and, most importantly, the drink costs the same as if I bought it for myself. The drink is an opportunity for her to audition for me while I decide if I'm going to buy a lap dance. There are clubs that are built around the business model of high priced "Lady Drinks". I haven't been to one in years. The Block in Baltimore used to be this way, but my experience there is old. Back in the day on the Block, the mutual groping increased the more drinks you bought.
avatar for chukko
14 years ago
How about the selling of flowers and other bs to strippers. At Sharkey's in Dayton, that is exactly what everybody who works at the club is... a shark. They asked and then begged me to buy a lady a flower for $5 and I said "No way! I don't buy flowers for girls I just met and don't know!" It took me tipping the flower girl $1 for them to leave me alone. I would buy a flower for an ATF, but unfortunately I don't often have one cause I don't care that much and the only dancer who is close enough to an ATF is at another club.
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