
Comments by jayhawk123 (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Stripper Surveillance
    If he liked or took special interest in certain dancers
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Ok if anybody who has experience using Tinder would please answer some of the questions I asked above about how it works?
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    8 years ago
    Advice on clubs
    I went to Follies a month ago and wasn't impressed from all the hype on here. I guess a Monday afternoon and early evening may have been the worst time to go. I only saw 2 or 3 girls I was interested in getting a dance from. I find that in clubs in Lawrence Kansas
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Advice on clubs
    St louis and columbia Missouri not Atlanta
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    8 years ago
    Hooters/Sports bar/Restuarant
    I have gone to Twin Peaks in 3 different cities and have found the girls way hotter than Hooters and also like the outfits much better at Twin Peaks. The color and that they show off their stomachs and still have tops that don't leave much to the imagination.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Tampa clubs
    The only club I have gone to the 2 times in Tampa is Mons Venus. Yes it is smaller than I thought it would be with all the great reviews but the women are hot. I had heard this so I was very picky. I walked in on a Friday night about 10 PM and it was standing room only so I stood on the wall by the restroom. In about 10 minutes I had at least 10 women come by and stop and put their arms around me or put their hand on my chest or grab my hand and ask if I wanted a dance. Any of them would have been the hottest girl in my local club but I said I was going to be picky and after about 15 minutes this blonde came up and I knew I couldn't resist her. We had a great time. She knew I was from out of town and I just mentioned that I may come back in the next night which was my last night in town. The next night I walked in and stood in same place and within 5-10 minutes she saw me and came right over and remembered my name. I was impressed because I am sure she sees lots of guys and since I wasn't local it would have been easy for her to not try to remember my name. I have dancers at my local club that take 2 or 3 times to remember my name. Her and I had another great night together. As was mentioned though there isn't very much privacy. We went away from the lap dance couches over into a corner at a table. That is about as private as you can get at Mons
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    What do strippers do with the cash?
    @hungrygiraffe.....then why does every dancer I talk to tell me they are broke. Either they really do spend all their money or they are lying. Probably lying. I have had many dancers tell me they do NOT have a bank account because then the IRS would be asking questions. I have heard stories of them just keeping the cash at home and having it go missing after them or people they live with invite people over to visit
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    She's too pretty for porn
    My 2 favorites are Lichelle Marie and Kenzi Marie
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I think I'm developing feelings for her....
    "I'm not necessarily looking to be her girlfriend". You really should pay better attention to what you type.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Aging gracefully
    Twin Peaks women are so much better and better more revealing outfits
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Aging gracefully
    Twin Peaks women are so much better and better more revealing outfits
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Phone Numbers
    Most the time I ask I get their number as long as it is at least the 2nd time I have gotten dances from them. Usually I get their number and preferably have them call or text me with their phone while I am sitting with them to make sure it is their number. Last week at a club that is an hour from me I had a girl who told me about a month before that she would give me her number the 2nd time I came to see her so last week I drove the hour to see her and she promised after dances she would give me her number so after dances instead of giving me her number she has me write down my number on a napkin and puts it in her purse and says she doesn't get reception at the club but will text me when she gets home and it has been over a week and no text
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I'm A Stalker
    Don't listen to those above who said you should tell her you know she is an escort. Why would you do that? Nothing good can come from that. She would probably freak out and know you are a stalker.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    indian customers
    At my regular club dancers have told me the indian guys are always trying to do things like finger them and suck on their tits which neither is allowed in this non extras club. Even the girls I know well can't get away with letting me finger them. I have had a few girls block the view and allow nipple sucking
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta: Follies
    @shadowcat....I have read some reviews but would rather get direct advice in here. People don't say the details of what is available in the reviews. If somebody would rather PM details that would be great
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    have I heard that day shift is better than night shift? That is different than any other club I have been to. What time does day shift end? What is the Follies handshake that everyone mentions?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Mayor of Titty City
    Careful with the otc
    If you are going to take a girl to the hotel she better be ALOT better looking than this girl.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I know they lie but to look me in the face and say it is the truth then I accidentally see the Facebook thing. She shared alot of personal stuff with me. So even if you knew she was lying about a couple of things you wouldn't say anything to her about it on next visit? Like I said I didn't want to text about it
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How can they be broke?
    I understand alot of your comments. When I go to the club if I have a CF she is almost always the most attractive and popular girl in the club so making the most money. If I don't have a CF I go tip the best looking or two girls and get them to come over. I see them doing lots of dances so know for a fact they are making good money tax free. I know they have tip outs but the clubs I go to it is between $30 and $55. I am surprised that nobody said it is S.S. I think with most the girls I go to see (like I said the popular ones) it is just their S.S. story to try to get somebody to offer to pay to turn phone back on or pay their rent.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    What is your method?
    @Subraman....I would like to know more about why you phrase the question saying ME instead of do you see customers OTC. Can you say on here the reason or PM me
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    What is your method?
    As usual only about half the comments are serious answers. I am trying to learn from you experienced guys and wish people would give serious answers. @Papi...I have already taken this girl out to dinner and she pretty much said we could go out again in the next week. The week has passed. I texted her tonight and she was at the club. She said she was going to be very busy working the next few weeks to make money to pay for vacations and said she wouldn't have time to hang out with anybody.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    @Papi...I wasn't helping her at all with her bills. Whenever I went to the club she always wanted to hang out with me but didn't want me to spend alot. If there were guys waiting on her that we both knew she could make huge money from then we would say bye and I would leave do she could make money but other times she just wanted to hang with me even though she would tell me she could make alot more from the other guys in club but they were "too old" or "smelled". She never once counted dances with me. She seemed totally different. She even gave me money back one night because she had broken a promise. How many dancers do you know who give money back that was already in her bag? I don't know any others either...haha. The hanging out all night at my house for free and genuinely seeming like she had fun and telling me that 2 different times after just really confuses me.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How to tell an ATF I'm taking a break from the hobby...
    Papi always has good advice. I wish I listened to it more. Like he said we have CF/ATF quit on us sometimes without much explanation. I just had this happen to me. I had just made this girl my ATF after 3 months and getting together twice OTC for no money then I get a text she quit and haven't heard from her since
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    4th of July?
    So it is time to look for another CF
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    4th of July?
    I didn't go. I couldn't set anything up with my CF/ATF because I haven't gotten a text back from her for over a week. The last text I got though said she quit the club.