
I'm A Stalker

I saw a MILF on Backpage that intrigued me, but I wasn't looking for an escort at the time so I didn't call her. She would post a new ad about twice a week, and she always had 1-2 new pics along with the same text so she was easy to follow. She posted a phone number that when Googled was obviously a burner phone, as did my reverse look up site indicated. BUT....with a very deep search, she bought a tropical fish a few years ago and in her review in a tropical fish site was her name. BUSTED!

I was able to find her FB page as a result, and sent her a friend request which she accepted. I then started just liking a few of her posts, and would occasionally post something in reply on her wall. Nothing sexual as her FB page is full of her family including children and teens. She's single and not dating, and is no more flaky than my actual g/f (who I'm considering replacing but that's another story). I'm not attracted to her like I am a few other women in my life but if we become FWB's I wouldn't mind except for having to have a condom budget again.

I'd love to pull this off without her knowing I know she's an escort. I wonder if we have a few dates if she'll tell me...?

So my question is: Has anyone ever dated a sex worker where she didn't know YOU knew she was one? If so, what happened?


  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Yes you are lol got no advice for you but that kind of funny. ;)
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Isn't that kind of like leasing a car that's also available for rental at Enterprise?
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    It's driving it for free!!!!
  • rogertex
    8 years ago
    Upright thing is to disclose to her the general trail that lead to her. But be sure to add in the same vein your attraction to her and you are ok with her escorting "business". You may also add "the secret is safe with you".

    All of the above should be done if you indeed want physical relation with her. And must be stated in a relaxed setting holding her hand. Not by e-mail, txt or phone.

    Anyway that's what I'd do. There's a good chance she'll take it well but be prepared for the woman to "freak out".

    If the above seems too much hassle since you know a bit or two about the woman's idiosyncrasies - just go "don't ask, don't tell" and enjoy the flow.

    Some dancers keep their dancing career secret. I try to respect that and if I run into one in civil life and who doesn't remember me - I don't bring it up either.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    Most of us, at one time or another, meet prospective lovers through tropical fish reviews.
  • ricktheturtle
    8 years ago
    You hairless apes have boundary issues, don't you? Aah...yup

    We turtles respect personal space. If a turtle pulls into his or her turtle shell it's like hanging out a "do not disturb" sign. Aah...yup

    That attitude extends to the rest of our lives. Aah...yup
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    I look forward to hearing the stories that could result from your FWB relationship with this MILF. So I say go for it, but I would never mention you first noticed her on Backpage. I think she would completely freak out if you ever mentioned that.

    Question, is she still turning tricks or has she stopped posting on Backpage?
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Oh she still posts. She has extensive reviews on TER too. I'm not interested in a LTR; just free sex with someone I'm attracted to. I doubt she wants a LTR either.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I think its fine, you've someone connected with her and engaged, and she doesn't know that your interest started from her sex work add. I see nothing wrong with that.

  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I've fucked quite a few strippers with boyfriends and all of them claimed that their bf did not know about their prostitution business. So I think that's the way it's usually done because the girls are embarrassed to be known as a prostitute. I therefore would not admit that you know her job, or that you've been stalking her. You're on with her being a hooker but I doubt she would be comfortable with you knowing.
  • bubba267
    8 years ago
    JS69 nailed it. Good luck nailing her....
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Its funny, I've no problem using the toilet at LAX; but I'd never want it in my bed.

    Okay, not my best analogy, but I'm hungover and drinking Moscow Mules with rum chasers.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Why would a chick that fucks for $$$ wanna fuck a dude for free & outside a relationship (unless the dude is some kind of stud) - seems more like wishful thinking/fantasizing, IMO
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    If they make their Facebook page public, it's out there for everyone to see if they find out their name. I think it's I interesting to see how far apart people are who view your Facebook page are especially if your settings are not public. My suggested friends list has spanned from half way around the world. I was thinking how did someone from the Western Pacific find me?
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Papi: e haven't met yet so there's no guarantee she wants to fuck me.

    Shark: Finding people on FB isn't THAT hard. Sometimes you have to be a bit of a sluth, like I did. If you google her # now you get links to her current and past escort adds. Buried on like page 25 was the link to the fish post that had her first initial and last name.The last name was unusual enough that there were only 20-30 hits and when I saw her profile pic it was obviously her.. She has no filters including her friend list. I'm sure she doesn't tell friends and family what her burn phone number is; she only slipped up that one time.

    I'm sure some of her friends know what she does but my guess is not many. I'm not about to rat her out. But this is a good warning to sex workers to NOT even have a FB page. My CF at the club has no social media at all. Nothing. And her family has no idea what she does for a living.
  • ppwh
    8 years ago
    Out of curiosity, how do you plan to go from "random guy who facebook friended her" to meeting up? Do some people use facebook like it was myspace and meet up with strangers that way?
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    ppwh: I've fuck several FB friends I met from other FB friends. It's a LOT easier than C/L in fact, but you have to take some time. You like posts of theirs that you like. Occasionally you might post a cute or witty reply. Then the first time she likes one of your posts is exciting! We're at the point of posting back and forth; like I said I have no confirmation she'll want to fuck me, but I wouldn't bet against it unless I'm the one who gets red flags (beyond what I already know).

    All these dancers people post here about fucking...why would there be a double standard with the object of my future affections?
  • jayhawk123
    8 years ago
    Don't listen to those above who said you should tell her you know she is an escort. Why would you do that? Nothing good can come from that. She would probably freak out and know you are a stalker.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    I don't always creep girls on facebook. But when I do, I go straight to their albums and look for bikini pics.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    100% she will freak out if you tell her that you hunted her down via your stalking method above. The guys who think she merely "might" freak out, but might take it well, are insane, IMO.

    It may be a bit self-serving, but for me the line between creepy/stalkery and smart is significantly about intention. I have been deep backgrounding the girls I'm potentially meeting on SA, and so far I've found every one of them. I have no intentions here other than to make sure there's nothing nefarious, get their names and info to give to my buddy (we act as backup security for each other), see if their stories to me match their lives (helps me gauge where we are honesty/trust wise). I think that's nothing but smart, and wouldn't blame any of those women for trying to do the same thing to me, both to qualify me as a customer and for some security for themselves.

    On the other hand, your "I joined her facebook and am interacting with her" might have drifted off into creepy/stalkery. Own it, bro, own it!
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I'm all for honesty but some dirty laundry is best kept to yourself. If you want to tell her, tell her on your guys' wedding night, if at all, and if it gets that far. I just don't see the upside to telling her right now. Yes, it is creepy. What she needs to know is that you are interested in her be BEING HER. That is where courtship comes in.

    Women IME don't want "brutal honesty," they want "honestly with a iron fist in a velvet glove," if that makes sense. Also a lot of guys are too self absorbed or too cowardly to be honest with women. So I appreciate you asking this post. I'm not sure if you asked out of fear of being caught or you were genuinely curious about being the right thing. Either way -- good move. It shows you are a good guy.

    No I don't use FB but some people do use it (and IG) to hook-up a la MySpace.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Thanks to everyone for their thoughts. I agree with those who say don't tell her how I traced her down; I have a few good replies in case she asks. I agree with those who say brutal honesty is unnecessary and counter productive. I just want a FWB thing as I'm not interested in anything more, and from what I know she's not either. I just want to fuck a pro for free.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I can respect that.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Rockstar, post pics of puppies on her FB page. That might work
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    mikey: Yeah maybe! She has a pit bull. just like they all do.
  • seaboardrr
    8 years ago
    No need for a convoluted back story on how you found her. Just say you were clicking through friends of friends one night when you were bored and ran across her page and thought she was drop dead gorgeous. Keep it simple. End of story.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    seaboardrr pretty much said what I already had in mind. And thanks for the cute pit bull pic!

    I actually think this whole affair is something I can handle but all the tips help. No, I won't tell her I know she's a p4p and that's kind of the point anyway. No, I'm not "in love" with her so this is more of an attempt at a hobby (FWB) than a lifetime pursuit. I just hope it turns out to be great performance art for my TUSCAL brethren as the story unfolds. Assuming it unfolds at all! LOL
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