
Comments by s275ironman (page 35)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bigger girl
    I used to live in Wisconsin (Sep 2010 through Jan 2013). There was this club over by Portage known as "Paradise City", but going off the club listings here on TUSCL, it appears this club is under different ownership and changed its name to "The Boxxx Office". From what I remember when the club was called "Paradise City", they were big girl friendly. I visited once and saw a couple girls dancing there that were well over 200 pounds. This was almost 7 years ago, so I don't know if the club still operates the same way in regards to what they will allow in a dancer's physical appearance.
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    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    The low-circulating hot-bitches
    I remember a couple over the years. There is one specifically I always wanted to get dances from, but when she was off stage she would disappear. It had nothing to do with her having already made a decent amount for the night. This girl would always arrive to start her shift after I've been in the club for a few hours. Eventually she either moved on to a different club or quit dancing altogether. Then there was the situation I just described in one of your other threads with the stripper that very much looked like a unicorn. It would be rare for me to see her really hustling for dances. Part of it may be because, once this girl knew I was in the club, she could always count on me to do a VIP with her. This led to her not really walking the floor and hustling other customers. I even remember one night after doing a VIP with her, she just chilled with one of the bouncers outside the lap dance area while I kept going back for dances with other girls. Of course, this led her to approach me again because she may have been concerned I would not spend any more money on her that night. There was one occasion where I got to the club before her, and once she arrived to start her shift, she wasn't interested in talking to me all that much, as she was very busy hustling every customer in the club for a dance. Perhaps her approach is to hustle very hard early in her shift and once she has made a decent amount, she will just take it easy for the rest of the night.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    The PL-180 ?
    This happened to me once. I remembered seeing this one new girl that really interested me. She was increadibly beautiful, much more beautiful that most girls I see at this club. To add icing to the cake, she did not have any piercings or tattoos. She did have really small tits, but I prefer natural over fake any day. She did not seem to circulate around the floor all that much when she was off stage, and I did not get dances with her that night. I decided I would see if I had better luck the next time. On my next visit, I saw her again and every 15-20 minutes I would look around to try and see where she was. She didn't seem to be hustling for dances all that much. She actually stopped by a table close to me a couple of times to chat with the guy sitting there. Throughout the night, her and I did make eye contact a couple of times, but she never stopped over by my table. After being at the club for 3 hours, I was ready to leave. I got up and I was heading towards the door when all the sudden, she rushes over and stops me while I am on my way out. She convinced me to stay and get a few dances with her. I am glad I did. Not only was she one of the most beautiful girls I've seen at a club, she also was one of the best I've ever gotten dances from. On all future visits, I would skip the regular lap dances and do VIP with her instead.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    What area of your SC game do you feel needs improvement ?
    I am pretty much going to echo what rh48hr said. I need to increase my income so that I can go to clubs more often. I'd like to be able to go once a week instead of just once a month. I also need the funds to make OTC a realistic possibility. Until then, I am stuck to just one club visit a month and settling for ITC extras. The good news is, I am on "vacation" this week and will have plenty of time to look at opportunities at employers that may pay a better wage/salary.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    How much leeway ...
    ^ I agree 100% with BigTezzy. You know what you're going to get based on the way the dancer approaches you. If she isn't interested in having a conversation, her dancers or performance in VIP will be mechanical at best. If they will actually hold a conversation, they usually don't disappoint.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    How much leeway ...
    I usually only club on Friday or Saturday nights, which are usually very busy. Because of this, most of the dancers use the "wanna dance?" approach. This works in my favor because if they don't interest me, I can politely turn them away and not waste their time or my time. If there are several girls on shift that interest me, I may not be able to get dances with all of them, but if there are about 5 that I would get dances from, I can usually count on maybe 3 of them to stop by my table, and I usually end up getting my #1 or #2 choice out of the lineup.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do you plan your trips or is it spur of the moment to go?
    that should read "Gotta make sure you will have the funds to go before you actually go"
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do you plan your trips or is it spur of the moment to go?
    About 90% of my club visits are planned in advance. Gotta make sure you have will the funds to go before you actually go.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How's your mood and attitude in real life ?
    For the better part of 3 decades, I've been the introverted type. I still am and I completely own it, but I have been making strides to become more extroverted. Going to clubs has helped me a lot with that. While I don't go out of my way to approach strangers and strike up conversation, I am now completely comfortable with the natural flow of engaging in small talk. I have found that just acting like a normal, happy person has a positive effect on the people around you. When you show positivity when talking to people you meet in public, it has an effect where it makes other people around you happy, and you can tell by the way others around you will treat you. There are also other factors to consider. Doing everything you can to take care of yourself physically as well as mentally will have long term benefits. Over the years I have put a ton of emphasis on my appearance. I exercise on a regular basis and I dress nicely. These are very simple things that have had a positive effect on how I feel about myself and how others around me feel about me. I find myself more willing to take risks and being pleasantly surprised when I get a positive outcome. I used to chicken out all the time based on fear of what the outcome could be, or what others would think about me. I no longer find myself concerned with what other people think about me. In reality, I may just be treating the clubs as an expensive form of therapy, but I am thankful that the clubs are there for me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do you have a little Italian in you?
    Nude Laps
    When I clubbed in Wisconsin, I had several nude lap dances with no towel or handkerchief placed on my lap. A few of the dancers would even give me a good grind while nude, but only in the RCG position, so the grinding would mostly be from their ass rubbing against my crotch, I assume. There may have been a few times I went home with my pants smelling like pussy. It wasn't until years later I found out there are clubs that enforce the use of a towel on the customer's lap. I've only been to 2 clubs where dancers placed a towel on my lap prior to giving a nude lap dance. Both clubs were in Canada. It is a standard practice at Brass Rail in Toronto as the dancers get completely nude during lap dances and do give a good grind in RCG and CG positions. The other club I visited where a dancer placed a towel on my lap was Cheetah's in Windsor, but it was only one dancer who did and she was visiting from Toronto. Strange thing was, this girl only gave me a topless lap dance and still placed a towel on my lap. There were at least 3 other dancers that I got nude lap dances from that night and neither one of them placed a towel on my lap. I am guessing that the use of a towel is a common practice at all clubs in Toronto and the dancer visiting was so used to it that she maybe didn't know it wasn't necessary.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta ,GA
    Coin flip
    I'm assuming that $500 has cover charges, drinks and other fees baked into it. If not, then that is more than I would ever drop on 1 girl. My preference would be to find an 8-9 that will give me a few pops. But, if we are limited to the 2 options stated in the original post, I would go with the first choice since I would prefer to get in a few pops if possible.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer - "Is it OK for me to touch you?"
    I was asked this question once. A thick, heavy-set dancer, who was a 6 at best, sat down and started talking to me. She was completely in bitch mode. I did not find her attractive at all. She then started rubbing my cock and asked me if it was OK for her to touch me. Since I did not find her attractive, I told her, "No, it's not". Thankfully she got up and left after that. When getting dances I have never had a girl ask if she can touch me. If she wants to touch me, she just does. I've never told a girl not to touch me while getting a dance. As long as I find her to be attractive and I'm really enjoying the dance, I will let her touch me all she wants to.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Dairy Queen coming to site of former Jon Jon's strip club in Warren
    There is one thing that Dairy Queen and Detroit strip clubs have in common. They both serve ice cream. While at Diary Queen the employees serve the customers ice cream, at a Detroit strip club it is the customers who serve the ice cream.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Trolling Instagram models for p4p?
    Some may actually be models. Some may actually be hookers. If your security is set where anyone can follow you, chances are you'll get a ton of follows from what appears to be hookers, but in reality, they are fake profiles set up by scammers trying to steal people's identities.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Bargain Basement Price
    Being that she is a stripper, my answer is all the above
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    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Breaking up the Pair
    Definitely avoid the duos because most places have their dance areas set up where there is not enough room for two girls to move around and give good mileage. Of course, the girls don't care, because a sucker will fall for it and they will make their money. What I find funny is when I turn down a pair for a double dance and on my next visit, the exact same pair approaches me again, so I have to turn them down, again.
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    7 years ago
    do you usually roll solo or with buddy or buddies to the club?
    When in college, I've made the suggestion with some buddies a couple of times to go to a club, but none of them wanted to go. This kept me away from the clubs until after I graduated college. Once I got a real job, I moved and then started going to clubs...alone. I've always gone solo. Sure, groups make up the majority of the crowd, especially on a Friday or Saturday night, but I never feel out of place being there by myself. Those who go to the club with friends tend to spend a good chuck of their time socializing and not paying as much attention to the girls. By going alone, you don't have that distraction and you can focus your attention on the girls the entire time. One other thing I've observed about guys who go in groups, they may occasionally tip at the stage, but they are more likely to waste a girl's time when she stops buy to chat with a them for about 15 minutes and none of them end up buying a dance from her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If you could have 3 mutant powers, what would they be?
    1) The ability to read someone's mind 2) The ability to be invisible 3) The ability to touch something and have its quality increase or decrease. Here are some examples of #3. You are short on cash. Just touch a $1 bill and suddenly it becomes a $100 bill. You are at a club and there are no hot dancers. A dancer approaches you and she looks like she's 55-years old, and has probably given birth at least 8 times. When she introduces herself and you shake her hand, suddenly she is now 30 years younger and her body looks as good as it did before her first child. You are in a club full of men in suits and ties and they all have looks that are comparable to celebrities like George Clooney, Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise. Just go tap them all on the shoulder and now they all look like Sloth from The Goonies.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why you Kisses Niggas for Free Hoe ?
    Pimping Hoez n diffeunt area codez
    Have them wear an ankle bracelet or some other type of tracking device
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Budget for bitches
    I don't have a set amount I set aside each month. It all depends on how much "fun money" I have left over once all my bills are paid. To state the obvious, I wish I had more disposable income.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Phoenix Tops
    Not visiting Phoenix anytime soon, but when a club gets a ton of reviews I do read some. From the sound of it, HiLiter does not sound like a place to go for extras. If that is the case, how can it even compare to a club like Follies?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Honesty is it's OWN reward
    ^ I would not be a downright rude to a dancer the way OP was. However, I do speak for the majority of us on these boards with the following statement. I've said plenty of things to women that I would never say to my own mother.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OT (Except in Title): The Open
    Jordan Spieth is The Open Champion.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    It appears strippers do fall in love with customers' (wallets)
    Now that I think about it, I have 2 friends whose wives are the breadwinner.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    It appears strippers do fall in love with customers' (wallets)
    ^^ I actually have a friend from college whose wife has the higher income job between the two of them. For the first 5 years or so of their marriage, she was supporting him while he worked part-time and went to school part-time. Now, he has a better paying job, but his wife still has the higher earnings between the two of them.