
Comments by s275ironman (page 36)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Would you pay a stripper for nude photos of her?
    I don't remember how I came across this, but months ago through Google I found a website with modeling portfolios. It allows you to search by state and city. Turns out a few of the girls on this site were strippers that I recognized, and they did have some professionaly shot nude photos in their portfolio...all available to look at for free. http://www.modelmayhem.com
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Detriot Trip well at least for me has been officaly cancelled
    @JAprufrock You've been going to the wrong Detroit clubs. You know that thing that Chris Rock taught us many years ago? It turns out, he was lying the entire time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9yBPcn8IqU
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Shortage of Good Dancers?
    Depends which club you go to. IME, the majority of the really hot dancers work at clubs that are very strict about not allowing extras. At clubs where extras are the norm, you won't find as many stunners but usually there are at least a couple that will make the cut.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What would you do part 2?
    Like most everyone else, I'd go with option #2 A method that does seem to work would be every 10-15 minutes or so, look around and see where she is and try to make eye contact with her. Once she looks at you, she will usually get the hint to come over when she is free.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What would you do?
    I'd go with option 6
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    7 years ago
    Why does old dudes hooking up with smoking hot young women agitate everyone?
    I myself am not all that old. I am in my mid-30's. When visiting clubs I seem to do just fine when it comes to getting the dancer of my choice, even with the older guys snatching up some of the more desirable ones. It does not bother me at all to see older men chasing after younger women. I don't see any point in being jealous about it. There is a good chance that I will eventually be one of these dirty old men. I'm off to a good start given the fact I've fucked some pussy that is at least 10 years younger than me.
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    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    What's the first car you owed and the name of the first girl you boned?
    1990 Oldsmobile Achieva Allie
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Escort talk
    @anthony, I'm also in Metro Detroit, but $300 is the most I've ever paid for an hour, and only once did I pay that much. The average price of the providers I saw would be $200 for an hour, or $150 for a half hour. They all had looks that were in the solid 7-8 range too. But this was 3 years ago, and the two I've seen that are still active don't have rates listed in their most recent ads, so I'm not sure if prices have gone up over the past few years.
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    7 years ago
    Escort talk
    Lots of good advice has already been given in this thread, so I will try my best not to repeat things that have already been said. There are a lot of providers out there that will screen you like crazy. They will ask for references, which would be the name of another provider you have seen. Being that you don't have any references, you will be limited to providers who are newb friendly. There are some out there that will see you if you are just starting this hobby, and some will even state it in their ad. If they post an ad and they don't say either way if they are newb friendly or require references, there is a good chance they may still see you. That is how I saw my first provider. I never contacted a provider that had fewer than 5 pictures, and among those pictures, at least 3 needed to show their face. There are several that will not show their face in pictures, or will have their face blurred out. I can understand that some want to protect their privacy, but I personally prefer to know what they look like so I know if I am attracted to them. You are sure to find a couple that will have plenty of pictures and won't be shy about showing their face. When it comes to comparing pictures to what they look like in person, I've been fortunate enough to not run into a situation where they looked different than their pictures. I guess I am just a lucky bastard. After finding what looks like "the one", the next thing you need to consider is what their price is. Some will post prices in their ads, and some will not. If their price is too high, you can always find one who looks just as good, but has a more reasonable rate. Some may actually charge you a higher rate than normal if it is your first time seeing them. If you go through with it and all goes well, you will get a much better rate the second time you schedule with them. When it comes to reviews, be hesitant to contact those who have fewer than 10. To be safe, I would still be cautious if they have fewer than 20. It may be in your best interest to find one who is both a high-volume provider and also newb friendly. I have seen those types, so they are out there. When I say high-volume, I only mean they have a long list of clients that they schedule with and not necessarily that they have 10+ appoinments daily. Realistically, your average escort only schedules 2-3 appointments daily. When it comes to doing research, I only consider TER to be a good secondary source of information. While TER has the best selection of provider profiles and reviews, there are no actual pictures or advertisements. A lot of profiles do have links to websites, but other than reading reviews about the provider, I really don't like the way that TER is set up. I recommend a different type of website for your primary source for researching escorts. Back in the day, I used a site known as Naughty Reviews. Both providers and hobbyists used it. Providers would create profiles and post ads. Hobbyists would write reviews about the providers. There were also forums that both hobbyists and providers could post discussions on. As it is, the majority of the conversations on the forum were among hobbyists. Naughty Reviews eventually went to shit and no one uses it anymore. Today, there is a similar website known as My Scarlet Book. I have browsed through ads on My Scarlet Book and found out two of the providers I have seen several years ago are still escorting. One of them happens to still have the same exact phone number as I still have it saved in my phone. It has made it very tempting for me to send her a text, even though I know she won't remember who I am after 3+ years. I never used sites like Backpage or Craigs List.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Greater Detroit Area
    First time (for me) this happened
    This was at a non-extras club. There was this dancer I had gotten dances from once and found them to be lame. Part of the lameness was because she seemed to be a little high. She also seemed timid, but that may have been due to the fact that she was high. On future visits when she would ask me if I'd like some dances, I would say no. Then there was this one time she caught me completely off guard. She asked me, "Are you ready for me to play with your penis?" Even though I knew she was joking, she completely shattered my ability to resist, so I said yes. Once again, I did not enjoy getting dances with her. This time it was because she was going for all the spots where I'm ticklish.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Definition of Extras
    A lot of dancers at non-extras clubs do consider touching tits and ass to be extras. The simple fact being that those who will allow it usually only do for a tip. If that is their approach, I will just keep my hands to the side and not touch them. I'm not going to pay extra unless I actually am getting extras.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    PH and Colosseum have a class action lawsuit against them
    It appears to be violations handed down from the Michigan Liquor Commission, and the reason why Penthouse was closed for a week. All the information I know is what is posted on Two Sheds. Links provided below are going directly to those discussions. The first link is the most recent discussion. The second link is the original discussion. http://twosheds.com/clubBB/viewtopic.php?f=62&t=18669 http://twosheds.com/clubBB/viewtopic.php?f=62&t=18652
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Definition of Extras
    Since my first 2 and a half years of clubbing took place at clubs that had a strict customer "no touch" policy, the first time I visited a club where I could touch some tits, I thought it was considered extras. Since then, being allowed to touch T&A has been so common, I no longer classify it as an extra.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    PH and Colosseum have a class action lawsuit against them
    I had a thread about this last week, but I used the version reported on Channel 7's website. From the sound of it (surprise), a few former dancers from those clubs are struggling after their dancing careers have ended. If the dancers represented in that lawsuit were smart, they would realize it is more beneficial to them if they stayed classified as independent contractors and not employees. If this lawsuit does anything, hopefully it will just make clubs give the dancer a choice to be classified as a contractor or employee when they sign an employment agreement. I did not read the entire complaint, but I think I got at least half way through it. This is certainly something these clubs don't need since they are also getting a lot of heat from both the city of Detroit and state of Michigan lately. One of the posters on the Two Sheds forum insists that they have intel that suggests that these clubs have no choice but to take down the curtains in the near future.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    We've all seen a dancer at one club and then eventually saw her at another club. With the way that dancers are always leaving a club to work at another, I don't think that clubs would have to lay them off. They do it to themselves.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Controversial stripper names
    ^ Perhaps my estimates were low. I honestly don't think very many of us actually have kept count or even care how many we've encountered. To some the term "met" would involve the act of an approachment (by either the dancer or the customer) and a formal conversation includng the exchange of names. But, assuming the proper term should be "encountered" (as in a number of dancers seen by our own eyes), then yes, I am aware that there are clubs out there that do have 100 or more dancers on schedule each night. I will admit, the most I've ever seen on one night is about 30, and I've only visted about a dozen clubs total. So while my numbers were low, it was still a factual statement that members of this site have encountered totals over those amounts.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I'm the only one! (or so she says)
    I agree with all the others who say that $500 is too much.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bang for the buck? Day shift vs niight shift?
    I have never been to a day shift, so I honestly can't comment on which is better based on experience. When I started clubbing, I lived in an area where all the clubs didn't open until the late afternoon/early evening hours. Now that I do live in an area where several clubs do have a day shift, I really can't make it to one because I work during those hours. The most covenient time for me to club is, and always has been, weekends. I suppose I could try a Saturday or Sunday day shift. Then again, I like the variety that is there on a night shift. Also add to the fact that I regularly get approached by some of the hottest girls in the club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I've only had experiences with 3 redheads. 2 were good at fucking and the other was mediocre at best. As long as it is either their natural hair color, or a dye job that is a realistic color, I have no strong preference as hair color is towards the bottom of the list of physical features I look for. If I did have to pick, I tend to favor brunettes over blondes or redheads.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    Legends in Detroit
    ^ That sucks if that is true. If so, whoever was working at the door didn't do their job. After all, they are supposed to check ID.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I've never been to a club that bans cellphones, but I have been to several clubs where they ask you to keep it in your pocket when you are in any areas where the dancers could be naked. The reasons were already mentioned. The club wanting to protect the privacy of their dancers would be the main reason.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    August 1 day shift at Penthouse in Detriot, A Tuscl meet reminder
    I am on "vacation" that entire week, but I put in for that week off for other reasons, so it is to be decided if I will even be able to join in on any of the fun.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta ,GA
    What PL is worse ?
    My vote goes to the PL's that only post on SW. I think the majority of us true PL's only post on TUSCL, though. The few who do post on SW appear to either be just casual SC customers, or the type of PL whose intention is simply to enjoy SC's for their legal intended purpose, with very little regard to mileage. I am an occasional lurker on SW, but find it hardly inspiring to spend much time reading the conversations among the few PL's that post either in the "Customer Conversation" forum or the Blue Site. As it is, there is hardly any activity compared to what is here on TUSCL.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    How Many States Have You Strip Clubbed In?
    I don't get out as much as most of us. I've clubbed in 2 states and 1 Canadian province Michigan Wisconsin Ontario, CA I could easily add Florida to the list soon since both my parents (now retired) live down there.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Face vs body on civilians
    For me when it comes to all women, civilians and strippers, it is their face I notice first. But, that doesn't mean that their body isn't important. I like a pretty face with a body that is in good physical shape. It is no big deal to me how curvy they are, or what size their breasts are. They just need to take good care of their body. But as IHearVoices had said, if she doesn't have a pretty face, I won't even look at her body.