
Honesty is it's OWN reward

Monday, July 24, 2017 6:29 AM
So I was at the club and I was at the club. Asked a dude that was sitting at the bar does he want a drink and he said sure. Bought him a beer, got thanks and went to another section of the bar. I've lost all interest in buying drinks in cups. I'm more of a bottle with friends type of guy now...and I drive. So a girl comes up to me, tries to canoodle in my lap and I let her. I want Ed a soft bottom on my chino's to get the night started. Eventually after a few minutes of softly rubbing her tush on my lap, she asks me for a dance. She feigns a pout and asks why. No lie, I didn't beat around the bush and told her because she was ugly. No "not my type" bullshit just straight up because she's ugly. She honestly could have been worse, but there were so many better looking, with better bodies, women there that she was gross in comparison. She got sour quickly because she immediately called me gross and broke and too much of a loser to afford a real girlfriend. I took out a stack of hundreds (hundred dollar notes) and pretentiously fanned myself with them and said: "My dear, you and I both know that's far from the truth" She looked extremely pissed, called me a loser asshole and walked off. I'm sure she was spreading the word that I was a young broke loser. Couldn't exactly say I'm ugly since the girls can see for themselves. I also noticed before she approached me, she was having difficulty pinning down a lap dance. I went and tipped the plentiful big booty and fine faces on stage (I was heavily tipping Hispanics). 20 minutes later a girl I tipped and was also speaking to the ugly chick approached me. We got plenty of lap dances and only playfully told me I'm mean. I must have missed the notice about being polite to undesirables.


  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    sounds like a good time!
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    If that floats your boat fine with me, I'm more of the type that believes in another old adage " Be kind to the people you meet on your way up, you will see the same folks on the way down".
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    @twentyfive I've tried that methodology for years. I gave up after I never got results. Especially in a strip club where the woman has ABSOLUTELY nothing to bring to the table. Not even good conversation.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I get it I'm not judging you , or anyone else, merely offering an alternative philosophy.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Just to be clear I wouldn't get dances from a girl I don't consider pretty, but I wouldn't have been that honest either
  • WetWilly
    7 years ago
    I can relate to both ways of relating to and communicating with the dancers. Most times I'll just tell the fugly dancers no thanks. In 25 years of clubbing, I cannot honestly remember ever having told a dancer she's fat or ugly. Sometimes I want to tell them, " look at her, then look in a mirror." I never do, but there are times....
  • JAprufrock
    7 years ago
    To each his own, but I would never insult or hurt anyone that didn't do that to me first,
  • Jdavid9806
    7 years ago
    Personally I would never tell a girl that she is "ugly" but if a girl was pushy and I couldn't get her to leave I would easily tell her the truth that "I am not attracted to you". Calling her ugly is subjective and cruel. To someone I am sure she is beautiful. Not trying to get on ya but using your same method of honesty these girls have enough issues that giving her another complex is a dick move.
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    @wetwilly LMAO, I'm so going to do that to the next annoying stripper (or girl at the night club). I'll even credit you in the next post lolololol
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    @jdavid eh it's NYC women are tough and so full of themselves that between even working at the club and the number of thirsty simps willing to pay their rent's worth just to look at pussy, my comment was a gentle love tap.
  • NaturalSelection
    7 years ago
    So you treat here like dirt and come here to brag about?
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I try to cut off dancers I am not interested in that way they won't be led on thinking I am interested - lI'll usually say something like "I just wanna chill by myself" or "I just wanna chill and check out the stage"
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    If I wasn't attracted to her, then I wouldn't let her climb onto my lap. Sometimes you have to be pretty blunt with dancers, but I never feel the need to be intentionally hurtful.
  • Chili Palmer
    7 years ago
    In a number of your previous posts, you come off as a fairly angry young man. This post does nothing to dissuade me from that opinion. To be so intentionally hurtful to a dancer who did nothing more than sit on your lap (which you seemed to have invited/allowed, even though she's "ugly") and then ask you for a dance, seems a bit over the top. So, if you posted this to brag about your actions to your fellow PLs, you come across more as a douche nozzle than the straight shooter you were aiming to be. CP
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I suspect this story is BS and you are just trolling. Only a complete scrotum would be so cruel without being provoked.
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    So if she was so ugly and you weren't interested why did you even let her sit on your lap?
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    ^ he didn't want to tell his mom to get up.
  • Chili Palmer
    7 years ago
    LOL @flagooner.
  • joewebber
    7 years ago
    thanks Estafador! you're an effing a-hole! most of these girls are insecure as it is and they equate money to their appearance. i've had girls come home crying because d*cks like you think it's ok to criticize the girls in the club. one a-hole was so bold as to tell a girl that her inner labia were lopsided. it took a month of positive conversations and therapy to convince her she didn't need vaginal rejuvenation surgery. before anyone here decides to criticize a woman in the club, take a close look in the mirror and imagine some hot young girl identifying all your faults in public. are you overweight, bald, wrinkled, big nose, sweaty, smelly, bad breath, cross eyed, whatever? your stack of hundreds will only get you so far before everyone in the club will conspire to get you kicked out. you just don't do it. it's no wonder so many of them get collagen, and lip injections, and ruin their faces. i don't know anything about you or your looks or your finances, but you need some lessons in decency. one of my friends says that whatever you say to a woman, write it down and give it to your mother.
  • Jdavid9806
    7 years ago
    Joewebber...truth! Good job.
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    ^ I would not be a downright rude to a dancer the way OP was. However, I do speak for the majority of us on these boards with the following statement. I've said plenty of things to women that I would never say to my own mother.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    Really only 2 possibilities 1. The OP is an Internet tough guy who makes up stories like this to feel better about his inadequacies in the real world. 2. The OP doesn't realize that there really is karma in the world. Someday, he will push someone over the edge and they will exact a painful price on him.
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    A little tidbit, anything I said to a woman, I'd say to my mother. With that said, it's part of the business. The amount of things that get said behind and sometimes in front of my back about us, what I said is peanuts. Get off your high horse and stop trying to save women that doesn't want YOU to. The amount of stories on here how you guys treat women and how they treat you, I'm a real sweet pea. And no chill Palmer I am not upset. Just talking. @flagooner I'm not just a scrotom, I'm also a penis too ^_^
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    Hey, I may be harsh, but light suggestions don't work anymore. New yorkers are so hungry, you can say their not your body type and they'll still push
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    Of course most of on here are going to tell you that is a brutally mean thing to do and can ruin a good party vibe in the club. I can see if she wasn't leaving you alone and putting the hard hustle on but this does not sound like that. Being vicious like that is unnecessary and unhealthy for all involved, mostly you. I recommend doing some serious soul searching on this. I tell, these honeys could easily be just as cruel to us. Thankfully that is very rare.
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    @lone wolf, of course it's rare you don't hear them. It's part of the fantasy, otherwise, your day at the titties bar would have long since ruined. You guys calling me vicious is just the pot calling the kettle black. @joewebber that labia thing was funny as hell. Were you her dad btw?
  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    No need to pile on. I can't remember, but I think you've said you are a younger guy. Most of us older guys would give you the same advice which was delivered in a nice way and also more directly by several veterans. I'd offer one additional observation...while most dancers are competitive, and yes sometimes bitchy to each other, nothing will draw them together quicker than a customer that has intentionally hurt one of them. If it is a club you want to go back to, I wouldn't be that guy. You are right, they talk, and when they do, the hundreds won't mean much.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i usually say ' no thank you' or 'maybe later'... (after i've gotten well toasted...).
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    > A little tidbit, anything I said to a woman, I'd say to my mother. Dude, that's sick that you would tell your own mother that you wanted to slide your cock in through her lopsided labia minora for $150.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Why do you have to be so mean? The most direct I'll get with a girl is telling her she's not my type.
  • Gabebj
    7 years ago
    If you call a person ugly it means you are not happy with your life and don't love yourself. Start with loving yourself my friend.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i have noticed that after enough time (and booze) my standards may relax some. and then again that may apply that to my kriptonite girl. she is so fuckin EXPENSIVE. i did 69 with her. so frikin EXPENSIVE. i told her so. so i'll never do her again. butt MAYBE i'll do her bareback. she knows my desire. maybe. one time. maybe.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    "Start with loving yourself my friend." Then what should he do after masturbating?
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    @larryfisherman because what you people do to women is far more cringeworthy. It was my first time and I get tired of spewing 50 shades of the version no. So I thought I'd try version 51.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I feel for you guys having to constantly turn pushy girls down, but I also think being so mean is bad for the industry. We also have to deal with rejection, and with pushy or rude customers, and I'd say the same thing to a girl who was bragging ab saying something like that. When I tell someone I'm a stripper the first thing they ask is how can I stand dealing with all of the jerks, and I tell them that most customers actually treat us really well. I will also stick up for customers, and have gotten in trouble with other girls for sticking up for customers who were accused of things they didn't do, or who were ripped off. I'd never tell a customer he is ugly, even if he never spent money on me. That kind of thing makes us all look low, and the reputation doesn't encourage girls with other options to be strippers.
  • JAprufrock
    7 years ago
    Well said, Bj99. I can understand saying something regrettable in a fit of rage. I think we've all been there. But that doesn't seem to be the case with the OP, and his lack of remorse reveals the kind of person he is.
  • Rickberge
    7 years ago
    Im fairly young, if you call 34 young in comparison to the average age on this board... And yea sometimes I feel like telling these strippers exactly how I feel but then I realize, what does it really accomplish?... Absolutely dog shit. Its a strip club. Where 98% of the girls have fucked up issues and we (PL) try to exploit that shit to get our dicks hard and maybe bust a load... I understand your logic but no need to pile on...Its one of those "what's understood does not need to be said" moments.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Being nasty to a stripper, or anyone else, should at best be the last resort not the first - in life it's always best to handle conflict in the least escalating way possible (I'm working on that myself as I have a Latino temper)
  • Chili Palmer
    7 years ago
    @Estafador wrote: "It was my first time and I get tired of spewing 50 shades of the version no. So I thought I'd try version 51." Except of course for this post you did in April, where you detail being this much of an asshole is your regular modus operandi: [view link] Face it. You're an asshole, and trying to deflect just makes you seem addled as well. No one who commented on your post was acting like Captain Save-A-Ho. All of us do whatever we can to insert whatever we can into whoever we want. It's just when we see someone with whom we really don't to dance, we don't feel the need to destroy her psyche in order to turn her down. It's clear this a pattern of behavior for you. Not sure why someone so young who by his own admission is both good lucking and wealthy feels the need to be such a cunt to sex workers. Saying "It's New York" is just another cop out. Thousands of people across Manhattan are experiencing the same thing as you and are able to say no without sending a dancer into tears or making half the club "hate your guts." Just a sad, sad, little man. CP
  • JAprufrock
    7 years ago
    Referring to the woman as an "undesirable" reveals the OP's superiority complex. Does he view strippers/sex workers as sub-human, not worthy of basic courtesy and respect? And then to be so full of yourself after this behavior ... for all my issues, I'm glad I'm not like that.
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    @cp you choose a post where not only am I describing a CHANGE in my demeanor from how I was when I first joined to what I am now, there was no direct examples of dialogue. Also, I explained I don't explicitly stated name calling but you'll ignore the commentary below. Face it, your using selective evidence to make a point and while I'm not denying I'm BECOMING more direct and harsh. If you want to go back further, you'd notice earlier years show I pussy footed around a helluva lot. Guess what jack, it's called growing up, just like you old folks want us young bucks to. Sorry I can't do it in a happy go cutesy environment. I'm not here to teach you the facts of life or why environment raises us certain ways. That's the old timer's job. I'm just here on this website to enjoy ass and titties loose women's ambition. Especially when sparse name calling is the least of issues on here. Like trying take advantage of former druggies or fucking a woman barely legal. I'm still wondering why my first actual instance of name calling is the most vile thing on Earth.
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