How's your mood and attitude in real life ?
90% of us PL's have a gregarious personality and easy going outlook - while inside a strip club.
What's not to like - pretty naked women, smiling waitresses, attentive managers, even a helpful bathroom attendant - all aiming to please.
For money of course - but that's besides the point (it's a given).
There's wine, women, song in the club. Even food. And peaceful women lovers all around.
However, in real life I'm quite an introvert. Would never start a conversation myself. Not much interaction with women - just what's needed for business.
About a year ago - I started carrying out the good mood I got inside the club - out to the real world.
With few exceptions - I'd say very few exceptions - the results have been positive.
I start convo with cashier at grocery store, with a girl at the gym, stylist, even when talking to customer service for my credit card. And oh my - did not spare the pretty 50 something lady at DMV.
Start with weather, or sports or news event or simple nothing " ... the purple streak on your hair looks great - watchout 6th street - here comes the cyclone!"
I even strike up conversations with guys. And quickly zoom into checking out the surrounding women. Group flirt - women respond to it very positively. Try it.
In short - strips clubs feed me the adrenaline. And I am flirting everywhere with just about everyone. Always start with neutral small talk - and within little time - you know to part ways or steer towards full on flirting.
The only exception is the place that gives me the paycheck. I'm maintained a professional disposition. And that is up from grabs too.
Has strip clubbing - helped or hindered your overall quest for bountiful supply of beautiful, vivacious and voluptuous women ?
... I know the ultimate fantasy for each of us is a new, sexy women in bed each night - after a hard day's work (or playing golf) !
What's not to like - pretty naked women, smiling waitresses, attentive managers, even a helpful bathroom attendant - all aiming to please.
For money of course - but that's besides the point (it's a given).
There's wine, women, song in the club. Even food. And peaceful women lovers all around.
However, in real life I'm quite an introvert. Would never start a conversation myself. Not much interaction with women - just what's needed for business.
About a year ago - I started carrying out the good mood I got inside the club - out to the real world.
With few exceptions - I'd say very few exceptions - the results have been positive.
I start convo with cashier at grocery store, with a girl at the gym, stylist, even when talking to customer service for my credit card. And oh my - did not spare the pretty 50 something lady at DMV.
Start with weather, or sports or news event or simple nothing " ... the purple streak on your hair looks great - watchout 6th street - here comes the cyclone!"
I even strike up conversations with guys. And quickly zoom into checking out the surrounding women. Group flirt - women respond to it very positively. Try it.
In short - strips clubs feed me the adrenaline. And I am flirting everywhere with just about everyone. Always start with neutral small talk - and within little time - you know to part ways or steer towards full on flirting.
The only exception is the place that gives me the paycheck. I'm maintained a professional disposition. And that is up from grabs too.
Has strip clubbing - helped or hindered your overall quest for bountiful supply of beautiful, vivacious and voluptuous women ?
... I know the ultimate fantasy for each of us is a new, sexy women in bed each night - after a hard day's work (or playing golf) !
I'm an "introverted extrovert" :) - i.e. it is not in my nature/nurture to start convos w/ anyone or be "Mr Social"; not b/c I don't wanna deal w/ people; mostly b/c it just does not come naturally or easily to me to break the ice - but if someone breaks the ice w/ me I can yap away for hours.
w.r.t. women - I also have trouble breaking the ice - I have dated women whom I met on the spur of the moment and I approached; but often times it was girls/women that already knew me (school, work, acquaintances, etc).
Yeah - I guess strip-clubs have made me less anxious about approaching hos in-part probably b/c i'm not so hard-up, but after I turned 40 (currently 47) I didn't wanna deal w/ the overhead of civvies nor dating and currently live life according to the K.I.S.S. principle - at the current time for w/e reason I have no desire to be tied-down to any one specific woman (and if I was dating or in a relationship I would not wanna be hitting strip-clubs) - thus for now I enjoy my freedom where I can pretty-much do and go as I please, currently prefer this over the obligations of a relationship or dating.
Same here. That was actually the most difficult part of getting acclimated to being a dancer; without initiating conversations, I would barely make any money. So I was forced to step out of my comfort zone, which ended up being beneficial because now I'm wayyy more assertive in life (when I need to be). After I started dancing it helped me break out of my shell. I started sitting in the front row in all my classes, participating in all of the discussions, instead of cowering in the back afraid to speak up. I handle business and academics much better now. I ace presentations, even though my nerves are crazy high before them.
Still, my favorite place on earth is on my couch in front of my tv watching movies or shows by myself. I enjoy solitude. I think I come across differently on this board than I am IRL. I'm just a hardworking shy gal, but based on my posting style, I'm sure some people would expect me tp be some party-girl socialite which I definitely am not. Although I do know how to have fun from time to time. Lol.
While I don't go out of my way to approach strangers and strike up conversation, I am now completely comfortable with the natural flow of engaging in small talk. I have found that just acting like a normal, happy person has a positive effect on the people around you. When you show positivity when talking to people you meet in public, it has an effect where it makes other people around you happy, and you can tell by the way others around you will treat you.
There are also other factors to consider. Doing everything you can to take care of yourself physically as well as mentally will have long term benefits. Over the years I have put a ton of emphasis on my appearance. I exercise on a regular basis and I dress nicely. These are very simple things that have had a positive effect on how I feel about myself and how others around me feel about me.
I find myself more willing to take risks and being pleasantly surprised when I get a positive outcome. I used to chicken out all the time based on fear of what the outcome could be, or what others would think about me. I no longer find myself concerned with what other people think about me.
In reality, I may just be treating the clubs as an expensive form of therapy, but I am thankful that the clubs are there for me.
When I was visiting SC's on a weekly basis, I found myself to be much more outgoing and confident. I found myself talking to women in the outside world more like I'd talk to the girls in the clubs. I even had a waitress at a restaurant one time wrote her phone number on the back of the check and tell me to call her sometime.
Going clubbing can sometimes be a good thing for your personality (but I found it to be hard on my wallet).
However, age and medical issues have made maintaining good looks difficult, so I have to work off personality and $$$ these days. The $$$ gets me in the door, but the personality (mood and attitude) usually gets me much more value for my $$$.
I do find that going through every day Life is much better in a good mood and with a good attitude. Most women are happy to take a compliment and are flattered by a little tasteful flirting. I strike up conversations with others at the bars of the sports bars I hang out in, and have made some good friends that way.
I hate being approached by dancers because I don't like people trying to sell me something and I don't like talking. If wanted a dance from her I would have asked her first. That's the difference between club me and IRL me is that I have no problem approaching the girls I want in the club. But that is totally different because in a club you are just buying a product and there is almost no chance of rejection for the customer.
I rely on online dating services to meet women but interacting with strippers has helped my interacting with women on a personal level. Like talking and hugging.
As others here, I'm firmly in the "introvert" category, but many people don't notice that, so maybe it has had an effect. I suspect the Marine Corps had more to do with that than clubbing, though.