
Comments by s275ironman (page 32)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    You know it is going to be a shitty lap dance when...
    It's going to be a shitty lap dance when all she does is approach and ask "wanna dance?"
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You know it's going to be a good lap dance when...
    You know it is going to be a good lap dance when you've gotten a dance from her before and it was everything you hoped it would be.
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    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Founding a National Strip Club Chain
    I'd take the Detroit Club Manager position if my salary is $250k and the club is extras-friendly.
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    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Another Shitty Stripper Article
    ^^^ LOL, One of my coworkers has a husband that used to be a bouncer at a strip club. He would regularly get asked by the girls to check for STD's.
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    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Founding a National Strip Club Chain
    If it is non-extras, such a club would fail (probably lose money) in Detroit.
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    7 years ago
    Getting Checked Out at the Store
    I lived in Wisconsin at the time, and I was 27. It was about a week after I moved. I went into the Best Buy on the east side of Madison. When I got to the checkout lane, the cashier was clearly checking me out. She was maybe about 22, and she just stared at me with these doe eyes. She could barely complete a sentence. She had 2 male coworkers about the same age standing nearby. As I walked away, I could hear her male coworkers making fun of her, and she told them to shut up.
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    7 years ago
    SC Census For Rooks
    @Monk - If a dancer approaches me and she passes the eye test, I will welcome her company. It is common for them to want to go to the bar and order a drink. In order to keep them from walking away, I will buy their drink. It is the best way to keep them around and engage in conversation, IMO. Sure, it may be part of a hustle, but I prefer this 10x more than the lazy hustle of approach a customer and ask "wanna dance?" IME, the dancers that have me buy them a drink give me better lapdance/VIP experiences than the ones that want to sell a dance the moment they approach.
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    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    I was also having issues seeing BJ's tits, but switching to a different web browser seemed to have solved the problem. Now all I have to say is, "Wham bam thank you ma'am!"
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    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    @joc13 One of my favorite escorts used to text me naked pics after our appointments.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    How much?
    Non-extras clubs: $200-300 Extras clubs: $400-500
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    7 years ago
    Making a offer she can't refuse
    I got an idea, let's all start a GoFundMe for BJ to travel across the country and visit clubs in all our cities. It can be promoted as some sort of tour like feature entertainers do.
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    7 years ago
    Who else hates stripper tag teams?
    I've seen it on several occasions. The first time was about 5 years ago. I took the bait and learned my lesson. Most clubs have their lapdance booths set up where it is impossible to accomodate a 2 girls dancing for 1 customer. At a different club, on different visits, I was approached by the same two girls and asked if I'd like a double dance. On other occasions I was approached by one girl (not from that pair) and asked if I'd be interested in a double dance, and they would name drop one of the girls that was part of that pair. I guess one of those girls either had confidence issues, or was struggling to sell dances on her own, so the other girls were trying to help her out.
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    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Would you like a dance ?
    Oh fuck yes!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Making a offer she can't refuse
    If she agrees to BBBJ the next time around, she will probably want a higher price. Maybe offer her $450, which is what you paid last time. I don't think she will lower her price now that you have set the standard for what she is worth to you. I personally wouldn't have paid that much, but if she was really worth that high of a price, all I can say is congrats and you only live once.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Enjoying lap dances for 15 years and counting...
    Staring at Other Lap Dances
    In all situations I'm familiar with, a bouncer will monitor the activity in the lapdance area. How much they monitor depends on the club. At one very small club, lapdances were done in a corner with very little privacy so anyone could see you. At another club. All lapdance booths were along a narrow hallway, and both sides were utilized. You could see the person straight across from you getting a dance, but that was it. With this type of set-up, the bouncer just had to look over his shoulder and this made it very easy for him to see everything that was happening in each booth. At another club, you would only see people getting dances if you walked right by their booth on your way to finding an open booth. This was set up like a square within a square. The bouncer would not see all the activity going on, but would regularly walk a lap around the area.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Enjoying lap dances for 15 years and counting...
    Staring at Other Lap Dances
    I am usually focused on the dancer so I really don't notice if other people are watching. If I feel the lapdance is subpar and I lose interest, I may be more likely to notice if other people are watching. In the end, it is less than 3 minutes any way, so it isn't that bad. I agree with LDK82. If anyone can ruin what would otherwise be a good lapdance experience by staring at you, it would be the bouncer.
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    7 years ago
    North Carolina
    Still tip a single at the stage?
    The more the better, but YMMV It really depends on the girl. Some of them have an effect that makes half the PL's in the club take a seat at the stage. In those situations, you may have to get involved in a tipping war, and even then it is no guarantee they will come see you when they get off stage. With the ones that don't draw as much attention when they get on stage, $1 may be enough to get their attention. Still, it is better to tip $2-$5, or more, if you want to send the message that you are interested.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Allyson Felix
    I agree 100%. I didn't know who she was until last year's Summer Olympics, but my eyes were glued to the TV when the cameras were focused on her.
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    7 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    the scruffy look.
    I'm in my mid-30's and I don't let myself go too long with the scruffy look. I usually shave every other day. But, I also make sure I am completely clean-shaven before I head out to a strip club. Whether I'm clean-shaven or I've gone a day or two between shaves, I have not noticed any difference in the way women treat me. I think what has been more of a factor in regards to hitting strip clubs is that before I go to the club, I shower and put on clean clothes. I dress nicely, but not too fancy. Lately, my strip club attire has been a polo shirt, khakis and brown dress shoes. I also put on cologne, so maybe that is a factor, too.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    5 Criteria Necessary for the Ultimate Strip Club Experience
    Lots of interesting comments, and for the most part I agree with what everyone is saying. Pretty much everyone is on point except for SJG. Who really takes him seriously anyway? Having all 5 criteria met in one visit is indeed unrealistic. I've never known a club to have all 5 of those traits, and the responses also confirm that there is no club out there that does. If such a club did exist, I think I know where the majority of us TUSCL members would live...in the same city that club is located. The 5 criteria I presented are just what many of us enjoy when presented to us during a club visit. I personally could sacrifice #3, and maybe #5 if there is a decent selection of hot dancers. When I started going to clubs, #1 was the most important thing to me. Now, I could sacrifice #1 as well. I find #2 and #4 necessary for me to enjoy a club visit, pretty much echoing what rh48hr stated. My original list did not include #5, which would just result in describing Follies, as already evidenced by some in this thread. Realistically, 3 of the 5 criteria can be met at most clubs across the USA. Every now and then there will be a club that meets 4 of the 5 criteria. Which of the criteria are met at a club is somewhat influenced by location. When I lived in Wisconsin, I was guaranteed #1 and #3 on every visit. It was common for #5 to be met as well. Twice I've gone to a club in Canada, once in Windsor and once in Toronto, and both clubs had everything but #4. The clubs I frequently visit in Detroit have everything but #1 and #5. @Dominic, I should have clarified that it was implied that the majority of the girls were OK with hands roaming and at least touching their tits and ass. It was never my intention to imply that they were being forced to have their boundaries crossed. Where I got the idea to have touching be inclusive of the price of a standard dance is because the few times I've gone to a club in Canada, the dancers allowed me to touch their tits and ass without tipping extra in addition to the cost of a dance. Here in the USA, it seems to be the norm for dancers to want a tip if you they will allow you to touch them. Those who brough up money, yes that is indeed the single most important thing a PL needs to enjoy visiiting a strip club. My list was intended to be just charactetistics of a club itself. I could do a seperate topic about the 5 things a PL loser needs, but it really is just one thing, money. The amount of money needed is simple, more money than all the other PL's in the club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Sometime I feel like a ghost in the strip club
    BJ is on point about stage tipping. I can back her up on that too. At a club I used to visit regularly, I remember one time I saw a new girl that I was very interested in getting dances from. I did tip her at the stage, but just the standard $1 I would tip every dancer while sitting at the stage. Later, when I was at a table, I'd see her walk by a few times but she didn't approach. 3 hours later when I am on my way out, she stopped me and convinced me to stay and get a few dances with her. I found her dances to be better than what I usually got from the other girls in the club. On my next visit to the club, I decided to be more aggressive with my stage tipping. I tipped her at least 4 times, $5 each time. When she got off stage, she rushed over to see me. Since I remember her dances being good, I decided to do a 15-minute VIP instead and she was every bit as good as last time. Every time I returned to the club, she would rush on over when she saw I was there. After consistenly spending lots of money on her, I would also regularly get approached by the other girls in the club. In the end, the girls do talk to each other about customers. This girl obviously told all the other girls that I have lots of money and I am very generous.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Strippers In High School
    Senior year in high school, I had a class with a girl I had known since kindergarten. We were both 18, and among the older kids in our graduating class. One day in class she was talking to some of her friends about the possibility of auditioning at clubs. I looked over my shoulder at her and she immediately tells me she does not want to see me at the club, lol I never got a chance to verify if she actually became a stripper, but she sure did have the body for it. I remember this girl sort of had a crush on me in elementary school. But, as it is natural, things change as you become a teenager. This girl became a typical slut. There were even rumors going around that she hooked up with one of the Phys Ed teachers. If true, there was nothing illegal about it since she was 18 when the rumors started going around. Lucky for that teacher, no one important ever found out.
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta ,GA
    Soda or pop ?
    Growing up I've always heard the term pop. As for my preference, I will state specifically what type I want, Coke, Sprite, Mountain Dew, etc.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Los Angelos, California
    I never used BP as a source for finding escorts. It just seems too risky to me because you never know what you are going to get. My source for finding girls was a site that was an all-in-one kind of deal. Back in the day I used a site called Naughty Reviews. It was a good resource for finding good, reliable providers until the service changed management and got rebranded as a "dating service". The site still exists, but no one uses it anymore. On sites like NR, providers would create an account and fill out a profile. They would post ads as often as they like. Hobbyists would create an account and review the providers they saw. Both providers and hobbysits would post on the message boards much like what we have here on TUSCL. About 90% of the members who posted on the boards would be hobbyists with very few providers participating in the discussions. I did find a few ads on BP from a few of the girls I saw off of NR, but the ads were almost a year old at the time. It seems with BP all the legit providers may start out using it and then move on to other sites once they become more established.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Rate this girl on a scale of 1-10
    She looks too big and too fake for my tastes. I guess I will be generous and rate her a 7.