Staring at Other Lap Dances
Enjoying lap dances for 15 years and counting...
I know it feels weird to have other people stare at you and the dancer while in the middle of a lap dance, especially it may be too distracting. I personally dont mind if i am enjoying the dance. The club i visit the most has the dances in the main club area, so its impossible not to look at the other dances.
Do you mind/get uncomfortable when others try to take a look at your lap dance?or do you like it? Do you get mad at it?
Do you mind/get uncomfortable when others try to take a look at your lap dance?or do you like it? Do you get mad at it?
I agree with LDK82. If anyone can ruin what would otherwise be a good lapdance experience by staring at you, it would be the bouncer.
Staring continuously... problem.
do i get mad if another PL looks at me during my dance? nah, not really. usually i'm not even in this situation---because i typically buy the type of dance in which its just me and the dancer and nobody else around
But, yeah, janky ass is right, lol.
At one very small club, lapdances were done in a corner with very little privacy so anyone could see you.
At another club. All lapdance booths were along a narrow hallway, and both sides were utilized. You could see the person straight across from you getting a dance, but that was it. With this type of set-up, the bouncer just had to look over his shoulder and this made it very easy for him to see everything that was happening in each booth.
At another club, you would only see people getting dances if you walked right by their booth on your way to finding an open booth. This was set up like a square within a square. The bouncer would not see all the activity going on, but would regularly walk a lap around the area.
* she's an attractive dancer and you like to look at her
* you wanna see what kinda dances she does
* looking at her lets her know you are interested so she may come your way later
Staring sorta to get your rocks off and a cheap way to entertain yourself b/c you're too broke or too cheap to get dances; unacceptable