Staring at Other Lap Dances

avatar for LDJunkie
Enjoying lap dances for 15 years and counting...
I know it feels weird to have other people stare at you and the dancer while in the middle of a lap dance, especially it may be too distracting. I personally dont mind if i am enjoying the dance. The club i visit the most has the dances in the main club area, so its impossible not to look at the other dances.

Do you mind/get uncomfortable when others try to take a look at your lap dance?or do you like it? Do you get mad at it?


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avatar for MrDeuce
7 years ago
I don't mind too much but would prefer not to be watched. I do prefer to get my extras in a *private* VIP room, but even in a more communal setting, the presence of another "couple" or two isn't a deal-breaker for me if it isn't for the dancer.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Subtle looking doesn't bother me at all, I'm usually so immersed in my own enjoyment that I wouldn't notice. Overt staring can be a bit annoying mostly because the dancers don't like it. The customers that do that look worse than pathetic.
avatar for rh48hr
7 years ago
I never notice if anyone is watching. A dancer might. I know someone else is watching when they tell me and the dancer to get a room. :-)
avatar for s275ironman
7 years ago
I am usually focused on the dancer so I really don't notice if other people are watching. If I feel the lapdance is subpar and I lose interest, I may be more likely to notice if other people are watching. In the end, it is less than 3 minutes any way, so it isn't that bad.

I agree with LDK82. If anyone can ruin what would otherwise be a good lapdance experience by staring at you, it would be the bouncer.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
A glance... no problem.

Staring continuously... problem.
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
i'll be honest, i sometimes look at other PL's when they're getting a dance. but i just glance....i don't stare. i'm mostly looking because i'm curious about how the dancers' perform.

do i get mad if another PL looks at me during my dance? nah, not really. usually i'm not even in this situation---because i typically buy the type of dance in which its just me and the dancer and nobody else around
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
I try to hold my own customer's attention, but I'm also aware of the view the guy across from me is getting, and I get a lot of dances from guys had been watching me, while getting dances themselves.
avatar for LecherousMonk
7 years ago
What kind of janky ass club would make it possible for any customers to see each other's dances?
avatar for Dominic77
7 years ago
^ local city ordinances. By limiting fun they think it will drive down demand. I personally don't have a problem with community cheap (LD) seats and private rooms for the high rollers / hobbyists. Let the high rollers subsidize the rest of us (until I'm a high roller).

But, yeah, janky ass is right, lol.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
At my club, it's not the same as the vips. There are separate areas for dances, than vips.
avatar for Dominic77
7 years ago
I'm so desensitized by being watched at work that someone watching my dance doesn't register to me. Though I would prefer a little privacy, all things being equal. And who wouldn't then your one-on-one with your girl? I know the dancers are natural exhibitionists but still ...
avatar for Dominic77
7 years ago
Our dances are off in the open on the couches at the side of the bar. There's no separate area for VIP at the Crazy Horse. They sell VIP now but it's just based on block of time. $200 for 15 or 30 minutes, I forget. Too rich for me. I just buy a couple LDs and stage tip. Works for me.
avatar for lopaw
7 years ago
Hate it. I get stared at a lot as it is and I won't share my dances with others. I only get dances where there is 100% privacy.....pretty much always VIP's. Costs a lot more but totally worth it.
avatar for s275ironman
7 years ago
In all situations I'm familiar with, a bouncer will monitor the activity in the lapdance area. How much they monitor depends on the club.

At one very small club, lapdances were done in a corner with very little privacy so anyone could see you.

At another club. All lapdance booths were along a narrow hallway, and both sides were utilized. You could see the person straight across from you getting a dance, but that was it. With this type of set-up, the bouncer just had to look over his shoulder and this made it very easy for him to see everything that was happening in each booth.

At another club, you would only see people getting dances if you walked right by their booth on your way to finding an open booth. This was set up like a square within a square. The bouncer would not see all the activity going on, but would regularly walk a lap around the area.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
one time I was in the semi private couch room with my ATF. There were two other couples in there getting dances. One couple was directly across from us and the guy kept starring at us. When they finished their dance the guy stayed there watching us. We didn't like that and stopped to come back later. As she was getting dressed the guy moved down to when the other couple was, pulled out his dick and started jacking off. My ATF ran for a bouncer and the guy was roughly escorted out of the club.
avatar for WetWilly
7 years ago
If she's hot enough for me to pay for a dance from her, I'm not paying attention to anyone except her while she's dancing in my lap.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
It's ok to glance:

* she's an attractive dancer and you like to look at her

* you wanna see what kinda dances she does

* looking at her lets her know you are interested so she may come your way later

Staring sorta to get your rocks off and a cheap way to entertain yourself b/c you're too broke or too cheap to get dances; unacceptable
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
I have no interest in what other people are doing. That also extends to them staring at me. During a dance other people don't exist, so their staring doesn't exist either. The one time I did look it was because the dancer had my wife's top off in the Inner Room in full view of all.
avatar for Mainster
7 years ago
OP, just don't do it, you welfare case. Go club poor somewhere else.
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