Not sure how this happens but sometimes I feel like I'm a ghost because the strippers will walk right past me and not approach me or say anything. I have cash in my pocket and I'm normal looking guy. Has this happened to you guys. Why does this happen and any suggestions. Thank you!
If your young or blue collar looking or a minority as your race most strippers assume your sucks but more than not that's their view
The only way to change this is to establish yourself as a attend at least once a month and spend at least $250 on average and it should change for you
Do you tip on stage? Most girls avoid guys who don't tip on stage, if they can. We see it as a signal that they either aren't into us, or don't want to draw attention to themselves, bc they don't want to spend money.
I have gotten better at getting the attention of dancers I'm interested in, but wish I had better "ghost" skills for when the annoying, unattractive, or money-grubbing girls approach.
You may be giving off signals that you're unaware of, that the girls are picking up, that say "I'm cheap" "I'm unfriendly" "I'm going to be a big pain in the ass", etc. But way to overcome all that is to be seen spending money
Some clubs, one I know in particular, are regulars only clubs. Strippers can fill their dance cards with customers they know, trust, and are guaranteed to spend. It's almost impossible for a newbie to get dances there.
One thing I see happen is when no guys are tipping on stage. It will happen over several dancer's sets, and becomes a sort of vibe. Some of the guys will be beer drinking regulars, or guys who the other girls know are there for one certain girl, but no one wants to go talk to anyone when that starts happening. I'm sure the other guys are like "wtf! Why aren't any girls talking to me, and there are girls sitting alone at the bar, and hanging out together!" It's bc no one wants to approach anyone new when he sat through her set and not one guy got up to tip. I work days, so if you are going at night, I prolly don't get the scene as well.
This has been happening to me a lot lately. IME, I would say it is primarily due to not being a regular. At the club I'm referring to, dancers are highly prejudiced to their regulars they know are 'ok.' However, I have also gotten into some weird conversation lately about me "looking sad" or having "resting bitch face" itc. I'd like to think that the "looking sad" is because I've been ignored all night and not the reason why I'm being ignored... but who knows with strippers.
I was sitting next to a guy who was visiting from a small town. A dancer approached him and he spent 5 minutes giving her the lamest lines. You are beautiful. Great eyes. And so on.
He then got one $10 dance from her and thanked her. He tried to continue complimenting and schmoozing her. She moved on.
In my opinion he had zero self awareness of what was going on or how the dancer perceived him. I'll wager he thought highly of the encounter and his seduction skills.
My point is, it can take some time to understand the dynamics of the strip club environment.
BJ is on point about stage tipping. I can back her up on that too.
At a club I used to visit regularly, I remember one time I saw a new girl that I was very interested in getting dances from. I did tip her at the stage, but just the standard $1 I would tip every dancer while sitting at the stage. Later, when I was at a table, I'd see her walk by a few times but she didn't approach. 3 hours later when I am on my way out, she stopped me and convinced me to stay and get a few dances with her. I found her dances to be better than what I usually got from the other girls in the club. On my next visit to the club, I decided to be more aggressive with my stage tipping. I tipped her at least 4 times, $5 each time. When she got off stage, she rushed over to see me. Since I remember her dances being good, I decided to do a 15-minute VIP instead and she was every bit as good as last time. Every time I returned to the club, she would rush on over when she saw I was there. After consistenly spending lots of money on her, I would also regularly get approached by the other girls in the club.
In the end, the girls do talk to each other about customers. This girl obviously told all the other girls that I have lots of money and I am very generous.
When I first started going to the club where I was to become a regular, I'd pay my entry fee with a $100 bill and peel it off a "Vegas Bank Roll" - $1's, $5's, $10's, $20's. & $50's in the center of a few $100's. Within 5 minutes every dancer knew I had money to spend.
Well the strip club can be one of loneliest places on earth filled with people. Dynamics of the club will yield that vibe many times, and if so I just cut my losses and go home in order to save it for another day.
@bj99 Last night was a good example. I saw a girl I liked sitting with 2 guys a couple tables away. She was there for a while and one of the guys finally bought 1 dance ($10). She sat back down after, but was called up on stage a song or two later.
I got up to tip her twice while she was on stage. Neither of the other two guys did. When she was done, she walked back to the table, picked up her cigarettes, said goodbye to the guys and came to see me (I didn't even ask her to when I tipped). She ended up staying with me until I left, and one time I saw one of the other two guys looking our way with an "eat shit and die" look on his face like he was mad.
It was the first time I had met this girl, so it's not like I had any return customer juice going for me. Just that simple act of tipping on stage made the difference.
@flagooner Yep, getting to say "no thanks" when the girls ask is for a dance is payback for when the girls said "no thanks" when we asked them to dance in 6th grade.
@meat72 the 40-50% tip I give my fav bartenders at my fav club pretty much guarantees I will never be lonely or unhappy while I'm there
Sometimes I have a hard time not getting noticed. I do remember one night I arrived late, sat in the back in an unusual spot when the club was crowded, didn't tip anyone and hardly any dancer seemed to notice me. Most dancers were tied up with their regulars or busy. That was fine with me because I didn't want to spend much.
I guess I end up getting noticed fast because of some of my typical habits. Visit a club early in the evening when there are a lot of dancers and few customers. Tip the dancers on main stage.
I have noticed if I sit in the VIP section of one club, I can sit there a long time and appear like a ghost. If I sit more in an open non VIP area, a few dancers approach without even tipping at the stage. I can sit in one part of the local club and only get asked for dances by one or two dancers on announced two for ones. Stand in a walking path and I might get asked 5 or 6 times in a minute when they do their special.
I actually thought about asking the same question. I'm a normal, under-40, not obese guy and I almost always get approached by the ugly dancers and almost never by the ones I want even though I tip them on stage.
Today I went boating with my current "friend" and two of her friends. When we dropped the boat off at storage and were hanging the life vests, she casually said, in more words, "I was looking at you today and you're actually very fit. You don't have any rolls and your arms and calves are nicely defined." That comment really took me back as I consider myself 20lbs overweight but have never expressed that to her. I know she sees more value in me now that she knows my lifestyle but it was an interesting comment nonetheless.
Busy strippers are less likely to approach guys they don't know. The most attractive girls tend to be the busiest, unless they are unusually shy, or just not bothering (see low circulating hot bitches thread). If anything, you might look nice and approachable, so the less attractive girls feel more comfortable approaching you, and once a girl is there, other girls won't come over, even if she isn't making money. The more popular girls are likely to approach a guy who looks like he has money, and drinking liquor (bc then he's likely to offer them one lol).
open your mouth and say something or make eye contact and smile... as much as many believe, these girls aren't mind readers, and many go through more rejections than closes.
You need to develop some people skills , work on your confidence, I'm sure if you feel like a ghost in a strip club you probably have the same issues elsewhere. Find your voice and be a nice guy, pay a few compliments, most folks aren't naturally outgoing it takes some work, but it's worth it.
It happens but i never get completely ghosted one always approaches they just cant resist. Just kidding i don't live in some country town so that probably helps but even still what juicebox said about stereotypes is true i mean look at the amt of escorts that still discriminate against blacks anyway it never hindered me anyway. Switch clubs maybe.
Go to the stage for someone you are interested.. tip a few $$ then start some short conversation like how is your day? This is my first time here. Are you free after this? Would you do dances or drinks with me? You need to reach out to the lady and talk.
I usually like to maintain a low profile but I have a hard time imitating a rock. Some guys are experts. I can't compete with that unless I've fallen asleep.
Happens all the time. Doesn't matter if it's busy or slow. Sometimes they just come my way before I even get seated well. Others they're with a regular or chatting it up with some customers or other strippers or on their phone.
I used to hate when that would happen. Now, I just sit back relax, enjoy my drink and the view of the strippers and chalk it up to money saved.
last commentThe only way to change this is to establish yourself as a attend at least once a month and spend at least $250 on average and it should change for you
I was sitting next to a guy who was visiting from a small town. A dancer approached him and he spent 5 minutes giving her the lamest lines. You are beautiful. Great eyes. And so on.
He then got one $10 dance from her and thanked her. He tried to continue complimenting and schmoozing her. She moved on.
In my opinion he had zero self awareness of what was going on or how the dancer perceived him. I'll wager he thought highly of the encounter and his seduction skills.
My point is, it can take some time to understand the dynamics of the strip club environment.
At a club I used to visit regularly, I remember one time I saw a new girl that I was very interested in getting dances from. I did tip her at the stage, but just the standard $1 I would tip every dancer while sitting at the stage. Later, when I was at a table, I'd see her walk by a few times but she didn't approach. 3 hours later when I am on my way out, she stopped me and convinced me to stay and get a few dances with her. I found her dances to be better than what I usually got from the other girls in the club. On my next visit to the club, I decided to be more aggressive with my stage tipping. I tipped her at least 4 times, $5 each time. When she got off stage, she rushed over to see me. Since I remember her dances being good, I decided to do a 15-minute VIP instead and she was every bit as good as last time. Every time I returned to the club, she would rush on over when she saw I was there. After consistenly spending lots of money on her, I would also regularly get approached by the other girls in the club.
In the end, the girls do talk to each other about customers. This girl obviously told all the other girls that I have lots of money and I am very generous.
I got up to tip her twice while she was on stage. Neither of the other two guys did. When she was done, she walked back to the table, picked up her cigarettes, said goodbye to the guys and came to see me (I didn't even ask her to when I tipped). She ended up staying with me until I left, and one time I saw one of the other two guys looking our way with an "eat shit and die" look on his face like he was mad.
It was the first time I had met this girl, so it's not like I had any return customer juice going for me. Just that simple act of tipping on stage made the difference.
@meat72 the 40-50% tip I give my fav bartenders at my fav club pretty much guarantees I will never be lonely or unhappy while I'm there
I actually thought about asking the same question. I'm a normal, under-40, not obese guy and I almost always get approached by the ugly dancers and almost never by the ones I want even though I tip them on stage.
Today I went boating with my current "friend" and two of her friends. When we dropped the boat off at storage and were hanging the life vests, she casually said, in more words, "I was looking at you today and you're actually very fit. You don't have any rolls and your arms and calves are nicely defined." That comment really took me back as I consider myself 20lbs overweight but have never expressed that to her. I know she sees more value in me now that she knows my lifestyle but it was an interesting comment nonetheless.
Still doesn't answer why the hot girls ignore me.…
there's probably a good amount of truth to this. but i'm a young black male and i really don't feel like the strippers purposefully avoid me
I used to hate when that would happen. Now, I just sit back relax, enjoy my drink and the view of the strippers and chalk it up to money saved.