Rate this girl on a scale of 1-10

avatar for larryfisherman


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avatar for Estafador
8 years ago
She's a 9. Super cute but not enough ass for a 10. But her trim fit busty figure and pretty face can get it.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
I'd give her a 9.
avatar for warhawks
8 years ago
She would stand out in most strip clubs.

And make lots of money.
avatar for GoVikings
8 years ago
meh i guess a 6 or 7

its not the easiest thing to explain........but she's too big
avatar for londonguy
8 years ago
A bit too big in the hips for me and quite plain looking. A 7 in my eyes.

But I'd still give her 1 !
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
I say 8. Nice tits but something about her face I don't like.
avatar for FTS
8 years ago
6 at most.
avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
I like the Italian-looking facial features and the copious quantities of both T and A. She's a 9 in my book!
avatar for JAprufrock
8 years ago
9. Would be a 10 if not for the big booty, but I don't mind that.
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
Her body looks photoshopped. Woman with such large hips would be a freak of nature. I'm charitable in giving her a 7.
avatar for ime
8 years ago
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
Is she real or is that a cartoon?
avatar for ATACdawg
8 years ago
Too much hourglass for my liking. 7

On the other hand, I wouldn't kick her out of bed (in my dreams).
avatar for marktrinidad
8 years ago
I say an 8 because she has a great body. Downside is she looks like a tranny. Her body is 10+ but that face looks like a man :-(
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
I like a 0.7 waist:hip ratio. She looks too extreme, for me.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
That ass might be fake, white girls don't have asses like that. But then again she looks Italian, and I do know a few Italians with nice booties.

Her body is a 10, but come to think about it, her face isn't as good as I thought it was. Her face is still decent maybe 7.5, but overall I'll give her a 8.5.

@marktrinidad yeah her face looks like a trannyish, but then again I have seen some "girls" online that I thought were hot, only to find out they were trannys. It's getting harder and harder to tell nowadays.
avatar for skibum609
8 years ago
I give her a seven in attractiveness, but if I needed a big woman on my side in a fight I'd give her a 9. Her boobs are too big and I guess saggy and she has a fat ass. Her face is a 6.
avatar for shanny72
8 years ago
avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
A 2.5 or 3.0 because she is nothing like my wife, skinny athletic and smart!
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
She looks like a cartoon, which is incredibly unattractive to me. Cute face but I would not look twice at her at the club. Good news for you guys, I won't be monopolizing her for 4 hours :) :)
avatar for joc13
8 years ago
@ATACdawg "I wouldn't kick her out of bed"

unless she's better on the floor. :-)
(Sorry, couldn't resist.)
avatar for s275ironman
8 years ago
She looks too big and too fake for my tastes. I guess I will be generous and rate her a 7.
avatar for LecherousMonk
8 years ago
If everything is natural, which I highly doubt, 10/10.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
without lookin... just based on everyones comments... i'll go 6.5.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
ok. i looked. pleasant face. way overdone ass. and (i'm sure) a boob job. but she is attractive.
avatar for ButterMan
8 years ago
I'd have to see her before the noon and add job to rate her. She is pretty...
avatar for bubba267
8 years ago
A strong 4.75
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
^^^ You are a kind man bubba267!
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
"noon and add job"

Lol, you've got to love autocorrect.
avatar for bubba267
8 years ago
@25. Thanks, modesty is one of my other great qualities. In all seriousness, that's what makes "rate this girl so fun". Our tastes vary so much. She is pretty much the opposite of my ideal girl. It would suck if we all like and competed for the exact type....bad for the gene pool too. In class we use to call it hybrid vigor.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
^^^ ; )
avatar for rl27
8 years ago
Around a 7. Body a bit too thick, face looks a bit weird. Her boobs in the bikini on the bed are a bit saggy. Waist and hips also look a bit photoshopped.
avatar for JamesSD
8 years ago
7. Fake tits, not that pretty. In good shape.
avatar for HungryGiraffe
8 years ago
At best an 8. NotedsShe has great teeth in one of the videos. Too bad she was not taught to smile and show them. Doing so would soften and de-masculinitize her face.
avatar for rh48hr
8 years ago
8.5. I like.
avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
Give her a few more years and those saggy tits will be covering her navel. 4.0 bubba can have her. :)
avatar for yahtzee74
8 years ago
4. I like the face but she her butt belongs in a carnival show.
avatar for best101
8 years ago
Lower than 5, but I would still tip her a dollar
avatar for Cowboy12
8 years ago
About a 3 for me, not my type...too fake
avatar for DoctorPhil
8 years ago
i rate her as solidly grotesque. what happened to her anyways? a bad case of elephantitis of the ass? poor thing.
avatar for chessmaster
8 years ago

7 face 9 body
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
"i rate her as solidly grotesque. "

LOL! DrPhil has a way with words...
avatar for Crownand7
8 years ago
8 I'm not a butt man
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
^^^ and if you WERE a butt man, you might rate her lower. Being a butt man is not the same thing as liking caricature-like fake butts
avatar for chessmaster
8 years ago
^so for everybody that likes her butt what does that make us?
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
Solid 8
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