
Comments by RiskA (page 8)

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    a year ago
    In the recorded history of the mankind, has the door vulture ever worked out?
    My visit to Kittens just days before COVID shutdowns had the Door Vulture experience. Older hottie, gave me the tour & told me what’s what, so I got a dance but mileage was like pulling teeth & pricey asks, so I just took the loss and moved on. I was just visiting in town, so had time & money to waste. Normally I ask a vulture if they want to sit & talk for 45 minutes while I scope the club, they always drop it & say they’ll try later haha. Tag teams are a no go, I like 1-on-1 action. I’m not 20 anymore.
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    a year ago
    If you had to start over again, where would you live?
    I will get the hell out of CA as soon as possible, too expensive & a fucked up nanny state. And now reparations? LOL. The places I’d like to live for activities & beauty, like south VA or NC, are unfortunately weak in the strip club dept. Guess I’d have to change my sex workers of preference.
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    a year ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    Do you still actively go to strip clubs?
    Some of these responses surprised me. You’d think more reviews would get posted. But given the “too explicit” critics, I guess once you post the juice bar menu, what’s the point right? That’s why I stopped posting reviews, altho still going 2x per week. I just like reading & sharing experiences on here.
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    a year ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Be careful who you talk to
    I advocate sharing intel on-line, but never in real life. Sex workers can brush off online comments as fiction by anonymous trolls, and sometimes like the publicity. IME the only time it becomes an issue is if they link the screen name to the customer and they think the customer lied about them or insulted them in the post. So don’t share your screen name with anyone. Yeah there’s some that get mad that their whoring ways became public, but IMO that’s on them for whoring in public, so sorry you’re ashamed of your own acts maybe if you care that much don’t do it? LOL. Any seasoned monger knows shit gets out, whores are mental & mercurial, and eventually you’re gonna move on. That’s life.
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    a year ago
    South Florida
    Club Details Do Not Need Repeating
    I stopped doing reviews, after doing like 120 over maybe 6 years, for several reasons mentioned above. I got tired of the endless “too explicit” and “not enough club details” complaints, plus why do reviews when others’ explicit-free reviews don’t help me? If I want to know drink choices and where to find the bathroom, I don’t need a review. Whether there are girls I’d like and whether they offer services for a fair price is what I want to know. While I didn’t link names with acts or prices, I’d name the hotties (& ROBs) and I’d say I got extras for price $X but not from whom. You’d think I’d betrayed the Virgin Mary, and I’d get lectured about site rules (news flash: they didn’t actually prohibit explicit text). It got tiresome esp when I was sharing the fruits of my spending with minimal return. This site works better for me just as insight into my fellow mongers’ thinking. The reviews have become generic Yelp stuff, and not worth the effort of reading. Except Muddy’s, those things were often hilarious literary masterpieces.
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    a year ago
    How easy to get extras in Charlotte
    “Read the reviews” LOL - yeah if you want to know about “extras” like club layout, menus, stage lighting, etc. The “too explicit” shoutdowns rule this roost, unfortunately. Be prepared to read a LOT of reviews and hope old generalities still apply. But yeah, asking for intel when you’ve supplied none is just wrong.
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    a year ago
    State of the Strip Club
    Interesting post by Brahma2K. I think a “mutation” IS occurring, brought on by single moms & current cultural condemnation of masculinity as inherently toxic. Most young guys I encounter can’t say no to a woman (hence simps) and can’t or won’t take charge; both counterproductive to enjoying a strip club without going broke. Virtual options are preferred, they’re just easier & less risky. Let’s hope the tide turns back.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    When should a stripper retire from stripping?
    They should retire when they start hating the job & the customers. For some, that’s Day 1. Some keep going for the money despite their feelings, but that’ll only last so long. Some have better attitudes & last until their appeal fades & the money dries up. I recently watched one who was still successful in body & attitude & income until 60 (!), then she suddenly hit the wall hard on the first two and quit. Another quit at 52 and then started managing the club, still gets more dance asks than most of her employees but stopped for personal reasons (money not an issue). Both had great attitudes & fitness discipline, and that’s why they lasted so long.
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    a year ago
    State of the Strip Club
    In CA the demise of the “independent contractor” in favor of “employee” dancers has had the biggest adverse impact. Competing online job opportunities, be it escorting or mere titillation, are simply easier jobs and “less gross” (to quote one of my now OTC former dancers). The young customers seem to want hopping “spectacle” clubs, not the low-key chat & pound that we grizzled veterans prefer. And true, the further we oldsters move from a CPI-tracking paycheck to living on passive income, the tighter we clutch our inflation & recession-squeezed scheckels. Free enterprise serves the sex trade, government control doesn’t; and right now most of the world seems to think Big Daddy Government is a better answer than market solutions. Ah well, I enjoyed the Golden Age, and I’ll ride out the decline of strip club civilization. I just need to figure out how to get verified by those escort bookers….
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    For the last decade I’ve been bringing my own (Skyn large). Better feel & better fit for my girthy but <8” friend. Those red cellophane ones the strippers in SoCal get from the Dollar stores squeeze me too tight & don’t slide right. Trojans (even standard size) tend to slide off me during use, something about the fit or lube. Strippers here apparently didn’t get the memo; in the years before I started supplying my own, I’ve only seen large size in their supply kit on a handful of occasions. But then our customer base is more Latin/white/Asian than AA….
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    a year ago
    Genuinely Friendly Staff
    Like referees in sports, strip club staff does the best job when they go unnoticed to the paying customers. Just take care of business, keep that herd of cats called dancers “on mission,” and keep the customer animals under control. I’m not there to find new buddies or to experience your ego/power trips, my bouncer/DJ/manager employees. I’m there for the girls.
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    a year ago
    Strip Clubs that TUSCL doesn't go to
    I’ve always regularly tried most clubs in SoCal regardless of ratings or reviews. I’ve wasted some time, but not much money besides entry/drink cost. But I’ve found many gems in uncrowded settings. You just have to be a “quick read” and get out quick you feel if it isn’t going to be worthwhile. Fortunately, in a slow club the best dancers usually pop right out for a new customer, it’s not like the busy clubs where they save it for the simps they know will come. On the other hand, some of high rated & frequently reviewed clubs like Synn COI just aren’t my preference & rarely give me that “time we’ll spent” feeling.
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    a year ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Lot Lizards
    I must frequent the same gas stations as Muddy, with toothless crackheads offering cheap BJs. Happens oddly frequently, I must be their type. I’ve seen some slutty-looking women at truck stops, but never got solicited. But yeah, the later at night the more likely you see this stuff IME.
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    a year ago
    New Jersey
    Tipping beyond expected
    I rarely tip on single lap dances, because unless it’s horrible I get more than one. Then it’s $5-10 per dance, depending on quality & future prospects. On VIPs I’ve negotiated the tip (& services) in advance (but never pay in advance). I withhold or reduce tip if ROB’ed (less than agreed service). Others’ tip cost-benefit decisions aren’t my concern, I do what works for me.
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    a year ago
    New Jersey
    Clubs you wish were still in existence.
    Hawaii Theater, City of Industry, CA. By Y2K, it was basically a brothel without shame, and stayed that way until a competitor conspired with their landlord to not renew the lease (so the story goes). Good girls, low key atmosphere & management, good sound & light levels, VIP rooms big & well-lit enough for true dirty pleasure. Not my first, but my favorite.
  • article comment
    a year ago
    Indian Dancer in North Boston
    Journal of an Indian Stripper
    Interesting read. Enjoying what they do is so vitally important to producing a well-adjusted stripper, and IME seems to pay off pretty much regardless of body type. Many mongers, especially regulars, prefer to spend at least some time & cash with sane fun girls, not just hotter head case/GPS types. I’ve seen & danced with 5-6 Indian girls in Southern California over 15+ years; I gravitate to the look. The hottest was young & model hot, but a notorious ROB. The best IME was probably in her mid-40’s but belly-dancing toned and worked the ethnic angle with jewelry, clothes, style, etc. I became a regular but never got OTC action as she said (& I respected) that her family life prevailed in real life.
  • article comment
    a year ago
    Rhode Island
    An Argument Against Naming Dancers in Reviews
    A monger website that doesn’t discuss girls by name is pretty useless. Naming a good dancer leads to more customers & money. Yeah, some may be jerks; but it’s not like the only ones they encounter are referrals. The “I’m protecting them” rationale is just “Captain Save-a-Ho” rationalization. More like “I’m keeping them to myself because I am selfish.” Share the wealth, man. As long as I’m maximizing my return on time & money invested in this hobby via others’ identification of worthwhile dancers, I’m happy to share the products of my own expenditures. I stopped writing reviews here once the “too explicit/don’t name names” crowd took control. Now I come here infrequently, hoping to glean something useful from a vague inference. I think this is why this site has become dominated by the same 20-40 posters in a circle jerk. I’d rather read names than reading CIM & Mickeyjerks bicker like Real Housewives.
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    a year ago
    What did 50 Cent do when he got hungry? 58.
    Cashless clubs?
    I would never use credit or ATM in a club; cash only. Can they prohibit cash, given Federal “legal tender” laws? California has laws screwing with some cash payments by clubs to the girls who must be classified as employees not independent contractors (so State tax & wage laws can be applied), typically requiring dancers to “earn” their minimum wage & withholdings before getting a pay out. Screws the girls, but that’s Socialism. But they want extras cash tips, so it raises extras availability to an extent.
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    a year ago
    You ever observe people not tipping?
    Doctorevil’s “traditional” rates became traditional because the law formerly generally permitted minuscule hourly rates for employees in “tipping” professions. In many places that’s now changed, with true minimum wage and “living wage” laws. So the “tradition” has been outdated by current realities in many places, like my entire State. Failing to adopt to the modern situation does nothing but overcompensate. Are you still paying for a home land line? Great call. I’m betting those supporting “traditional” rates in such places work hospitality jobs & enjoy overcompensation. Get with the times, if I have to pay menu prices funding $15 an hour for some slacker who can’t get better work, I’m not giving them 20-25% more for simply existing.
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    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are "Only Fans" fans shy?
    Fuck if I know. Never seen it; I have better ways to burn money & spend time than feeding some virtual girl’s bank account for what is free all over the internet. And I don’t know a soul who admits using OF, so no idea.
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    a year ago
    You ever observe people not tipping?
    California typically dictates “living wage” for all employees, so the old tipping standards go out the window IMO. What used to be necessary to supplement low wages now isn’t, and tips are back to being a reward. That said, I’m more like Muddy’s dollar a drink or 10% (double a reasonable tax rate) if service good.
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    a year ago
    Feed and "Last Review" date gone?
    I notice “my feed” no longer automatically picks up my comments on discussions & reviews (such that I can evaluate why everyone disagrees with me haha). Am I missing a step to achieve that, or is that a matter “in progress”?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Saliva as a lubricant? And other supply suggestions.
    I take Skyn condoms. Those dollar store ones the dancers usually supply are too tight & too brittle. Skyn fits my shape better than Magnums, but yeah I know that’s TMI about my wiener haha. And I’m on Team No Saliva.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    A TUSCL Thumbs Down...Disliked or Hated?
    IMO, like/dislike feedback is as much or more about the rater as the poster. Unless you know & respect the rater, they’re meaningless (except to the poster’s ego). The self-confident shrug them off.