
A TUSCL Thumbs Down...Disliked or Hated?

Sunday, April 23, 2023 1:46 PM
So I noticed today that th thumbs down are coded to "Hated" instead of "Disliked". I went looking around while trying to downvote the thread about Simone Biles getting married lol (if you're going to whinge about an over the hill gymnast's letting down 'merica at least put it in the political forum). What do you guys think about getting a thumbs down? I'll put one there if I think something is off topic, uneccsessarily toxic, or even for a joke that doesn't land right lol. It can be for a lot of random reasons, and I don't use it on threads that I like a lot less than others if people remember to put it in the political forum because I actually am a fan of free speech. Anyhow, are most of you here reading a thumbs down as "Hate" instead of "Dislike"?


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a year ago
    I've thought of it as "dislike". Hate is often a bit too strong. It's often the same case with the thumbs up. More often like is more accurate than love.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    Who cares what some guy or girl on the internet likes or hates, I know I sure don’t care at all
  • misterorange
    a year ago
    If you get a thumbs down from me, it's because you are a TOTAL FUCKING ASSHOLE and I HATE you. Lol... I tend to use the thumbs up a lot more often. It's mostly to let the person know I saw the post and agree. Or if it's something funny. I don't think I've used the hate button since a certain small group of douchebags has seemingly disappeared.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    I don’t hate anyone it’s too much work
  • SanchoRG
    a year ago
    I like the thumbs down. They let the impotent folks feel like they have a little more power over the world.
  • wallanon
    a year ago
    "Who cares what some guy or girl on the internet likes or hates, I know I sure don’t care at all" If you insist lol
  • Muddy
    a year ago
    One thing I do know if cashman1234 doesn't like your post (even if it's 5 days later), it means you fucked up big time.
  • wallanon
    a year ago
    "I like the thumbs down. They let the impotent folks feel like they have a little more power over the world." You can get two. It shouldn't be that big of a deal. There would probably be more value to the content here if people were willing to give simple feedback. I don't always feel like typing up why something spoke to me in a positive or a negative way, but clicking on an icon is quick and easy (unless you're trying leave a comment on a review until founder fixes it).
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    I use the thumbs up to support, ditto, or agree with a comment or post. I use the thumbs down to disagree or disprove of a comment or poster. Anyone who says they don't care is lying. It's hard-wired into our brains, Facebook was the first to exploit the endorphin hack to gain subscribers and get them hooked.
  • motorhead
    a year ago
    “Hated” seems like too strong of a word. Hater has become the buzzword in sports groups for anyone who disagrees with your opinion. Example Person A: Zach is too slow to play in the NBA Person B: you’re just a hater
  • RiskA
    a year ago
    IMO, like/dislike feedback is as much or more about the rater as the poster. Unless you know & respect the rater, they’re meaningless (except to the poster’s ego). The self-confident shrug them off.
  • Brahma2k
    a year ago
    I doubt a thumbs down is preceded by "I hate this". I suspect most see it as generally as "disagree". tuscl may label/code it as Hate but I suspect almost all see it as it is used throughout the internet, it's a disagree.
  • Papi_Chulo
    a year ago
    IMO everyone should be entitled to their opinion/viewpoint on TUSCL - what IMO fucks-it-up is the minority of douches whose main-purpise w.r.t. certain-posts is solely to stir-shit-up vs just wanting to express a viewpoint - seems there's a minority of people that just enjoy getting-off on being a douche.
  • docsavage
    a year ago
    I never click the thumbs down. It may be because in my mind thumbs down = hate. I don't hate anyone on here. I rarely even get in political quarrels here anymore. Life is too short for spending it getting in fights with people.
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