
Comments by RiskA (page 7)

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    a year ago
    Any tips for meeting OTC
    Haha “let’s hang out” doesn’t work, but “I’ll give you $XXX for an hour of fucking” might. OP’s posts continually confuse IRL encounters with transactional sex worker encounters. A strip club patron is nothing but a walking wallet to them 99.99% of the time, and believing otherwise is a recipe for disappointment & heartbreak. But hey, “don’t stop believing, hold on to that feeling…”
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    a year ago
    White American Strippers
    “Hispanics are white” is the kind of thing white academics say (like “Latinx” a term which the Latin population actively mocks as culturally repugnant). Perhaps it’s true under some definition of “race” but certainly not by cultural-based behaviors. If we could transform our inherent need to classify people into one based on behavior rather than on identity politics, we’d be a lot better off. It’s a lot like asking “why aren’t more strippers college-educated?” It’s about options and mindsets (called “privilege” by some) leading to alternative professions. There’s a bell curve of that in every population, it just varies depending how you slice the pie.
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    a year ago
    Extras Tips
    I’m from Southern California and have been around. Extras at local clubs SHOULD cost you $40/80-100/120-150, IF you know how to negotiate & are willing to walk away. You will need to pay more in some clubs & for some girls, if you choose to do so. Opening offers will always be higher, but 90% will reduce. You cannot be afraid to bargain, and always do it BEFORE you pay to go into the VIP room (or you lose all leverage). It takes some practice and trial & error. If you can’t or won’t waste some money and a lot of time, you’ll end up paying more. Maybe you’ll think it’s worth it. PS: seeking such local-specific info on this website is generally a fool’s errand, as the handful of usual commenters live in very different markets. Better to post in specific club’s’ discussion boards.
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    a year ago
    Going commando at the strip club
    “Strip club pants” are thin & slick, preferably with no zipper. Won’t give cloth-burn when Flopsie is sliding back & forth, trying to light a fire like a Boy Scout. Adidas shiny sweat pants were the OG (Original Garment).
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    a year ago
    it is time for a Muddy intervention?
    Yeah, a review saying “it’s a shithole that I left without a dance” AND explaining why, is more valuable to me than the frequent layout, drink options, no names, no mileage “it was great” “she was hot” reviews. While I most prefer getting names I want to try, in second place I prefer warnings that it’s a waste of money.
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    a year ago
    White American Strippers
    Orange County California nude clubs have had predominantly Latina dancers since maybe 2004, and even before that was like a 40/30/15/15 split (white, Latina, Asian, black). Now it’s maybe 20% white, probably less. Not that it matters to me, it’s all pink on the inside. Relatively fewer white kids & more options for them, so it’s just demographics. More disturbing is how a solid 70% of dancers -all colors - are now out of shape (at least) & have no business stripping.
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    a year ago
    Real Girls Vs Strippers
    Haha if you think strippers are actually your friends and care about you, try going Dutch on OTC dates or otherwise not spending on them (or supplying their drugs or whatever). You’ll get deleted from their contacts in short order. They’re paid to be your “friend”; it’s a job and a transaction, nothing more. Accept that for happiness.
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    a year ago
    it is time for a Muddy intervention?
    I spend time in VA and yes, the strip clubs are awful. Overpriced & full of out of shape, low end women. I’m an L.A. monger and the average VA stripper is maybe an L.A. 4. Plus the weird rules: pasties, no contact, cameras, etc. The whole monger scene in Central VA is so weak. State law just changed so you have to prove age to access porn websites!! I’ve given up on VA mongering, but rest of the state’s recreation & vibe is good.
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    a year ago
    Has wherever your at improved or declined in your lifetime?
    For strip clubs, the greater LA area has improved in quantity & variety of clubs, but declined in quality of experience. Prices, adjusted for COL & inflation, are not really that much changed. But the entitlement attitude from & after the Me Generation has damaged both dancers & customers. High tip demands & simps make the experience more of a drudge than before. You can still find gems, it just takes more digging & work. Overall quality of SoCal life has nose-dived, due to congestion & the massive pervasive fear that others exist solely to take your stuff. “It’s all about me, baby” is most everyone’s touchstone. Still can’t beat the weather if you can afford to live within 10 miles of the beach, tho.
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    a year ago
    Seeing Kids or Other Family at the Club
    One time in San Diego a stripper asked me for dances to conceal herself from her parents’ neighbor for whom she used to babysit. She left after, so I don’t think it was a scam she just wanted $ before she left & knew I’d do it. But if it was a scam, it was a brilliant one LOL.
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    a year ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    The Queen “Sheer Heart Attack” concert at Santa Monica Civic is in my top 5; perfection. I saw a really good Who show in like 1982. Def my type. But sometimes even the best band is drugged out, going through the motions, doing it for the cash, etc. Performance is tough, much tougher than studio work with a skilled producer. Bringing this back to Boston, the times I saw them (usually festivals) they could have been lip-synching the records. Perfectly competent, but yawn. But hey, the great thing about music and performance is how people respond to it, and no response is wrong it’s just personal opinion. Just like stripper looks: one man’s trash is another’s treasure LOL.
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    a year ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    How Much Have You Spent (Wasted)?
    I started after a divorce in 1997, and I’m frugal by nature so I track expenses. The first 4 years were around $4-5K per year, then I discovered FS clubs (starting with the long-gone Hawaii Theater) and then it climbed to $9-12K per year for 18-19 years. A couple years got into the $20K range due to OTC & side muff FWB with retired regulars. So like $220K total invested. I was working & making a lot for most of that time, so not pathological spending and it did not detract from other interests & travel. I have no regrets, it has enriched my life experience greatly.
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    a year ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Mate: I saw crappy shows by The Who (the first of their many “farewell” tours, right after Moon died) and Queen (right before their comeback on “The Game”). Sorry man, after seeing maybe 200-250 shows, I trust my opinion of crappy. Now everyone can have an off night or two, so maybe I was just unlucky with them & lucky with the other bands I mentioned. But that’s my basis. I’d be more sus of believing in rock star perfection.
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    a year ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    In high school I dismissed Boston as cheesy faceless pop rock. As an adult I marvel at Classic Rock radio where they occupy 10% of the 30-40 song playlist. But I’ve made my peace with them; they created a different guitar sound & had 2-3 good songs (which they copied for the rest). An early Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, etc., in that sense. But back then I was a big KISS fan, and now that’s unlistenable LOL. The guitar solos on Hotter Than Hell LP now sound like the soundtrack in Hell…. I saw Foghat & REO in concert several times, and they were great; tight rock bands that consistently delivered a good show. Even tho a little bland on record. Same with Peter Frampton actually. Not the sometimes epic, sometimes crappy shows by Zep, The Who, Queen, Deep Purple; but solid rock show entertainment. And that’s worth something.
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    a year ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    Whales/Ballers giving dancers jaded expectations
    Yep it’s the free market. If she asks too much for your taste, you say no. If enough guys agree with you and say no, she’ll re-price or have to get another job (eventually). Or else you need to try another girl or another club (or start reading “Streetwalker Reviews” haha). Sucks but welcome to reality. I try to calmly say “that’s more (or much more) than I usually pay, but if you get it then good for you. If you ever find yourself in my range (and here I lowball just a little, so I have room), hit me up.” They either fold like origami or we part friends (usually). So yes whales & simps can skew the market, but oh well there’s always options.
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    a year ago
    Tropical Lei Claremont CA
    It’s like 10’ over the Claremont-Upland border. As I answered your PM, I was not a regular & might have done her once but that’s a common stripper name & look; more detail might help. Read some reviews. But hey, it’s TL you can make some assumptions LOL. Just pay the fee and find out, it’s $120 for the room and whatever tip you negotiate.
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    a year ago
    Will Joe Biden be the Democratic nominee in '24? Does Trump take GOP?
    Newsom aka “Emperor Hair Gel” is just another cardboard cutout for behind the scenes puppet masters, and like Harris will wilt in the spotlight when not back-stopped by the machine. Remember he’s related to Pelosi and governed in an all-dem state with minimal opposition (& he still struggles). He has a slick style & publicity machine, so maybe he can fool most of the people some of the time, but extended scrutiny makes people uneasy. Ask his ex-wives, haha. But if he jumps in at the last minute as a white knight of the left to replace a faltering Biden, watch out. PS - the reparations issue is no-win for him, so watch him kick it down the road so long as he has any national aspirations. Completely painted himself into a corner, LOL.
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    a year ago
    Juvenile Not Jaded
    Identifies a few basic points that every savvy monger recognizes, but then wraps them in judging ego-driven crapola. Escape; yes. But OP fails to consider if needing to escape his “beautiful life” to escape responsibility is as or more messed up than escaping a grimmer existence. If it’s not fun, stop; yes, sort of. I think it’s if you’re not having fun, find a way to make it fun. Go to a different club, employ better tactics, learn from your mistakes, etc. But there’s going to be a level of bullshit you have to put up with & endure, to get your desired reward. It’s an escape, but it’s not Shangra La. View it like a game, not an entitlement. Don’t be jaded; sure, except that doesn’t mean be an idiot. Ignoring reality because it’s inconvenient rarely ends up well. That “beautiful life” may well crash down around one unless they’re meticulous in controlling how far they buy into “stripper world.” So yeah, some truth but mostly “this is shit” haha
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    a year ago
    @s1utmuffin on IG! Long Island, NY
    tip for VIP room and CBJ
    “What the market will bear” is the answer, unhelpful as that might seem. To a SoCal monger with lots of available brothel clubs (like me), those room rates alone are above market for VIP room + CFS (tho your 15 min is close). But maybe your club is the only extras club around, and it draws thirsty customers with lots of disposable income; then you can charge more. And of course you get to set your price & business plan; just like I get to say “too much”. So I’d say investigate the competition and price accordingly.
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    a year ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    ATF/CF Walking Away
    Every monger should emboss their wallet with “She don’t love you” and “Just because she tells you about her life doesn’t mean you’re in it.” Truisms.
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    a year ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    A Refresher on How to Write a Good Review
    I’m with Muddy: dancer names/descriptions, and what mileage is possible in the club (in your dreams) - without tying the two together - is the point, why regular mongers read reviews. Maybe the club layout/vibe is relevant to out of towners or first-timers, but they should be reading multiple reviews anyway, so they’ll find it.
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    a year ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Chat GPT writes a review of Follies
    Passes the “too explicit” gauntlet, however; so Chatbot gets a free month of data input LOL.
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    a year ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    One Million Years B.C.
    Ha this thread is so true. I think the pornography vs art standard in movies those days was “redeeming social value.” So the “story” of caveman survival was necessary to justify the jiggle-fest. But yeah, it’s as unwatchable now as an episode of Gilligan’s Island or Simon & Simon (both top-10 shows in their heydays).
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    a year ago
    Thinking of quitting
    Johnny Rotten once said “if you don’t like being a rock star, stop being a rock star.” Move on, at least for awhile. Strip club life is just a game, it’s not real life. It’s for entertainment, and if you aren’t enjoying it then why do it? Yes, there will be bad experiences, ROBs, despair, etc., it’s just part of the game. If there aren’t highs to compensate for the lows, adjust your game or quit & try something or somewhere else. Clear your head & you’ll be fine.
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    a year ago
    How to get a massage from a hot masseuse?
    You can ask for lineups at MPs. Some places will let you pick, esp if not busy. But most won’t, and it’s about the same odds as Mega Millions that you’ll get a hottie. Rubmaps is good but MTs rotate constantly and they all use Coco, Amy, Yuyu, so you never know if it’s the reviewed one. For all these reasons I only go to MPs for a cheap fuck with any girl that doesn’t disgust me. I go to strip clubs to savor the menu & select my favorite dish of the day.