Saw something interesting today:……I have no idea how accurate/true it is, but its an interesting discussion. There's little chance I'm going to patronize a cashless strip club, even though I use my card for basically every other transaction in my life. At least as long as there's options. If they all switched, I'm not sure if I'd just stop going to strip clubs or not.
It also seems like it puts the clubs in peril. They'd be one conservative politician away from passing a law prohibiting the credit card companies from processing those transactions and they'd probably loose a weeks worth of payments.
last commentTips are cash.
This is no different than Cheerleaders and Oasis in Philly have been for 15+ years. The customer settles up with the dance monitor. The dancer gets tickets like you'd use at a carnival. She turns them in at the end of her shift and receives her multiples of $15 a dance (club pockets $5 a dance). Any cash tips, you hand her separately.
Bring it on
True or not it does sound like something real: in the late '60s/'70s or so, Coors in Golden Colorado use to pay their "Blue Collar" workers in cash. They'd line up at a table, get their gross salary, then move down the table and pay their taxes one type at a time: Fed, State, Medicare, Medicaid, SS, ect. Supposedly Adolf Coors did this so workers understood how much govt takes out of their pocket. The IRS shut the practice down. True? No idea but sure sounds like a great American Legend and something govt would like.
I have noticed that the girls at these places are usually more appreciative of cash tips. Not sure if it is just a sense of instant gratification for them since they have cash immediately that way or if it is because that is the only way they make any money that isn't tracked by the club for taxes and tipouts.
When drinking is involved I’m sure you could easily use your imagination on how easily a customer could get ripped off.
I was trying to think why would a business do this in the first place but I guess employee theft is just too high for them to control.
I bet TUSCL would use it (it does)
I bet TER would use it (it does)
I bet P411 would use it (it does)
I bet escort agencies would use it (many do)
I bet tens of thousands of small retail locations around the world would use it (they do)
I bet sovereign nations might make it legal tender (one has already)
Perhaps strippers and strip clubs will start using it too? I dare not say money's name, though... it gets a number of people on this forum in a tizzy! "It's a scam," they say. "Money is only what the government says is money."
Those with intuition and foresight will get it, and keep it, and pass it to their children, and their children's children... and those families will be shielded from the effects of monetary debasement.