
Comments by RiskA (page 9)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Italian Women
    At their brunette olive-skinned best, they’re my favorites. But Muddy’s right, there’s a range. And regional variation. Plus like with most “Latin” races there’s an age where they start going ugly & fat. My Latino friends call it “going walrus” haha. Maybe that’s what your Italian friend is talking about.
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    a year ago
    The voice of truth and reason
    OMG, OMG, OMG, can you believe these guys!
    Mark94, I had like 50 reviews here & 200 dancer reviews on a local website, and not one dancer ever linked me. Or if they did, it made no difference. It’s not like mine was the only dick they sucked LOL. I understand that may vary in other cases. I agree, treat them with respect in person; but share the details so fellow mongers can benefit.
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    a year ago
    The voice of truth and reason
    OMG, OMG, OMG, can you believe these guys!
    I feel names & acts are the REAL intel worth sharing, but I acknowledge that bad shit can happen as a result. Sometimes it’s due to local govt/LE caring (in SoCal they don’t, but elsewhere is different), sometimes it’s creepy stalkers who don’t understand YM(& price)MV, sometimes it’s club management, etc. Better to be vague but helpful enough that savvy PLs can figure it out. (Except re: ROBs, there I’d name names & details.) But I feel your pain re: the “too explicit” worrywarts, I had one blast my reviews every time. My response? “Last review, 2020.” Who cares about “VIP” status if reviews share little to no real intel? I don’t care about club layouts, drink choices, or info available on the club website, which is apparently what some think is a “good” review.
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    a year ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    MTF Transexual Sex Worker
    I unknowingly went to an L.A. club that was failing & decided to switch to include trannies (Vintage Industrial Strip). To the dancer’s credit, he/she told me the score (it was dark and the work was good, so could have suckered me for a while at least), and so I left immediately. Fuckers wouldn’t refund my door charge. In the old Hawaii Theater days I did a stripper named Lamborghini (or some other car) that was later discussed as a possible trans in online forums, but no proof offered. If it was true, I was fooled by the work. The thought makes me throw up in my mouth a little, but I choose to believe it isn’t true. In any event, I’ve had many worse experiences with 100% undeniable women, that’s for sure; but my nature is to avoid trannies & not go to any club that knowingly employs them. And Bud Light has always sucked, IMO.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Others Complain I'm Paying Too Much in VIP. Should I Listen? My Opinion.
    If you post your payment on a public board like this, you can’t be “upset” about any comment you get. When I read about someone paying more than I do, I say so. Then maybe they’ll know & can negotiate better next time. It’s the clowns who get defensive or fall back to “you get what you pay for” rationalizations that deserve to get blasted. You get what you can get, and part of that is your willingness to walk away & try with the next girl. Ultimately “it’s your money” but one shouldn’t be afraid to face the fact if they’re overspending. It happens, esp when you don’t know better. But if you’re overspending for the wrong reasons (simp, can’t say no, too thirsty, etc.) I have to disagree with posters above: that’s on you, and free speech is gonna come your way.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    PSA: Cash only is the ultimate spending discipline
    Cash only. As further fiscal discipline, since 2015 I’ve kept a log of every dance purchased, dancer, extras obtained, & total cost. Helps track if I’m blowing the budget, I compare month to month. I spent about the same in 3 years 2020-22 as I did in 2018 or 2019, so I guess thanks COVID? Picking up steam this year, though haha.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Social Security
    Until January 2025 all we’ll hear is platitudes “it will be addressed fairly for all” BS. Then the loser party will ratchet up pressure for the winner party to state a specific plan (since any plan involves pain & will cost the next election). And repeat kicking the can. The political power is with the payors, so I expect payout cuts, means testing, maybe increased salary cutoffs for pay-ins. Retirement age will never go up, that’s antithetical to every post-boomer mindset.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    dancers sitting at your table uninvited
    McNulty has it right. Whether not interested at all or just not yet, I’ll politely take control, “I’m mellowing out & not looking for company yet, when I’m ready I’ll make it clear” etc. I don’t blame a girl for selling, it’s the business. Most get it & try again later if I’m still free. Some don’t get it & complain or just sit there and cock block. Then more assertive means are necessary, either asking them to leave or moving to the stage or taking a piss & re-locating. If they’re offended, no sweat for me.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Pussy tighter than a LA parking spot
    Upcumming strip club dates!
    Linzee: there’s a club in Stanton (Orange County) CA named TJ’s Showgirls which books traveling feature dancers, maybe every month or two. No idea on payout. Perhaps look into it for your next tour: it’s a populated area, a club with two woman managers, etc. Love to see you there.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Tuscl wish list
    @whodey : I understand your points & don’t really disagree (tho I could care less if a dancer lying to her husband about whoring gets caught; consequences of your own actions, girl). So I just say things like “FS can be had at reasonable prices, and I enjoyed dances with Flopsie, Sweatie & Slutti.” Some guys “too explicit” that every time, even though it isn’t: it conveys info without any real specifics and leaves it to the reading customer to negotiate his own deal (as one always must). Reviews that describe physical layout, decor, soft drinks available, etc.: useless. At least list dancers by shift, names & physical attributes; that (along with knowing the club’s rep) helps one decide whether to come for a visit. Refusing to name names is for white knights & fanboys, IMHO.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Best OC dancers?
    Second to Whodey’s point. What’s the best tasting taco in Orange County? C’mon man, it’s personal preference. Just go, and then tell us what you find. To be constructive, I’d suggest Ecstasy Club in Santa Ana/Costa Mesa, I think they consistently have hot dancers (to my taste).
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Tuscl wish list
    I oppose an edit function, as well as rules prohibiting a link between extras & names in reviews. I understand that in some circumstances bad things can follow, but in some towns & clubs extras are no secret even to LE, and a review of such places with no actionable intel is pretty useless. You can do it subtly (see my reviews), but some clown reviewer will always be a white knight & freak over even the slightest tenuous connection to a name.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Good job calling out a ROB by name, so the rest of us can avoid that nonsense.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Tues night, meh
    I’ve visited on day shifts and they look at ID but never scanned it. Maybe it’s a new policy, or nights only (the club is in a pretty sketchy area). Or maybe they recognize me (or my obvious spending regular nature haha). My bigger issue is the aggressive drink push; days have many fuglies & a few gems, but that waitress is busting your balls to buy the lady a drink before I can even decline the fugly’s company.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many strippers file income tax returns?
    Tax returns aren’t usually what I discuss with strippers, but the 3-4 times I have were pretty shocking. While these girls were the older, more sober, career-stripper types, their risk tolerance & willingness to rationalize tax fraud was pretty stunning. They were pulling fully-subsidized health care, public assistance, etc., and felt zero compunction about lying on income & expense to maintain the same. And they always found some sucker client to sign off as their paid preparer. Of course it’s none of my business, and I always refused to get involved. It didn’t take me long to realize that staying out of strippers’ personal lives is the winning strategy LOL.
  • article comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    Drew's OTC Maiden Voyage
    My first dancer OTC tracked this pretty closely, including the remorse over dangling a generous price to snag the first bite. Trying to reduce that offer on visit # 3 met with unhappiness & pouting (but she took it). I then moved on, and a couple weeks later she texted an offer at my lower price, and once even offered a 1/2 price special. But her attitude was never as good as at the higher price; however, her body & pussy were as good. For future OTCs, I started lower, and I found cheaper location options (dayuse hotel website, local hot tub club, etc.). Still a bit more expensive than ITC, but the longer time & relaxed setting was worth it to me. A couple girls got used to the cash flow & threw out time limits, etc.; one even brought along her friend for a threesome. OTC was a good alternative when strip club BS would begin weighing me down.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Working on the new site...
    I’m on Team No Delete, on the grounds of accountability & coherence (keep the record complete). And I agree that every new tool just gives the abusers a new toy to continue their abuse. I’m happy with the “mute” function, even tho it makes it so I can’t understand many comments that’s MY choice after I’ve weighed the cost of blocking a turd’s posts (which are usually value less). But letting the turds delete their mess only after wiping it in our collective face is too much power in their hands. Brief window to edit makes more sense.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    On the day I danced with her, yes. But yanked down my pants, slid on hat in one swipe, and at a full gallop 5 seconds later. In that enclosed bullpen in front of the bar, so no with no privacy. Kind of exciting but I used maybe 8-9 of my 15 before I came out (& manager who I know well said “Done already? Everything OK?” Sort of embarrassing, but then I remembered I’m a PL so nothing is too embarrassing.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    OneGc app
    There was a Southern California-centric website that did exactly this (minus the pictures) called BonedIn, but it is now out of business. The searchable dancer database with reviews (and restricted-access section for extras & price detail) was magnificent for intel for awhile. But the site was mis-managed & moron users brought it down with too much social media style blogging and not enough reporting. It’s just the nature of these monger websites: too many idiots (e.g., the “club ad” parrot) and nobody wants to share intel especially if they get nothing back.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Great experience for a strip club newbie
    In most ways, your experience is the best you’ll have at 4Play: truly hot girls, an arousing rub dance, and out only $110 plus admission & a drink. You can get slightly more mileage in private, but it will cost a LOT (Room plus tip plus eliminating non-providers - not every dancer provides extras). It won’t be long until the costs will start eating into your good time, regardless of the A+ eye candy. The age-old cost/benefit frustration problem. Getting digits off a base dance + $20 tip is good work, but she probably just wants you to use it to find out when she’s working & if you don’t come in and spend the your future calls will soon go unanswered. But maybe not, go for it & best of luck!!
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    I’ve danced with Sabrina at TJ’s; good fun but damn girl slow down this isn’t the 100 yard dash LOL. I’ll have to go try her at TL maybe she’s calmer in that environment.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New York
    Craziest thing a dancer has done to encourage you to get a dance?
    Two stand out for me: 1) A slightly schizo well-muscled ex-Marine dancer named “Cupcake” who on my third visit with her plopped down, grabbed little Risky up my shorts’ leg, and whispered “I can’t wait to drain your balls today.” Convincing sales pitch. 2) A hot but LM young dancer at a crappy San Diego club who jumped beside me & said “You gotta help me out & get a dance, that creepy guy who just walked in is a friend of my dad and I used to babysit for him & his wife.” She rewarded me by covertly whipping me out and stroking to completion. A good deed unpunished, finally. But never saw here there again after that.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Los Angeles
    Getting Too Expensive For My Blood
    The price philosophy seems to be “what the tourist/airport patron will bear.” Regular local mongers don’t seem to be the target audience. Which seems nuts to me, but consistent with typical strip club management LOL. But either it works to their satisfaction or eventually they’ll change prices.
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    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Wharton Professor Siegel Agrees with me, “Inflation is Over!”
    Click bait for the day traders, who desperately want the return of the “rising tide” created by “free money” government policies. There’s still billions on billions coming into the money supply through persisting COVID “emergency” funding, the infrastructure/reparations bill, the new record budget, the social security bump, etc. ad absurdum. Inflation is the result of increased money supply without increased production, Econ 1A. How is that changing? The academic left’s focus on consumption economy rather than on the balance between production & consumption always leads to this result. Also, the Biden inflation isn’t “going away” (unless deflation starts): it will always be here, just not visible in the short term statistics. It becomes more irrelevant only as wages catch up, although an aging society living off accumulated wealth
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    2 years ago
    Seattle Readers/Mongers
    Ugh, here we go again. This topic occupies too much bandwidth on this site. I live in a town with many brothel clubs, and sanitized reports are a waste of time to read. (Oooh, I can get Coke AND Pepsi at the bar to the left if the entrance….) Like Drew said, the cops don’t care, the managers don’t care, etc. But I try not to link names to acts or prices, because (1) it’s always different for different guys on different days, and (2) bad things can follow anx why risk it. In these clubs, you just need to know who’s a ROB and who’s NFZ, if I say “she performed well at a reasonable price” that’s all an experienced PL needs to act. It’s a frickin’ brothel and it’s obvious, you can figure it out.