
Comments by RiskA (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Ruh Ro, Shaggy…..
    CA Civ Code § 43.5 (2022): 43.5. No cause of action arises for: (a) Alienation of affection. (b) Criminal conversation. (c) Seduction of a person over the age of legal consent. …. There’s like 4 states that still allow it, but it’s an intentional “state of mind” tort, with a causative requirement for breaking up an otherwise “happy” marriage. Better pick the right jury LOL. I’d be more concerned about being the next “2 AM-er” haha.
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    a year ago
    tuscl's next gen
    I share docsavage’s attitude, and have likewise curtailed my reviews. I clearly don’t share the personal opinions of the too-explicit, don’t name names crowd which they have harped on for years despite not actually being a TOS “rule” here. Plus, why share the fruits of my spending if it’s a one-way street? I don’t hand out cash to drug-addled homeless, either. Again, this site is ok as a discussion board (with liberal application of the mute button), but it’s become not much of an info source.
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    a year ago
    Ruh Ro, Shaggy…..
    Hahaha, I think that’s only a concern in states where people still dress like the Quaker Oats dude. There’s no liability for that in CA. Besides, she didn’t mention she was married. She chose to work in a club and take money for sex. Why are her decisions MY responsibility? Sort of Taliban-esque of you, frankly. But bottom line, I disagree with your sanctimonious scolding and will ignore you & your effort to impose “proper” conduct (in your personal opinion) on matters you simply don’t get to decide. Live your life as you like, I’ll do the same.
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    a year ago
    How bad it's getting in some clubs
    SoCal clubs now seem to have about as many customers as pre-COVID, and most have as many girls. But the quality of girls has gone way down, and they report customers are spending less & more lookie loos. Very few white girls, very few veteran strippers, fewer slender girls. But guys here are just so damn thirsty they lose their minds; just visit Synn COI on Thursday nights and look at the long lines for dances with any breathing stripper. The analogy to Disney parks is well-placed.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip club tours
    I’ve had several “tours,” particularly when visiting new clubs while traveling for business. It’s actually a good ice breaker, to feel out how the club operates & whether mileage is available. I usually look for the hottest (IMO) dancer and approach her at the bar with “I’m new here; what’s the deal at this club? Dance options? Privacy? Touching?” At worst, it’s a good way to locate the bathroom. A few times they brush me off for their regulars, but I get that. And yes, much like a time share salesperson, there’s always pressure to buy at the end. But if I don’t hear the right answers, or get vague evasions, I don’t worry about not getting a dance altho I will usually tip them $10-15 depending on time spent.
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    a year ago
    New York
    Holding one down at the bar
    ^ A few SoCal strip clubs are what I call geisha clubs: guys go there not expecting BJ or FS, just attentive convo with a hot girl and maybe a sneaky HJ if they way overpay. Cheetahs in SD is the best example; 4Play somewhat like that; many topless clubs. These are guys seeking “connection” and often self-image bolstering, sorta overlooking that they BUY any attention they get, & that these guys will ignore them in a heartbeat if the $ isn’t there. I prefer the transactional brothel clubs: everyone knows why everyone’s there, so let’s make a deal. But even there you can treat the hooker-stripper respectfully & try to make it light & fun. But you make it FAST: let these girls make their money. That’s “respectfully” 1A. Don’t be a fuckoe, putting them on lockdown all night, esp if you aren’t buying a VIP. Or you end up being that troll who thinks these girls really like him and want to hang out.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    What's the strip club capital of the not Florida south?
    I inherited a family house in central/south VA, & visit there from CA. Richmond & Hampton Roads clubs are terrible: trailer park 4’s, pasties, minimal contact, high prices. (Maybe East coast 5’s near VA Beach.) I do dig the Southern vibe & much else about the state, but mongering truly sucks (so I do that at home in SoCal). I go to Raleigh & Greensboro NC occasionally & they’re a little better; still expensive and girls rarely slender (my type), but some tig ol’ bitties and a few do this limo-VIP thing where fun can be had (but not cheap). I think you get more moonlighting college girl eye candy there, but LM usually on that. Still, more fun than VA. No experience in ATL; like SF & Baltimore, just not in my top 100 of vacation spots LOL.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Lap Dance from two girls?
    If you want to do it, always let Girl #1 pick Girl #2, don’t pick for them. The more they’ve been with each other before sexually, the better your experience will be. But girl-on-girl is never a guarantee. They may just want to halve their workload. At its best it’s fun, but usually it’s not worth the cost. Good way to check off a bucket list item. Yes you will pay each of them the dance/room rate and tip each separately (and not different amounts, it will piss both off regardless of your reasons).
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Mortgage Fraud
    Nonresident investors own a remarkable percentage of single family homes in my large HOA near LAX: almost 30% of over 2000 houses. Because there’s a small Jesuit university with students who rent (well, mommy & daddy, actually), plus low-income workers who co-op 3-4 families per house so they can live near work. But I doubt a nuclear crash since most are investors (partnerships, LLCs) and have owned for years and aren’t hurting for cash. Deferred maintenance is turning the area more ghetto, tho not as much as the homeless & general neglect of victim-socialist focused government. But rents are high so they won’t sell, they’ll hold. SoCal isn’t like the East Coast where it seems many beach areas are 60-75% “second homes” for individuals and thus more crash-susceptible.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    New York
    It was pretty athletic the way he blocked 80% of those cane smacks with his trainers! Only the relentless fitness of the batsman wore him down. I think this portrays a new mixed martial art: I’d watch it!
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Extras Vs Cuddling and Company
    “You know what who gives a crap what anyone says. Everyone has their own way for the strip club, you can make it into whatever you want it to be….” Yet you post yet another post begging for arguments. Definition of “troll” IMO. Dude, I’m glad you enjoy your PLuppy Love approach. Let’s talk in a couple years and see where you are with it.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Clubs where the bar regs are friends
    I recently did a post about dudes who try to talk to me in the strip club bathroom, which I view as a party foul. SoCal nude clubs are mostly brothels rather than neighborhood bar types, so few guys are in there to talk to other dudes. I’ve seen groups come in together, but don’t recall regulars joining other regulars. But a little hard to say since in clubs I’m not really noticing other guys (unless they’re acting up).
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    New York
    Holy crap, that’s some security system! Maybe all those stores leaving San Francisco just need a few Cane & Turban guards. But yeah, in the CA utopia those self-employed clerks will pay the price for resisting “redistribution of wealth” by a disadvantaged group member who is merely manifesting the impacts of living in this slavery-exploiting hellhole America. A few hundred packs of cigs is a low price to pay in reparations! It’s like that small businessman in SF now facing charges for water spraying the homeless woman yelling at him for cleaning her shit off his business’ sidewalk. Madness.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Legal question
    The reason this question occurs to you sorta makes my head spin LOL. Aren’t allergens impacted by digestion? It’s not relevant to me anyway: my only strip club allergies are to ROBs and GPS, and those are inherently “proceed at your own risk” situations.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Charlotte, NC
    40 is the new 20
    In SoCal dance prices are up just a bit, but they were already high. A few fewer specials; although I think business is down right now so they’re back for now. I think I spend slightly more per trip, but my visit frequency is way down. I track monthly expense and it’s like 30-40% reduced. Girls’ attitudes suck lately, hard to find new CFs that I visit regularly. And prior CFs fade away in that natural progression we all know. So now I have $ for other things LOL.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Real Girls Vs Strippers
    I blame too much oversharing.
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    a year ago
    Recycling singles
    Haha I’ve done that move; either you find money on the floor or some flies off nearby, and you conspicuously fling it back once eye contact established. WTF, it’s not like you’re not sending it to its intended recipient; you’re just stretching that tip to get a little added personal value LOL. I vote “not Dick move.”
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    The view from the other side of the room
    High Heel-less
    I have a scar on my right thigh from a stripper shoe heel, inflicted during a pants-down CG session. Hurt & bled. At least she felt bad about it. So I favor shoes-off for dances. However, few things are as gross as strip club floors, esp VIP rooms. Now I just move them around to avoid contact with foot soles. I’m tall enough that stripper shoes right-size the girls; bare or sandals make them too short. When they’re bent over a VIP bench it doesn’t really matter, but other times it’s too much like being with a child and that’s too creepy even for me. So I’m Team Stripper Shoes.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    The real reason stripping is dying
    Wait for it: the “scandal” when it turns out the “creator” is just an AI bot programmed to suck money from simp suckers. Upside: real girls might have to return to stripping, an IRL experience that cannot be replaced by tech. Of course we’ll need re-education camps to get those trained by institutions of higher indoctrination, I mean education, to learn to tolerate such patriarchal exploitation of woman-identifying peoples for carnal pleasures….
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    a year ago
    A New Variant of Bathroom Trolls
    Police hiring standards have fallen, but not this far LOL. I generally mumble something like “you just need to ask the girls, they’ll let you know,” which seems pretty obvious but not confrontational. I just think it’s weird to approach another dude at a strip club. But at least they’re not tapping feet or whatever that “wide stance” politico claimed was the gay sex come-on at Minneapolis airport….
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Real Girls Vs Strippers
    Haha OP goes around in circles more than a NASCAR race. Yeah like I know they’re whores, but like treat them like princesses man and like nothing bad happens, right? LOL. The reason there’s sharks is there’s so much chum, for sure.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Jasmine retiring
    That pussy had a lot of miles on it! I had her several times, both at Hawaii Theater before it closed & at TL. Not my favorite, she was sort of dead behind the eyes a lot of the time. But good body, and a good fuck. The Joey/Jasmine/Gina day shifts were always a good day.
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    a year ago
    Extras Tips
    Dolfan & sgreyeff make valid points. My price points are purely the negotiated price for delivery of the act. The room is extra. “Good service” rewards are extra - and in my practice, rare. Repeat business and becoming a regular normally serves that function. I tip more mainly if they spent extra time in a decent conversation before/after the act, not because they yelled “RiskA you’re the best!” a few times while actually making up their grocery list in their head….
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    a year ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Inflation is Starting to “Drop Like a Rock”, leading to deflation.
    Using the US Dept of Labor Statistics’ webpage “inflation calculator”, the total CPI increase during the Biden admin 1/21-6/23 is the same as for 1/12-1/21. So 18% increase in 30 months, versus in 108 months. Comparing only year-to-year percentages misses the forest for the trees. The Biden years have left a huge hole, and it doesn’t go away. Purchasing power, and savings/accumulated wealth, are forever impaired disproportionately. And docsavage is right, the more money they borrow or print (or “forgive”/defer/grant/etc.), the worse it will get. And that’s pretty much all the Dems got, to buy favor (& votes) from the peeps. (Well, that and the specter of Trump…)
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Born in NYC, conceived at Woodstock.
    Dancer Names
    Mercedes is probably the all time leader, but not used much nowadays. PSD had a good list. I’d add: Jade (Asians) Candy Dani