
tuscl's next gen

Tuesday, August 15, 2023 2:40 AM
I see a lot of newer members, these guys seem legit, they definitely are contributing. But is the old guard leaving the website? Guys like Papi Chulo who really is the Michael Jordan of this bitch sounds like he's doing new stuff in his life. Nicespice had some kind of beef with founder (I forgot what it was even over at this point) but she's kind of checked out since. RIP in Juice of course. Daily regulars like Cashman, Warrior, Uprightcitizen, GoVikings don't seem to post as much anymore. A few others I'm just not thinking of right now. Not all of it's bad, trolls like Icee and SJG aren't spamming anymore. That has been real nice. desertscrub was the mortal enemy of a lot of people on here and he's gone now. But at the end of the day, it really does seem like there's a different cast of characters on here now, for better or worse. Have strip clubs been that bad recently that all time PL's actually beat the little head for once? (pun intended)


  • Brahma2k
    a year ago
    I’m part of that for better or worse different cast of characters. I have only 3! clubs reviewed. So when I see the PL Dream Team number of clubs reviewed, it evokes pure reverence. Sure, I might have expected the “we walked through 10 miles of snow barefoot to get to the SC!” back In the days of yore type comments from the PL dream team, but in reality their posts have been like Moses first showing a burning bush to the pagans then revealing the 10 SC for PL commandments. Please don’t ever let that stop even if tuscl characters change.
  • TheeOSU
    a year ago
    Speaking for myself I've always been a sporadic poster here. It's always been because I was busy with work and other things but have dropped off more than before because i hate the recent board 'upgrade?'.
  • JamesSD
    a year ago
    Papi's semi retirement does feel like the end of an era. I also feel like post pandemic strip clubbing isn't quite the same as it was, which likely has encouraged natural turnover. Message boards do tend to churn over time. And like a job or school, it can feel like everyone who came before you had been here "forever" and everyone who came after is "new".
  • drewcareypnw
    a year ago
    I guess like with anything, change on tuscl brings good and bad. I do think we are seeing some new folks take a chance at posting bc some of the most toxic tusclers have left us. Before founder banned Icey and Scrub, you kind of got mugged coming in the door.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    As long as I’ve been alive the last generation criticizes the next generation, then the newest generation proceeds to make the same choices as the previous generations, somehow I suspect we’ll get along just fine.
  • minnow
    a year ago
    Muddy; When you say "next gen" are you referring primarily to age, or tenure on tuscl ? Many long time tuscl posters (myself included) are boomers (born 1946 - 1964) or earlier. Some more are Gen X, but not that many obvious Millennials (born 1981 - 1996), nor Gen Z (1997 - 2012). I'm convinced that there's some Gen Z new trolls stuck in their mom's basement, but some quality new members like B2K are Gen X. So in some cases, new doesn't necessarily mean young.
  • Hank Moody
    a year ago
    New, old, young, old. Doesn’t matter. Annoying, trolling or just generally writing words that don’t say much? Two words: mute button.
  • docsavage
    a year ago
    I've been on here since 2011. Looking at my reviews, the numbers have been dropping. I did ten in 2021, five in 2022 but only one this year. I feel like this is because the adjudicators are overly critical and I'm getting tired of it. For example, on my one review this year someone said it was "incoherent". I'm a person who outscored 95% of people on the verbal part of the SAT, has a college degree in journalism, and worked on my college newspaper as a copy editor. I think I can write coherently with that background and this remark was uncalled for. I have had other similar remarks directed at me. So, my reviews have dropped. I have no interest in trying to win the approval of the hyper-demanding types here. Why should I? They aren't paying me anything.
  • RiskA
    a year ago
    I share docsavage’s attitude, and have likewise curtailed my reviews. I clearly don’t share the personal opinions of the too-explicit, don’t name names crowd which they have harped on for years despite not actually being a TOS “rule” here. Plus, why share the fruits of my spending if it’s a one-way street? I don’t hand out cash to drug-addled homeless, either. Again, this site is ok as a discussion board (with liberal application of the mute button), but it’s become not much of an info source.
  • shailynn
    a year ago
    Even though I’m still here I’m not giving you a handjob in the Walmart parking lot at 2AM. LDK82 will though and all it will cost you is a corn dog and some lemonade at the hot food counter inside Walmart.
  • TippingDollars
    10 months ago
    I stopped posting because they don't give me free access anymore even though my reviews got lots of likes and responses. I'm guessing the new owners want people to pay 100 bucks a year for this site. Now I just go to google or other reviews of clubs.
  • drewcareypnw
    10 months ago
    I don’t have any problems with my reviews. I get approved every theme, and get supportive comments. In general if people aren’t approving or are writing shitty comments, you either aren’t taking the time to write a good review or aren’t considering your audience. Feedback is good, in general.
  • rickdugan
    10 months ago
    It's the Circle of Life. The old drop off and the new step up.
  • Jascoi
    10 months ago
    founder could bring back some good features of the previous version such as free limited daily review access and our comments list (and count)and pictures. also helpful... a limited time to edit postings.
  • Longball300
    10 months ago
    I still visit but, not as often due to the new format. I no longer get to post pictures of "hot chicks with large breasts" so instead of daily I'm now a couple times a week at most.
  • NJBalla
    10 months ago
    Clubs aren’t fun for me after I discovered parlors and Independent providers. An average visit to the club costs 180-220 for an hour of fun for me. I’d rather pay the same or a little extra for the company of one girl at my place or another location. It’s also not as fun when you learn the same girl you were paying 120 to grind on your lap for 20 minutes is giving everything to guys for a little extra on other days of the week. If you aren’t privy to this ask around. It’s a hidden market
  • azdd
    10 months ago
    I've been on this site since 2005, and am also an old fart refugee from SW and the blue side Strip Club Junkies. I enjoy staying in touch with some of the old Arizona PL contingent, and occasionally connecting with newcomers via PM. I sometimes look at club info posted on the USAsexguide forum, but really only rely on this site for new info about my favorite clubs. Turnover and new perspectives are generally a good thing, but after awhile the reviews and comments all start to sound the same. I do wish we could still get a list of ALL of our comments over the years both to reviews and discussions. I used to enjoy taking that trip down memory lane, and miss it with the new format. And @Longball300, I miss your hit chick photos too!
  • loper
    10 months ago
    I think there's a lot of drop off because of the new website. It is difficult to use, esp. on a desktop or laptop, it has dropped a lot of features I was fond of -- I wish that founder would simply go back to the website's previous incarnation. Many of the females who used to frequent the discussion boards have disappeared or reduced their presence. I miss Eve, Harlem, Strippercutie?, and others. I strongly second azdd's comment above. I feel I had created an online personality with my reviews and comments, and now only the reviews remain.
  • Jascoi
    10 months ago
  • Hannathedog79
    10 months ago
    Since I only hit strip clubs in March in Phoenix, and maybe once or twice a year in California, I'm not very active here. I did just happen to notice since I've gotten full access this past week that Desert Scrub doesn't seem to be marking 90% of the positive reviews as "Shill". I always wonder if those guys were just old and passed on, got banned, or just stopped caring. I too wish there was that daily limit of viewing a couple of reviews a day even if you weren't qualified for full access. But also understand that good information doesn't come for free. Maybe it was because so many other were like me, trying to get free access that most people pay for.
  • Estafador
    10 months ago
    am I considered an old member or still new? I know i haven't posted much but I been busy learning a new skill.
  • TFP
    10 months ago
    For me I've just been using Reddit more often. It is nice not to see the familiar troll lines by those famous posters that are no longer here. Front room make out session! Geriatric tricks trolling strip clubs for hookers! And of course, club ad!
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