
40 is the new 20

Avatar for RTP
RTPCharlotte, NC

All of Muddy's reviews from the Mountain West got me thinking, dance prices made a step change during Covid and are not going back down. The clubs I frequent the most do have a $20 option, but it is an air dance. The VIP which is really the regular dance now is $35. That seems standard in Charlotte. From reading reviews, $30 - $60 per dance seems to be much more common than the $10 and $20 dances we used to get. Even Tijuana seems to be going up rapidly in price.

One big exception is Atlanta. How you guys have kept the prices down is amazing? However, if you think back, dance prices were $10 or $20 for a very long time. The clubs, dancers, managers, etc saw a chance for a raise and they got one.

I for one do not like it, but I have accepted it. The cost is more, and if I don't like it, I need to find another hobby.


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Avatar for shadowcat

Dance prices in the Atlanta area have stayed low but VIP prices have doubled. I think dance prices have stayed down do to the large number of black clubs. Around 20 of them.

Avatar for Specialj

I'm very fortunate that my local club i frequentl has $15 dances during the day. There are some dancers that charge $20 so I always discuss beforehand. I've had several of them agree to 2 4 $35. I'd say 90% of the dancers only expect $15.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

In my (limited) experience with Atlanta, when the dances are $5 or $10 per song, it's all black dancers, and immigrant dancers who are still learning English. Feels cringy to me, that someone should make less because or their race or because they are an immigrant. If dances are $10, I get six dances and then tip $40 generally. Since the songs are shorter on average where the dances are this cheap, I think that works out to about equivalent $20 for more typical song lengths. Even that feels cheap with many of the Cubans, who will do things like give you a peck on the lips, or put a nipple to your lips. But, on the other hand, that usually leads to many more than 6 dances.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

The point of view of my favs is that PLs are spending as much or more on drinks now, but less on dances and tipping. And PLs expect a lot of convo time before they'll actually pay for 1 - 2 dances.

At one club I frequented, dances were $30, but VIP was $200 for 30 minutes. That seemed fine to me, $30 - 40 to audition for VIP.

Avatar for skibum609

The cost of dances and rooms is based on what the market will bear and the business plan of the owner. Its not racial has zero to do with racism. Hour Place in northern Maine has $10.00 laps, which is a price increase from pre-pandemic. 99% white. They charge what the market will bear. On my own I bill $150.00 less per hour than what I did when I did the same job in upper end downtown law firm. My office is now in a neighborhood where a lot of posters would be afriad to go, my clientele is different and I charge much less and don't charfge for certain things any longer. My business plan is to serve poorer people. Poorer people have less money, so I charge much less. Rather than compete with every other fucking lawyer for the big momney clients, I have the poor all to myself. Rather make less money with steady business, than boom and bust.
The "black" clubs in Atlanta are the same. They charge what the market will bear and get a steady, yet less lucrative business. Seeing everything thorugh the lense of race seems to be racism itself.

Avatar for Muddy

Yeah I agree it seems that way

Avatar for RiskA

In SoCal dance prices are up just a bit, but they were already high. A few fewer specials; although I think business is down right now so they’re back for now.
I think I spend slightly more per trip, but my visit frequency is way down. I track monthly expense and it’s like 30-40% reduced. Girls’ attitudes suck lately, hard to find new CFs that I visit regularly. And prior CFs fade away in that natural progression we all know. So now I have $ for other things LOL.

Avatar for Meshuggah

The clubs are taking money out of the dances, some clubs waive a house fee for 50% of the LD money, (DB's Golden Banana, Peabody, MA)
I believe the clubs own by RCI have a blueprint, and probably take a good % off the dances.

Avatar for docsavage

You have to consider the high level of inflation over the last few years. The official inflation rate is far lower than the real one. If you measured inflation the same way it was in the seventies we would have double digit inflation. I've had 15% annual apartment rent increases over the last 3 years. So, you have to expect strip club prices to go up.

Having said that, though, some of the rise is because there are fewer guys buying lap dances so the girls feel like they need to make up for that by charging more for each dance. This may not work in the long run because guys will start visiting strip clubs less often and find a cheaper hobby.

Avatar for chiefwiggum

In these market will bear type situations, from our analysis at work (for consulting/professional services, not strippers, mind you) the reason for low market prices is primarily 1) lower market demand; and 2) less striation in income. In other words, Atlanteans don't strip club as much or don't value it as much and people are closer to making the same amount of income.

We're still feeling the effect of inflation and prices won't normalize until the market settles. Despite news reports to the contrary we are in a high inflationary period (though maybe in the tail end). That being said, $40 might very well be the new normal. If girls/clubs insist on pricing that way, then there will eventually be less clubs to go to. The clubs with discounts that I go to most and the ones I recently saw in Southern Cali all know their busiest days are the discount days. Hopefully, this will be a signal to clubs to reign in the prices.

Avatar for skibum609

Last real recession, my field was economically hammered. I didn't raise prices to make up for the loss of clients, I lowered them, to increase the number of clients. Amazing no clubs in New England thought gee maybe a few 2-1s every night to get people interested. A hard dick is more likely to pay $40, than a beer drinking dick.

Avatar for PinkSugarDoll

My guess is that it certainly costs the club more now to be open, pay for electricity, pay taxes on the building, etc etc. They charge us more. It also costs us more to live, more to pay for a place to dwell, more to get ourselves looking good, more for outfits, and at a very basic level, more to just feed ourselves and put gas in our cars.
EVERYTHING is more expensive.
Five years ago, expectations for what we do in a dance were not the same as now.
Please, don’t complain about this. We have to endure so much to do this job. Every service provider in the world is charging more than 2019.

Avatar for Jascoi

My pension is the same amount of dollars as before. My buying power is literally half as it was when I first retired. and the spousal support continues. at least my social security increases a little tiny bit.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

All you can say for sure is, nobody should feel like a victim. Lap dances are not a necessity for survival, not even Bernie Sanders thinks they're a human right. If you can have more fun with your money in some other way, good for you. If you can make your money more easily in some other way, good for you.

Avatar for Jdo11

All the hustlers want a 40 per dance rate, but can only enforce it on nights when the club's packed. I live in central Texas, and have been clubbing consistently for the past 5 years; I have only experienced dancers refusing negotiations for under 40 on weekend nights.

Our wallets and spare income is what the dancers are after. So don't settle for egregious rates if it's out of your range; just understand that you'll likely be labeled as cheap within the community of dancers local to the club. If your area is prone to segrating against your ethnicity you'll probably have club management team up with the dancers to run a scam on you. As always have the self control to walk away from the club before you get scammed.

Avatar for Specialj

As stated lap dances are a form of adult entertainment, not a necessity. If these dancers are considered private contractors, all these factors make us more vulnerable to a fluctuating market.

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