
Comments by RiskA (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Negotiating prices for VIP service.
    Negotiating is locality-dependent. Here in SoCal, nude clubs are essentially brothers or at least extras factories, for ~95% of dancers. And there’s lots of customers with money, who are willing to pay lots for convenience & the lack of need to make personal effort. So the sharks eat the chum, and us wary prey must work harder to avoid getting eaten. But negotiations are as standard as the extras: these are pros, and they aren’t offended or embarrassed by the transactional nature of sex. You need to be willing to walk, and to play the long game. I try to ease into the subject, then float my “usual” rate “if you’re interested”; they’ll usually counter too high, I’ll politely decline and move on. Maybe half eventually come back & fold like chairs, either this visit or next. But I do day shift & am clearly a regular, so that might impact results too. Every girl has every right to set their price for each transaction, and every customer has the power to say “too much.” It’s not a fast food value menu. You just need to be willing to do it, and to accept defeat sometimes. Welcome to the free market. PS If you believe what the salesgirl says about what other people pay, how successful they are, and how you get what you pay for, you get what you deserve LOL.
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    a year ago
    Day Shift Vs Night Shift
    @Brahma: “A SC is never a place to be on a budget“, so so true. But my goal is spending “wisely” for me, getting max bang for my buck. I do acknowledge that value varies by each person’s goals (the old “personal utility” measure of Econ 10); just stating my positions for consideration, not claiming they’re the only “right” ones. Besides, the more people into night shift, the less crowded my day shifts haha.
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    a year ago
    Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
    Golden showers
    As usual, the mechanics of your lion-Geraldo scenario intrigue me. Side leg lift & spray? Squat & spray (seems undignified)? A bipedal stand with 2 paws on the sprayer (the only way to get a good look at his humiliation, really)? Personally, any piss or poop-involved sex (including anal) holds no interest, same with pain. But props to Longball for his explorer spirit.
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    a year ago
    Day Shift Vs Night Shift
    My first 1-2 years of strip club visits were late night shifts, then I started doing day shifts and never looked back. Day shift is usually sedate in vibe and all about the transaction & repeat customers. Get in, low key chat, get off, get out. The no hassle stress relief I want. Night shift is the party vibe, drunks, and young & dumb (dancers & customers). Yeah there’s more & typically younger (and therefore hotter, typically) dancers, but it’s a headache. Seeking a “party vibe” experience at a strip club is about as expensive & dumb as seeking a “magical fantasy” experience at Disney: it’s manufactured, fake & ultimately disappointing. AIDS, “new feminists,” social media, and helicopter parents killed the “party vibe” lifestyle, now it’s just bullshit nostalgia for which you pay “collectors’ premium” prices. Sorry you missed the real thing that happened when freely-available birth control, women rejecting traditional roles, and casual sex were the zeitgeist. It was fun LOL.
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    a year ago
    COI Clubs
    VIP is a fixed room charge that you pay with no expectation besides a lap dance. Extras are a separate matter negotiated between consenting parties. It’s not a fast food value menu. I won’t tip more than $150-160 for FS, sometimes less, but that takes negotiation skills and these days I walk away from a LOT of first time girls who want more. Many girls know I’m a regular and offer repeat business at favorable rates. Your pricing WILL vary. I’d say any negotiated ask of $300 or more is just stupidity, but others get to spend as they deem fit.
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    a year ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Bitter Bitch vs Cumbucket
    Avoid drama; if she’s bitching to rando customers you KNOW word is out. Toxic gonna be toxic, just don’t enable (patronize) them. The petty competitive nature of women can be a tool for customers, but you have to be careful sincevtools can slip & cut you. And don’t forget the possibility that Virgin Redhead may not be sharing “the whole truth” with you.
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    a year ago
    Spearmint Rhino Online Roll Call. Every strip club should have that.
    The Rhino & Kim (Synn, Paradise, Imperial, others) have been doing it in SoCal about a year. They’re generally accurate & useful, as more real-time geared to “who’s in” rather than “scheduled” (“because, strippers” LOL a perfect summary). To pick nits, some photos are fake, old or so filtered they could be the Loch Ness monster; and some clubs lie to bait & switch (Synn North Hills routinely, most Kim clubs occasionally). But it’s better than the alternative of going in blind.
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    a year ago
    COI Clubs
    The same level of services is available at all three, but pricing, girl quality and girl quantity will vary. Paradise is mostly cheap extras with thicker, older Latinas with mercenary attitudes. Synn, a sister club, has some younger & thinner dancers (and a little broader ethnic spectrum), but the GPS is strong and it’s crowded with sucker-simp customers who enable that. Rhino COI has IMO the best lookers and the best vibe, but again it can be expensive, you need to know what you’re doing or you’ll overpay. And unlike at P, not every girl gives extras (maybe just 75-80% LOL), so you need to confirm before you pay or you have only yourself to blame. And yeah, at Synn watch out fir the clip joint tactics.
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    a year ago
    How important is a club's orientation
    +1 to JamesSD: verifiable details create credibility about other issues. Monger reviews are always a mix of lies, self-delusions, idiocy, inexperience, etc. It helps if you can tell they actually know the club. +1 to Mark94 but dude you obviously are misreading this room. The “too explicit” pearl clutchers rule this roost, deal with it. There’s other websites for those details. Here you’ll get more general indicators (at best), which is fine because any smart PL can figure it out and YMMV/YPMV anyway. There’ll always be a couple power-trippin’ OCD “Adjudicators” looking to turn thumbs down. Just ignore.
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    a year ago
    The R.O.B.
    I don’t label someone a ROB unless they promise an illegal act for a price and then don’t deliver. There you have no remedy, since the act’s illegal. Your “failure to dance for paid amount of time” is sorta that, but you can go to the club and say “she ended the dance early, I want a refund” and 90% of the time you’ll get something & she’ll get in trouble. If not, vote with your feet. Or pout, but what’s the point. Sounds to me more like pain meds & alcohol talking: another lesson in “don’t go to strip clubs or take drugs while in a bad mood.”
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    a year ago
    Cultural Appropriation by Strippers
    The ultimate problem here is OP giving any credence to words coming out of strippers’ mouths (both the exotic and her competing coworkers dishing on her). You got to just let it go in one ear & out the other, if you get caught trying to figure out Stripper World your head will explode. As to cultural appropriation, who gives a F? It’s not like there’s consequences to you if she’s lying, and it’s all pink on the inside. This weird hang up is so early 21st century elitism.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Ruh Ro, Shaggy…..
    @PSD: Yeah I wondered about that (catfishing). But I went back and looked at my two reviews that mentioned her, and that’s where he got the lead. Several PMs I didn’t attach where he mentioned details, some not in my reviews. So possible, but in any case an interesting situation good for a discussion. In any event, I’m laying low now LOL.
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    a year ago
    What is the peak # of times for best sex with a stripper?
    JamesSD’s first paragraph is how it usually goes with me ITC, and with IRL girls - absent something happening to extend (rare) or cut off early (common). I’ll usually bang a good ITC girl weekly until it peters out; usually start frequenting a different watering hole for new prey in week 5 & 6.
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    a year ago
    Every dancer’s favorite- cause they told me so
    Why dancers do wear heels - the question answered
    The best answer to this question appeared before me on stage in a seedy brothel club in COI: packed into the void in the toe of some hot stripper’s 9” translucent platform shoes was a foil strip of unopened condoms and a crisp $100 bill (this was maybe 2000). Brilliant nonverbal communication, in so many ways.
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    a year ago
    Looking for suggestions on near I95 in Carolinas & Virginia
    I suggest you save the best part of your playlist for I95 through Virginia, and don’t slow down. I live & monger in SoCal and have an inherited house (maybe more “trailer home”) in Central VA, and while there’s a lot that’s great the many strip clubs I checked out were just horror show, wastes of time (and of lots of $). No ITC FS spots. I read takeout can happen but no one mentions the cost, and if lightning strikes (lots of it here) even old, plain RiskA can occasionally find a better looking local bar patron or waitress (anonymity & $ can work miracles in small towns). But strip clubs? Yikes.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Could you ever have a long term CF that works completely clean
    Full on make-out grope with HJ and no complaint about max $40 as tip, yes but rare. Anything less, no. I’ve told this tale before, but my two longest CF “relationships” (12+ years and 6+ years) were both HJ only girls. But they were fun, great convo, kept appointments with me, and always made my day (birthday cards, kind notes if I cancelled sick, etc.). About the only 2 strippers I ever dared to think of as friends (at least privately). But if it didn’t end with a HJ release, paying just for their time? No.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Born in NYC, conceived at Woodstock.
    What is the best bumper sticker you've ever seen?
    “Three out of 10 women are battered. (But I still prefer to eat mine plain.)”
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    a year ago
    Could tuscl use a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer?
    DEI departments are relevant when it’s a publicly-traded company, when you borrow money, when your business is heavily regulated or subsidized by government, or if you’re hiring out of colleges or maybe under 35s. Such policies seem to help very little in macro business terms, but they’re a cost of doing business in the above scenarios, so we business owners play the game. I don’t think this site fits any of those scenarios. If DEI results in hiring unqualified candidates who as a practical matter can’t be fired when their ineptitude manifests, you end up warehousing them somewhere where you think harm will be minimized and you have plausible deniability. How school districts staff inner city schools, for example. Madness, and a failing strategy. Equalizing opportunities is one thing, but quotas and statistics alone are not the solution (just a possible warning sign). Here, the ability to freely post, and readers’ ability to ignore/mute, are all that’s needed.
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    a year ago
    Using dogs to connect with strippers
    I’m trusting you don’t mean “connect” in the Lego or Daisy Chain meaning, right? I think FCM action (female-canine-male) is both deeply disturbing & likely criminal, so it should be posted only in the “Politics” forum.
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    a year ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    More Trump Indictments, now Fulton County GA
    This belongs in the Politics chat room. People who post in the wrong chat room should be banned from posting for six months, and people who challenge an election and lose on the merits should be banned from running for office for the term of the office they lost plus a year. Looking at you too, Stacey Abrams. That’ll give myocardial infarction time to work it’s magic.
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    a year ago
    Ruh Ro, Shaggy…..
    But now that I’ve heard this story (if it’s true), I probably would have stopped asking, or at least asked if her husband was knowledgeable. My own wife lied to me for years, and that’s the thing I just can’t forgive even 25 years later (we had no kids and she still contacts me on some narcissistic belief I “forgave” her; but not about that). I feel for this guy, actually.
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    a year ago
    Ruh Ro, Shaggy…..
    @SpecialJ: she was too old & good looking for a typical stripper, she summarily dismissed OTC and FS for a year or so (in a club where it was basically part of the job description), and she NEVER talked about her personal life. She only worked sporadically, so she likely had another source of income for life’s needs. By this point I’d clued in from talking to that married stripper I mention in the OP, and it seemed very similar. But she wasn’t telling me about it (as the other had on like my 3rd visit), so I wouldn’t directly ask as I think that would be taken as rude. Plus maybe she’d turn LOL. She always wore these elaborate lingerie sets, usually with Indian jewelry (bindi, nose chain, bracelets). Thick, dense, black braided (usually) hair. Really well put together, an actual LA exotic 8 or 9 (IMO) in sort of a crappy club. And not a space case in convo. I’d take a relationship with a girl like that, IF she wasn’t lying to me about handling other dudes’ dicks. But I’m like a super-average looking white dude, and I never talk about or display my actual financial condition to strippers (it would only raise the price), so I’m sure I wasn’t her type — at least until she got to know me a little better and knew I was relatively harmless (apart from discussing her acts on the Internet, I guess).
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    a year ago
    What's the strip club capital of the not Florida south?
    LOL “Lots of big trucks, firearms, good ol’ boys, and fat white chicks” nails the Southern vibe. But yeah, now Northern VA and even Richmond is mostly transplants from leftist utopias who bring their man buns and warped “I know best what you really need” thinking. Unfortunately liberal morals about paid sex have not yet caught up. But the restaurants are improving.
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    a year ago
    Power Rank the States by Strip Club Experience
    Yeah in CA you need to choose your city wisely. Sacramento & Bakersfield & Ventura/Oxnard keep a tight lid on the extras; nude clubs in those towns are like topless bars but no alcohol. Pointless. I stopped going to SF in about 1995, just too much scummy street folk counterculture. San Diego is a joke, IMO; hot girls, but they play the long con and work “emotional connection” to fleece you and rarely deliver the goods (& never ITC). They all say “if you want that, go to TJ”. Geisha bars more than strip clubs. Greater LA/OC has its highlights, but spread out and can be hit & miss. The Upland club (not actually Ontario, but close) is great, but yes can seem mechanical since it’s so matter of fact, straight to business. Ecstasy in OC is good, but can get expensive & you are competing with real whales. COI and OC and the SF Valley have several solid high mileage, mid-range price clubs. West side and DT L.A. is expensive. Unfortunately, most SoCal clubs end up being kind of a “fast food” experience: anonymous, impersonal, get what you need fast & for a decent price, but not really that pleasant of an experience. It’s somewhat routine & all about the extras available, so non-explicit reviews aren’t real helpful.
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    a year ago
    Ruh Ro, Shaggy…..
    Haha, I think a married girl’s decision to have sex for money in a public place and not work it out with her husband first is the actual root of the problem here, not a foreseeable discussion of said sex among mongers on a public forum dedicated to exactly that. If you can’t stand the heat, maybe choose not to have sex in the kitchen? Protecting “your girls” from the consequences of their own actions is bad for even your own kids once they turn maybe 11; when you’re doing so for adult strippers, the fault is not in the stars but in yourself IMO.