As a someone new two the hobby I have only been to the clubs a handful of times. I was wondering if it is possible or anyone has gotten dances with two girls? I know it probably isn't as exciting as it sounds but something I want to try.
Of course it's possible, depending upon the club (I've seen guys head to the VIP with even more than 2 dancers in tow). It will just cost you an arm and a leg for what will most likely be more fun for the girls and less for you than a quality one on one
Newb questions have a strong tendency to assume strippers are homogeneous. If the two of them have any bad blood, it's probably going to suck really bad. Generally, it's good, but you'd feel like your fun per dollar would have been higher getting dances with them separately. Hypothetically, if two dancers were well practiced doing double dances (particularly with each other), seems like it could be something special. But, me personally, I haven't experienced that.
Not only is it AT LEAST double the cost, but some duos try to charge even more than double, as they consider it to be a premium experience.
In reality, it's nothing more than a gimic which plays into guys' fantasies of being part of a MFF threesome, with the PL walking away regretting paying so much for an experience which rarely lives up to the heightened expectations of what a guy thinks it will be like.
There are a couple of high-mileage big-ass dancers at a local club who do onlyfans together, and I bet they would make a lovely combo in the vip. This adventure is on my list for soonish!
(1). Yes, it's possible. (2). Yes, I've done it. (3). Yes, it's not as exciting as it sounds, and (4). Go ahead and try it; then you won't have to take our word for it. Offering to do them sequentially, on the other hand, will leave everybody happy.
Couple dozen times I reckon; say about 2/3 of them I felt were worth the $$.
Just make sure the girls are into girls and preferably have prior intimate knowledge of each other.... Although one time a girl I knew at BT's from prior VIP's and I took a baby stripper back to for her first 3-way FFM experience... now THAT was fun.
The question was can you get a lap dance from 2 girls. Most replies were about VIPs and extras which did not answer the question. doctorevil is correct. You only have one lap.
I’ve had one so my opinion is not of greatest experience.
It allows you to be the full time ‘director’ as well as participant. Make sure it is the right 2Gs. Ideally they’ve done this together before and they are good with what the needs to be done. If that’s what you’re looking for then it has good chances of being ++. If you are looking for twice the ‘traditional’ lapdance, I don’t know where you go with that. Again I’d make sure they know you’ll be wanting A B and C. But IMO picking two random strippers from a club to do 2 in VIP is not going to be worth it. Again you want the 2 to have experience together.
I’ve have a few at chica bonita in Vegas. And they are been 50/50 in how good they were, as there, one girl blocked the camera and the second used their hand to make you feel good. And by 50/50, I meant 1 girl put in the effort and the second was kind of there to be a pair a big tits for you to play with while the first girl moved to a different position. Not really worth the money after the first few times for the experience.
I've done this a couple times a long time ago. First time, I guess you could say was my first threesome but no sex was involved. I made out with one chick while her friend gave me an aggressive handy. Second time, I tried getting these two dancers to dance for me. They were friends but clearly uncomfortable doing anything sexual around each other. Shockingly, both times were not expensive.
If you want to do it, always let Girl #1 pick Girl #2, don’t pick for them. The more they’ve been with each other before sexually, the better your experience will be. But girl-on-girl is never a guarantee. They may just want to halve their workload. At its best it’s fun, but usually it’s not worth the cost. Good way to check off a bucket list item. Yes you will pay each of them the dance/room rate and tip each separately (and not different amounts, it will piss both off regardless of your reasons).
I’ve done it a few times and regretted it every time. Waste of money. My experience involves one girl giving me a dance while the other stands by awkwardly. Then they switch. Like someone already stated, twice the cost, half the fun.
Rule of thumb is it's generally better to do two separate VIPs than one double.
My best experiences with doubles have been when it's slow and two friends try to sell together. There can be some wiggle room on price and if they are legitimately into each other there can be some good kissing and tit sucking.
Option B is to do a couple doubles regular dances as a warm up to take one to VIP. Those air dance prices can turn into a lesbian show
I have had two-girl dances in the distant past. Both were not a good value - double the cost and also much more air-dancing. Maybe if the girls were more into each other, it could have been a better show.
The was an upside to the second time though... I was familiar with one of the pair already and her dances were okay at best. The other dancer was new to me and more fun. I never saw the new dancer again, but on subsequent visits, the familiar dancer was much much better. Maybe just a coincidence?
But... if there's enough space in the room and if it's two dancers that work well together, then it can be pretty great. I base this on personal experience.
last commentIn reality, it's nothing more than a gimic which plays into guys' fantasies of being part of a MFF threesome, with the PL walking away regretting paying so much for an experience which rarely lives up to the heightened expectations of what a guy thinks it will be like.
Just make sure the girls are into girls and preferably have prior intimate knowledge of each other.... Although one time a girl I knew at BT's from prior VIP's and I took a baby stripper back to for her first 3-way FFM experience... now THAT was fun.
I've had great 2 girl dances, but for all the reasons listed by our friends here it was carefully planned out and my idea
It allows you to be the full time ‘director’ as well as participant. Make sure it is the right 2Gs. Ideally they’ve done this together before and they are good with what the needs to be done. If that’s what you’re looking for then it has good chances of being ++.
If you are looking for twice the ‘traditional’ lapdance, I don’t know where you go with that. Again I’d make sure they know you’ll be wanting A B and C. But IMO picking two random strippers from a club to do 2 in VIP is not going to be worth it. Again you want the 2 to have experience together.
At its best it’s fun, but usually it’s not worth the cost. Good way to check off a bucket list item. Yes you will pay each of them the dance/room rate and tip each separately (and not different amounts, it will piss both off regardless of your reasons).
My best experiences with doubles have been when it's slow and two friends try to sell together. There can be some wiggle room on price and if they are legitimately into each other there can be some good kissing and tit sucking.
Option B is to do a couple doubles regular dances as a warm up to take one to VIP. Those air dance prices can turn into a lesbian show
The was an upside to the second time though... I was familiar with one of the pair already and her dances were okay at best. The other dancer was new to me and more fun. I never saw the new dancer again, but on subsequent visits, the familiar dancer was much much better. Maybe just a coincidence?
But... if there's enough space in the room and if it's two dancers that work well together, then it can be pretty great. I base this on personal experience.