
Clubs where the bar regs are friends

avatar for nicespice

And not because they were already friends. But they met at the club and became furniture together. Become Facebook friends. Stuff like that.

Is your local club like that? If so, has anybody ever joined the “friend group”?


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avatar for misterorange
1 yr ago

On the strip club circuit, I think the song is "You wanna go where NOBODY knows your name!"

avatar for rattdog
1 yr ago

not exactly into a cheers type of scene, as that is far and away from my to do list when inside strip clubs. it would be nice instead to meet at the club a girl that will be my reliable fave and best case scenario eventually hump together on a piece of furniture, whether inside the club or some living or bedroom. friend groups eventually via facebook, twitter (soon to be x?) - shit like that? ahh not really.

avatar for Estafador
1 yr ago

holy crap? THey can transform into furniture? You sure they weren't just transformers, furniture in disguise?

avatar for Huntsman
1 yr ago

I honestly have no idea if it happens at clubs I go to. Personally, I have zero interest in chatting anyone up other than dancers that catch my attention. I’m not rude or standoffish if someone engages me in a very brief convo. But I’m there for an escape, not expanding my social circle.

avatar for nicespice
1 yr ago

I kid you not, that is how one of the clubs in Denver is. One of my regulars would spend a good chunk of time with me, and then when I would leave, he would move from the table over to the bar. And he’s Facebook friends with a bunch of people there. The second time that club had a Covid shutdown, one of them texted and asked me when the club would be open. I told him that he knew more than me and he should let me know, lol

I also knew Bucks in Fort Worth had a whole clique of cheapskates who sat at a particular table together near one of the stages. They told me they had met at that club, and eventually became friends.

Some of these super localsy type of clubs really do have that. But then again, I’ve also worked at other locals types of clubs and it wasn’t like that.

avatar for motorhead
1 yr ago

I’m dating myself - but I friended a regular at one club back in the “MySpace” days pre Facebook. You could make up user names like TUSCL. Unfortunately he couldn’t be trusted and revealed private discussions between us with some dancers like a 9th grade school girl

avatar for misterorange
1 yr ago

For years I was a frequent regular at a dive club in Irvington, NJ. I was there enough that I would recognize some of the other patrons and I'm sure they recognized me also. But we never interacted on any meaningful level. Just this one dude, I happened to be sitting next to him and we were both inadvertently involved in a funny incident that caused us and others to laugh pretty hard. After that, the most I ever did was like a subtle nod when I saw him, and made it a point not to sit near him. I don't need any friends in a place like that, and I think he probably felt the same way.

avatar for Dolfan
1 yr ago

It happens at some clubs around here. I'm not into that part of the clubbing experience, so I don't know if they were friends before they started going to the club or met at the club and became friends. If I had to guess, it's the latter. i don't know if they're facebook friends and shit, but I'm pretty sure they'd fit your description.

No, I've never joined that clique. I'm not interested in making friends with dudes at strip clubs and even if I were most of em seem like guys I'd not choose to be friends with. I don't do facebook at all anyway. I've had a conversation or two with one or two, mostly local sports related & typically spurred by wearing some sort of team clothing or having the came on TV & being seated near enough to hear each other cheer/curse for good/bad plays. On a few rare occasions it might spill over into some other topic.

Here, there's some where those cliques continue across clubs. For example, there's some guys who all hang out in a specific area of Gold Club. There's also some guys who hang out in a specific area of Booby Trap. Then there's a third group who do both. Again, I don't pay that much attention to who they are, what they're doing. But I can't help but notice as they go out of their way to make spectacles of themselves. I had to venture a guess I'd say the drug dealer is the glue that holds them all together. That, and there's a few remora's who are just feeding off the scraps of their respective ballers and some lonely dudes who'll talk to just about anyone who'll listen. They like the dudes cause they don't have to pay them like they do the strippers.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago

Not being part of such a group, it would be hard to know if they exist. I almost always go alone, I've only ever gone with off-duty strippers. (It's good strip clubs don't put up "no outside food" signs.) But, seems like most PLs want their wing-PLs. I wouldn't really know where they originally met.

avatar for Salty.Nutz
1 yr ago

Bourbon Street Phoenix day shit. I limit the small talk because i get annoyed sometimes too. I could just imagine what strippers go through

avatar for etsutwigg222
1 yr ago

Sounds like the makings of a gangbang.

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

The clique at The Gold Club, but one of those guys is a pimp if you want more about him pm me.
Booby Trap the guy is a dealer, but he’s usually friendly likes to show off buying drinks all around and never acts like a hood guy.

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

There are other customers?

avatar for Sgtsnowman
1 yr ago

When I visited the Bear Den in Magna, Utah this spring, I definitely saw a lot of locals who were clearly just hanging out with friends for a beer. I only stopped by twice. But it seemed to be that vibe for a table or two of people each time I went.

avatar for Jascoi
1 yr ago

in the last 9.5 years i have made a lot of friends in hkTijuana. most of them are actually cool.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
1 yr ago

Baltimore aka Smalltimore has only a handful of clubs with a decent day shift so the faces start to become familiar. I haven’t made any friends I’d see OTC or even guys I’d meet at the club, but I’ll talk to a few of them when I run into them in the club. There was one time when I saw a penthouse door guy at the bar of Millstream but couldn’t place where I knew him from, only that he was familiar and I said hello. Had I recognized how I knew him, I would’ve bought him a drink. I don’t usually need bouncer assistance, but if I ever do, it’s good to have those guys vouching for you.

avatar for Evergreen98
1 yr ago

At HiLiter in Phoenix, there is this guy Tommy who stops by most Wednesday afternoons. He doesn’t buy dances because he is married. He tries to sell car insurance to the dancers. The dancers now leave him alone. No cover, 2 for 1 beers. He is a customer that can go to the club and make money. He sold an auto policy to 2 of the Asian dancers.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago

I was at a club once with two off-duty dancers, and a guy decided to sit down with us so we could be gender-balanced. He and I did not become friends.

In any case, I've got the classic old guy problem with not being able to screen out background noise. Conversing with anyone, including dancers, is a big, frustrating effort, for me and the other person.

avatar for docsavage
1 yr ago

I've only had a couple conversations with other strip club customers, and they were drunk. It was mostly them talking and me politely nodding my head in agreement. One of them asked me if I knew who controlled the world. I asked who, expecting him to say, "the Jews", but was surprised when he said the Queen of England. I found out later I had run into a member of the Lyndon LaRouche cult, since that is what they think.

avatar for Subraman
1 yr ago

At my fave club, there were a small group of regulars that were always at the bar. I don't know if they were friends, exactly, but they clearly knew each other and were friendly, and sometimes they'd interact, have a laugh, etc. Every once in a while I'd be sitting at the bar and the stripper who was with me would introduce me to the regular next to us (all the girls knew these guys obviously), and we'd talk some shit for a while before I pulled the stripper over to a table. I don't know that I want to be friends friends with those guys, but I never saw a downside to having someone to joke with a bit when we were up at the bar

avatar for rickthelion
1 yr ago

This rick doesn’t want to interact with normie males. I may magnanimously give rickvice to the normies on TUSCL, but in the club I want to interact with the females. And maybe other ricks. After all, you can’t have a rickbang unless there is more than one rick fuckin’ the female. ROAR!!!

avatar for rickmacrodong
1 yr ago

Evergreen that sounds like a good story and I wonder what other types of careers could also make sales in a bar or club setting? Also that probably isn’t officially allowed ?

avatar for RiskA
1 yr ago

I recently did a post about dudes who try to talk to me in the strip club bathroom, which I view as a party foul. SoCal nude clubs are mostly brothels rather than neighborhood bar types, so few guys are in there to talk to other dudes. I’ve seen groups come in together, but don’t recall regulars joining other regulars. But a little hard to say since in clubs I’m not really noticing other guys (unless they’re acting up).

avatar for rickdugan
1 yr ago

===> "This rick doesn’t want to interact with normie males. I may magnanimously give rickvice to the normies on TUSCL, but in the club I want to interact with the females."

Props to rickthelion on this one. Exactly.

My favorite local club definitely has a Cheers vibe during the early evening, but I've never made any effort to get to know any of them. I'm sure some of them are decent enough fellas, but I just have no interest.

avatar for rickmacrodong
1 yr ago

Good post Ricky.

avatar for georgmicrodong
1 yr ago

Given what happened to another monger of my acquaintance, about which I posted some time back, I've pulled back even from the occasional "club friend" things that were developing. Not gonna chance a blabbermouth incident.

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