Extras Tips

Lost Guy
So I wanted to get a general baseline of what everyone tips for extras, as I see a lot of people complaining about cost increases. I personally never went to many strip clubs before the lockdown as I didn’t have a lot of extra funds. So I don’t really know prices from before and now sure what is considered a good tip or a “easy target” tip.
I just want to know how much people tip for HJ, BJ, and FS on average(I’m from California so my sense of cash might be different from people elsewhere)
last commentAn actual dollar amount can vary by location. Regardless of your location, here's a few things:
Tip $1k and you will get no complaints and a kiss to boot!
The standard is 3x the price of the combo meal 1 at the nearest drive thru.
Tip commensurate with your level of satisfaction, it's that simple. I have tipped between 0 and 50% depending on how many boxes she checked. Of course, the better you communicate with her to indicate what those boxes are, the more of an opportunity she will have to check them.
I've had some girls in the USA. totally satisfied with just their cut of the VIP room. others are satisfied with $50 some $100 and I've gone up from their depending on her hotness and beauty... $200 is not uncommon for a damn good looking girl. $250 for an epic session and with one girl I went 450. totally totally totally epic!
if the service is GOOD. ANd I mean, I want to come back for seconds, I tip 100%. If it's meh (usually I haven't experienced the middle), I don't tip anything.
I’m from Southern California and have been around. Extras at local clubs SHOULD cost you $40/80-100/120-150, IF you know how to negotiate & are willing to walk away. You will need to pay more in some clubs & for some girls, if you choose to do so. Opening offers will always be higher, but 90% will reduce. You cannot be afraid to bargain, and always do it BEFORE you pay to go into the VIP room (or you lose all leverage).
It takes some practice and trial & error. If you can’t or won’t waste some money and a lot of time, you’ll end up paying more. Maybe you’ll think it’s worth it.
PS: seeking such local-specific info on this website is generally a fool’s errand, as the handful of usual commenters live in very different markets. Better to post in specific club’s’ discussion boards.
This happened to me recently. A good-looking dancer offering to fuck me in the private room for the same price she asked to blow in the car in the parking lot. Huh? What pricing model is that?
Because the private room had cameras and I knew we'd be contorting to avoid the lens, I took the BJ in the car. Then I tried to talk her into climbing on. BJ only.
And to tell the truth, it wasn't that great.
You gotta define tip. I can't tell what you're asking.
I'm not familiar with the pricing structure in CA, but in south Florida there's generally 3 kinds of costs. The first is the cost of the room, typically paid to the house and paid up front. The second is a variable number to for whatever it is you want her to do. It's typically paid directly to the girl, with pre or post payment sometimes being a negotiated point. The third is any sort of tip, which is pretty much always after the fact and depends on satisfaction.
Some clubs have slightly different customs or arrangements, but there should always be a distinction between the agreed upon price & a tip. The agreed upon price is owed in all but the most egregious situations. Tipping is an entirely optional payment that is commensurate with the level of service. Some people feel like not tipping at all should be reserved for terrible service, some people only tip a small amount and one when service is over the top fantastic.
Personally, how much I tip depends both on the level of service I received and the agreed upon price. If a dancer agrees to a price that's below market and delivers an average performance I'll typically tip her the at least the difference between her below average price and the market rate. On the other hand, if she demands a base rate that's above average and delivers above average service I'm probably still not gonna tip her, I consider the amount I paid above market her tip. Often, tips are rounded up or down based on the denominations of bills I've got. I'm not gonna ask a stripper for change.
In terms of actual dollar amounts, as someone else said, that's very area and club dependent. Reviews for your club and experience are the best way to figure that out. Guys will lie about how much they paid, girls will lie about how much they typically get. But with a little experience, you'll figure out your market.
Dolfan makes an important point. We agree a price for a service. Though people may call it a "tip" for a range of reasons, it's a price that you're obliged to pay (assuming the service was performed). The genuine "tip" is anything you choose to pay on top of the agreed price.
One of my greatest laments was a Japanese girl who quit too soon. She told me one of the prime reasons was too many guys expecting extras for the price of the dances. Cheapskate assholes. I wouldn't run that jive on the ugly girls never mind the hot ones.
Dolfan & sgreyeff make valid points. My price points are purely the negotiated price for delivery of the act. The room is extra. “Good service” rewards are extra - and in my practice, rare. Repeat business and becoming a regular normally serves that function. I tip more mainly if they spent extra time in a decent conversation before/after the act, not because they yelled “RiskA you’re the best!” a few times while actually making up their grocery list in their head….