Comments by kumasdaisy
discussion comment
13 years ago
New York
Saying most of these things in my club is verboten.
Especially sad-sack shit like "I need x money to pay x bill." We recently signed a contract saying we wouldn't make up sad stories to extract money from customers.
As for #4, I usually don't say anything until my nipples start to chafe. And then I just pinch right back. :p
Nice post, I have no complaints.
discussion comment
14 years ago
To answer your question, probably not, but this website has little to do with those jobs, which is why I posted this. Also, it has to do with entitlement and people forgetting that stripping is a job.
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14 years ago
New Jersey
Enjoy the attention and be generous with tips. If girls seem to want to chat, then chat; it's not like they're going anywhere. Don't feel obligated to buy dances you don't want, though. Just be nice, and do tip.
discussion comment
14 years ago
There was a dancer at my club named Reeses at one point. There was a surge of flower names at one point - Daisy (me), Lilli, Rose, Violet... but a lot or girls just make up names that aren't even real words.
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14 years ago
I'm sure he's guilty, and I'm sure the evidence will show that. I hope this woman gets justice. An incident like that can destroy a person.
discussion comment
14 years ago
GoVikings - Basically. He would roll up at around midnight, ask if I had done other dances. If I said no, he would accuse me of lying. If I said yes, he would freak out, get a dance with another girl, and ask her to point out which customers I had danced for. Weird dude. He once tried to get me fired by calling the club and "outing" me as a bisexual, as if they weren't already aware, having witnessed my persistent flirting with the other bisexual/curious dancers. :p
Samsung - That was exactly what I was worried about! Fantasy plays a huge role from what I understand... I still generally don't tell customers unless they are persistent about wanting to meet OTC, which generally only happens with Latino customers who only like me because I can break the language barrier. I especially avoid telling my recently-divorced customers!
HonestT - My man won't go near the club because he's worried about preventing me from making money, even though the management likes him. If he is picking me up he usually "plays customer" and chats with the other guys hanging around the bar. It's very fun.
I think I'm just going to take off the ring from now on, unless my fingers get fat to the point where this is impossible. Although I don't like secrets, some things are better left unsaid perhaps.
discussion comment
14 years ago
The club I work at has very little competition. Most people have the choice to drive 15 minutes to Kuma's or over an hour to the second closest location.
That said, I think we could stand to have some competition... Although our dance prices are low ($20 gets you five nude minutes regardless of whether Freebird is being played), we could stand to improve our decorations and atmosphere. I feel like a new club opening up nearby would give us a reason to try just that much harder.
I think that clubs that have competition and don't care about it are destined to fail. But on the other hand, competition doesn't necessarily mean the lower prices win out. High prices make a place look exclusive, like something cool just has to be going on in there, and that attracts plenty of douchebags from out of town who think they're all that.
discussion comment
14 years ago
I like coming here to see the other perspectives too. Just the same as some comments here have expressed interest in learning a dancer's perspective, I like learning a customer's perspective. I first came on here to see what criticisms Kuma Charmers was getting to bring some ideas to out staff meetings on what we could be doing better.
As for reviews, I don't see why it's such a problem if dancers post reviews geared toward other dancers. Decoding customer's reviews is a process when trying to find out more about a club we might want to work at. Some things that are important for females to know (as both dancers and customers) are not covered by male reviewers (Is there an ominous feeling that you might be raped? Check yes or no!). I think it's also good for TUSCL if it can attract a more broad audience.
Oh, and sexualchoc: Sorry, but you're going to have to get over your fear of females SC patrons. We can move in whatever public places we choose. Just because you have a dick doesn't mean you have a claim to all strip clubs. Welcome to the post-feminist world!
discussion comment
14 years ago
New York
Georgmicrodong - I'm always glad when guys let me know what they want before getting a dance. I hate doing rough dances, so if somebody wants that I refer him to another dancer. Mindless grinding or slow and sensual for me, but it's always nice to know what to expect beforehand. Guys should definitely be more upfront about what they want.
discussion comment
14 years ago
I meant "odd" practice, not "on." Oops!
discussion comment
14 years ago
I don't like the "no women without escort" crap some clubs do. I have had great female customers and awful female customers, and the same goes for male customers. My club is female friendly and we encourage women to come in especially if they're auditioning. There are a handful of older couples who come in for lap dances separately and individually, and I've seen some lesbian customers come through, too.
One practice we do have though, which I find odd, is that we only extend
the couple's discount on shower shows to heterosexual couples. Also, some dancers are more female friendly than others.
I think it's an on practice for men at the tip rail to congratulate female customers, buy them dances, etc. But I guess those are just the perks of having a vagina.
discussion comment
14 years ago
I often tell customers they have beautiful eyes when there's nothing remarkable about them to comment on.
discussion comment
14 years ago
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
This has never been my experience as a dancer. I do see a point to interacting with customers who won't spend money on me. It creates an atmosphere and adds to the overall fantasy for customers. While I won't spend more than a few minutes talking to someone who won't buy a dance, I will chat for a bit because I know that word of mouth is great advertising, and if I can build a good reputation as a friendly person with interesting things to say who also happens to have a great ass, there's no harm in that. So when I'm not busy, I spend time establishing a little rapport.
On that same token, the girls at the club I work at often go out of their ways to help one another. If a guy won't get a dance with you, he might like another girl, and if you can set them up together, that girl might return the favor in the future.
I guess every dancer and club is different, but to me, being polite, helpful, and friendly has been profitable, and even if it's not, I don't see much harm in it.
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14 years ago
Well, book guy, if it's sexual activity, it's prostitution and it's all illegal.
discussion comment
14 years ago
Lap dances don't rise to the level of art, but yet a community theatre company putting on a shitty rendition of Brigadoon for the 95th time does? Bullshit. Granted, some lap dances I personally give are less artsy-fartsy than others, but a dancer is an artist, athlete, actress, and businesswoman. I think we deserve at least a little credit through tax exemption. This ruling reeks of classism in addition to just being plain inconvenient. Additionally, it just goes to show that the men in charge in this godforsaken pit of despair we call New York are still somehow afraid of women's erotic power (as well as our bodies themselves). It's backward and unfair. Clearly none of these people understand the history of exotic dance; it is, and always has been, a performance.
God forbid somebody makes the mistake of letting me pass the bar exam in this state... all hell is going to break loose.
discussion comment
14 years ago
I simply don't add customers on Facebook, and I get irritated when they add me too. I don't want them knowing my last name, the names of my family members, etc. I don't even add other dancers because of the headache it involves.
A customer is a customer is a customer, no matter how "close" you are.
discussion comment
14 years ago
This kind of thing gets me angry. Obscenity laws should be protecting us from sick shit like child porn and bestiality, not from consenting adults making homemade porn.
discussion comment
14 years ago
Shadowcat - you can't always negotiate, though. At my club, the dances are fixed at a specific price and we don't negotiate for tips... So, no negotiation.
Also, I have not felt the sting of the bad economy. Like someone said, sleaze sells, no matter what the circumstances.
discussion comment
14 years ago
GoVikings - Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one, and most of 'em stink.
Johnbrwon001 - That's hot, I must say.
discussion comment
14 years ago
GoVikings - Yes indeed it is.
Shadowcat - Wouldn't put it past some men I know!
discussion comment
14 years ago
I prefer short hair on women, but then again, I'm also a woman. I like more androgynous ladies.
However, as for dancers, it's just plain stupid to cut your hair off. Long hair differentiates us from men so it makes sense why they prefer it.
discussion comment
14 years ago
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Why is it that you all feel so entitled? I've never broken the rules of my club (or the rules I set for myself based on my comfort levels) and I still make great money. You must all be male models or something to have these girls letting you molest them like that, because where I work, you don't even need to give "extras" to do well...
Bizarre. Also, creepy...
discussion comment
15 years ago
First of all, at any decent, classy strip club there are no extras to be had.
Second, general etiquette is to tip after or during a lapdance... if you're trying to get our attention, forgetting to tip in dances is NOT a good way to go, regardless of how you tip at the stage.
Don't be cheap.