
Women in Strip Clubs - Distraction or Enhancement?

Wednesday, June 15, 2011 8:42 AM
This is Mrs. m00tpoint. Some of the strip clubs we visit are very couple and female friendly. Others, not so much. In almost all instances, at least one gentleman has commented on my presence, offered to buy a lap dance for me, enthusiastically thanked me for going to the tip rail or complimented me. My question is: does the presence of an openly comfortable female enhance the strip club experience for you guys out there or would you rather women just stayed home and let this remain a predominantly male venue? If you enjoy a woman's presence, are there particular things that you appreciate or alternatively hate from a woman patron?


  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Older couples that come in together to enjoy the club and even get private dances do not bother me. It is the young ones, especially in groups, that just come there to party with the music, get drunk and act obnoxious that piss me off.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Women should stay home and have a good dinner ready for us men when we return exhausted from all those lap dances we got in the strip club.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    several strip clubs will not even let women inside unless they have a male escort. Too bad because a lot of good customers are females (lopaw)
  • gsv
    13 years ago
    Yes, I've seen clubs with the policy that ss1 is referring to. It is indeed unfortunate. I have no problem with women being in the strip club - I'm all for it, whether they are escorted or not. If they are getting rowdy and obnoxious then obviously that's not good, but I wouldn't want guys doing that either.
  • kumasdaisy
    13 years ago
    I don't like the "no women without escort" crap some clubs do. I have had great female customers and awful female customers, and the same goes for male customers. My club is female friendly and we encourage women to come in especially if they're auditioning. There are a handful of older couples who come in for lap dances separately and individually, and I've seen some lesbian customers come through, too. One practice we do have though, which I find odd, is that we only extend the couple's discount on shower shows to heterosexual couples. Also, some dancers are more female friendly than others. I think it's an on practice for men at the tip rail to congratulate female customers, buy them dances, etc. But I guess those are just the perks of having a vagina.
  • kumasdaisy
    13 years ago
    I meant "odd" practice, not "on." Oops!
  • thesamurai
    13 years ago
    I don't know how accurate this is, but I've had more than one dancer tell me they don't like women customers because they tend to be terrible tippers and if they come in with their bf, jealousy is often an issue. My own opinion is if a person has money and wants to watch strippers, go for it.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    13 years ago
    I'm fine with women customers in strip clubs, as long as it's obvious that they're customers! I had one, now funny, experience several years ago, in the Spearmint Rhino in Van Nuys, CA. I had been eyeing a dancer (or so I thought) for a long time. She looked very inviting, was in a pretty costume, but talking to one particular customer (or so I thought) for a very long time. I finally went up to her to say, "I'd like to get a dance with you when you're available." She responded, "Oh, I'm sorry, but I'm not a dancer." It was the night before Halloween, and I didn't stop to think that she might be just a regular customer, in a Halloween costume. It was probably her boyfriend that she was with. (Had HE been in costume too, I would have realized that she wasn't a customer.) They both chuckled at my request, and I slinked back to my seat.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    i've seen women customers that were hotter than the dancers. that i like ;)
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Women in strip clubs is the *point* of going. :) Seriously, as long as a customer isn't disruptive, or being a whale and hogging all the best girls, it makes no difference to me. I will admit, though, that the prospect of a "civilian" tittie or two making an appearance is a bit of a turn on.
  • johnbrwon001
    13 years ago
    It used to weird me out when guys brought girls into clubs but then I did it once and it's actually fun and funny to hear what a girl has to say about the attractiveness of dancers and their bodies. And I've found that dancers are a lot more lenient with female customers as far as groping on stage, so it's actually a turn on.
  • highlander2973
    13 years ago
    My club has a 'couples night' where couples can come in with no cover charge. But most couples come in on the weekend nights. In my experience one of two things happen with female customers. They either get drunk and rowdy and then try to be a stripper, or they're gonna sit there with their arms folded across their chest giving death glares to their significant other the whole night.
  • LeeH
    13 years ago
    Never had any negative reactions to female patrons. A few minorly positive ones: * Just like other dancers, female customers can get away with a lot more in plain view than male customers. So unless girl-on-girl action is a turn-off, that can be a nice little bonus. * One female customer that I saw was leaning over the tip rail a lot. Her blouse was sleeveless with arm holes that went almost to her waist. All the leaning was showing off a lot, and she had the firmest breasts in the club. * I've never seen a happy/party drunk guy that wasn't obnoxious. I've seen plenty of women that can be.
  • m00tpoint
    13 years ago
    Thanks for your input. At one of the clubs we frequently visit, a couple of dancers have actually told us women there tend to be BETTER tippers than the men. We happen to tip quite well if the dancer warrants.
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    I don't see women in the club's I go to. Now don't get me wrong, I've seen a few here and there, but it's rare. I don't care whether a woman is there or not, doesn't matter to me either way. Same goes for couples. I rarely see a man and a woman together in the club's I visit. However, I did see a couple the last time I visited a club, and boy did they have a great time. They were sitting at the tip rail for the majority of the time I saw them there and were tipping the dancers. The dude was drunk and seemed to be having a great time. It was quite funny to me, because I'm not use to seeing couples in strip club's.
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